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Everything posted by Doodle1337

  1. Anyone know how to apply these things to spells though? It's absolutely ridiculous how the VL grip move, and other spells like Apocalypse Throw/Slam/Earth to Water basically can skyrocket someone 50 feet in the air and they take ZERO damage upon falling and get up right after.
  2. Before I continue I would like to thank you for replying gamefever. I downloaded BOSS before, but I believe I told my zone alarm to deny internet access to it, and it never worked. Re-downloading didn't help either. I don't use anything that uses SKSE or Script Dragon. I am still using 1.6 because I am waiting for dawnguard to go on sale on steam, and I have heard 1.7 has a lot of problems and find 1.6 reasonable stable and compatible with the mods (I ask in comments usually for each file I want to try out) I always update FNIS generating thingy. I do not have crafting overhaul. Again, the key main points I have are that: 1. I've experienced this before with another save 2. I've also 'fixed' it on the older save via the methods I've described trying and is written on UESP 3. I've also had it fail to fix, but I was fortunate to have another file 30 minutes apart that somehow did not have this problem 4. The current file I am in is too far in progress compared to the last save, and all the previous actions I've tried according to the UESP page has not worked, as the page itself explains it is simply random and not guaranteed 5. Usually animation problems (I've had lots of these) are very consistent, and can be replicated via other saves with similar characteristics. For example, the New Animation Pack by XP32 disables my blocking animation with two handers, and certain mods that ask me to overwrite, turn out that I need to overwrite one gender but not the other. I usually spend a lot of time making sure all the mods I plan to use every run works before I invest hours into it. 6. My save was perfectly fine for a very long time before breaking this, although I may or may not have had this problem on that particular character before but it went away.
  3. No one has this problem? :[ should I just make a new game then?
  4. When I use any sort of crafting station (smelter, work bench, grind stone, enchanter, alchemist table, etc) it automatically prompts me to exit it as if I was spamming the exit button. I have tried numerous methods including re-installing the game (keeping the saves), re-starting the game, and even according to http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Bugs tried interrupting npcs using a work station, swapping gear, sheathing unsheathing, you name it. It only affects certain saves, but my last save before was unfortunately 7 hours ago I was simply too absorbed to do anything but quick save. I have yet to see anyone report this on official forums or other message boards, and only saw similarities from the uesp bug list, and I am not even sure it is the same thing. What I do see is a lot of similar bugs but people simply cannot initiate the the menu and is stuck. I know that one is fixed by using a console command, like .tai or .mai or .ai I FORGOT T_T it was a google result. I tried it and I realized it disables animations completely which was probably their problem, and by doing that twice they essentially 'refresh' their enabling of animations for everything. However my problem is different. I get into the menu of the crafting station. I see my character in the back ground grinding the blade, hammering away, etc etc for a brief moment. Then it acts as if I chose to exit and there's no way I can stop it. Please help :[
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