When I use any sort of crafting station (smelter, work bench, grind stone, enchanter, alchemist table, etc) it automatically prompts me to exit it as if I was spamming the exit button. I have tried numerous methods including re-installing the game (keeping the saves), re-starting the game, and even according to http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Bugs tried interrupting npcs using a work station, swapping gear, sheathing unsheathing, you name it. It only affects certain saves, but my last save before was unfortunately 7 hours ago I was simply too absorbed to do anything but quick save. I have yet to see anyone report this on official forums or other message boards, and only saw similarities from the uesp bug list, and I am not even sure it is the same thing. What I do see is a lot of similar bugs but people simply cannot initiate the the menu and is stuck. I know that one is fixed by using a console command, like .tai or .mai or .ai I FORGOT T_T it was a google result. I tried it and I realized it disables animations completely which was probably their problem, and by doing that twice they essentially 'refresh' their enabling of animations for everything. However my problem is different. I get into the menu of the crafting station. I see my character in the back ground grinding the blade, hammering away, etc etc for a brief moment. Then it acts as if I chose to exit and there's no way I can stop it. Please help :[