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Everything posted by icemaiden

  1. Thank all of you for answering, I use Mozilla, I'll check my addon settings, but only have one, adblock, and have never had a problem with it before. I also tried Google Chrome, which is my other browser, and it doesn't work with the either. I'll try a different browser, one that the website-issues has listed.
  2. I can get to the main page, but when I click on my game, mods, mail, recent news, ext at the top, nothing happens. In other words, I can't get to my games and mods for my games. Just wondering if anyone else has ever had this problem, and if there may be a fix?
  3. Thank you Thandal, I hope it helps others also. :smile:
  4. I was having the same problem with my Collectors Edition of DOA, and thought it was just because it's the same game I bought when the game came out, but though the DLC was there, I couldn't get Shale to work, and had no premium content in game. I found this site: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Downloadable_content_%28Origins%29#Manual_installation and read the directions. Turns out, I didn't have the second part of the Shale download that unlocks it. Didn't even know there was a second download I was supposed to have already. Downloaded that, and Premium content showed up on all of the characters I made. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but I'm sharing this because it was so frustrating not knowing why the content said it was active, but couldn't play it. If you have it, you have to use daupdater to install it, but it gives directions for installing it with a Steam install also. Hope this helps someone.
  5. Did you find a fix for your problem? I have the same problem, partially, as I have Shale on two of the characters I created, but not for the third, just nothing there, no Sulcherspass. My DAUpdater is working, tried to re-install, and I don't want to uninstall/reinstall since he's there with my other two characters. REALLY odd bug though, one of the characters I have with him as a companion, he speaks in Russian, though the subtitles are English. Does anyone know why that would happen? Or how to fix it?
  6. Has the site been updated? I've had IE7 for a couple of years now, and it worked before to download any of the files I used. BTW, thank you all for the answers, and trying to help, I really appreciate it.
  7. I still use IE 7 as I still have xp Pro, just with updated graphics and HD. It's the same as I've had for a couple of years and never had this problem before.
  8. Yes, that's the way I've always done it before, but now it won't let me go to the file name portion of the file to download it at all, just stays on the description and that's the only one that will show. I don't mind the ads, and only wanted to get the mods I had before for the games before trying the new nexus mod manager. I'm using IE, as I always have before and never had a problem. There's the description button, the file button, the photo button, the comments button, ect, but the only one that works for me now is the description button, none of the others will click on when I try.
  9. I've been downloading files from nexus for a long time, but now I can't download anything. Had a hard drive go out on me, got a newer, better, larger one, but in replacing my game mods, when I go to the file, click on the file button, it doesn't work anymore. The only place it will go is to the description of the file, not the file part where you download them manually. If I had the new nexus download manager, would that work. Can't you download manually anymore? I had a lot of files from DA and DA2, Fallout 3 and FO-Vegas, Oblivion, ect, and now can't download any of them anymore. Any help would be appreciated. I know that I should put this into the tech support forum, but even getting this one to open up took forever, as did writing the post. Lots of lag, must be lots of people on.
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