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Everything posted by essi2

  1. Poor design decision by Obsidian, hopefully they will fix this themselves.
  2. NVSE does not and probably never will work with "Non-Steam" versions of the game.
  3. Well, you did say Thanks in advance in your OP... so you weren't really that rude. But thanks for the kudos anyways :)
  4. This sentence does not explain if steam has to be in online mode everytime or just once to enable nvse...and can be switched to offline mode afterwards.. Steam Community In-Game doesn't require steam to have a internet connection to function(Obviously it won't actually connect to the community), so as long as it just requires Steam Community In-game to be enabled you should be okay. EDIT: NOOO, I was too late.
  5. Interesting idea, looking forwards to seeing how this turns out.
  6. Most sceptics will probably be more entusiastic (or atleast less sceptic) once you release something :)
  7. The Sisters of Battle are not Witch Hunters by default, tradisionally they have been the military branch of the Ecclesiarchy. This because the Ecclesiarchy are not allowed to have MEN at arms.
  8. Wrong. http://www.moddb.com/mods/warhammer-40k-shattered-lineage Who here votes that these amazing texture jobs be offered up to these guys for use in their TCM? Show of hands! NO WAY!?! This just made my day :D :shows hand:
  9. The science of Fallout is based on what people expected the aftermath of a nuclear war to be and most people didn't believe it possible for nature for bounce back from nuclear fallout befor the chernobyl accident which proved that nature comes back stronger then ever. Also any information scientific or pure fiction that was not mainstream during the 50s or a parody of said info, isn't relevent to the Fallout universe and would be unfallouty. I would not be suprise if this is what happened. And the cobalt although would be plausible as apart of the Fallout lore. And a green Fallout game would become just another RPG/SHOOTER and would seize to be a Fallout game regardless of the timeline of the game.
  10. I fail to see the problem with how the DC wasteland looks.... anyone care to enlighten me?
  11. I'm going to assume you're talking about Frank Horrigan... although that wouldn't make much sense since he was killed in 2242...
  12. Looking pretty good :) FO3 is somewhat lacking in WW2-era weapons, there's nothing quiet like gunning down bad guys with an MP40 :pirate:
  13. As far as I know that isn't possible nor will it be possible is the near forseeable future.
  14. You might also want to integrate some of the European weapons manufacturers into the EC specific weapons.
  15. I took a look at the Fallout Bible and it seems the EUC-Mid East war started in April 2052, not in 2054 as your timeline suggests.
  16. Sweet 8) All that's missing is a 40k TC of Fallout 3 :ninja:
  17. Looking good, I wish you all the best with the mod :)
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