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Posts posted by tesoblivor

  1. Possibly, but I have checked the logs and it picked up nothing. Running on Windows 8.1 and have found that the recent update all seem to follow the same pattern;


    Allow vortex to update.

    Vortex complains about the file. The file VORTEX.EXE exists .... but does not execute.

    Reboot PC and the file VORTEX.EXE is missing.


    I then download the latest version and install that and it works first time ....


    The problem appears to be when the files in the executable installation folder are changed or updated.

  2. Cleaning your save file might cause issues so make sure you keep copies that have not been cleaned.


    As for whats causing it .... not sure. From what you have said it sounds like ASLAL (guessing this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272?tab=posts) is perhaps the issue. Or rather there are some files in your installation folder that either is from ASLAL or needs ASLAL to work.


    Uninstalling Skyrim and manually removing any remaining files left after the uninstall might resolve it. Just be careful in what files you remove and be sure to back anything up before you remove them.


    At the least I would recommend backing up any personal files (documents etc) and making sure you can restore the PC should anything critical go missing. If in doubt keep a backup.


    Hope that helps, but it sounds like there may be some files (or mods) somewhen in your data folder that depend on ASLAL to work and not everything it needs is there to work.

  3. Still getting the update notification myself, checked and on the stable channel. Will this take a while to resolve and is it worth disabling auto updates for the moment?


    EDIT: The update being offered always fails. The VORTEX.EXE literally disappears and I have to manually reinstall. Checked the AV and no notifications or anything in quarantine.


    UPDATE: Skyrim Special Edition is also reporting that the file ""...\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\fomod\info.xml" is also conflicting with several mods. What is this file and why is it a problem?


    This isn't a file I've seen in any mod I've installed?



    It's a bug in the newest version of Vortex, as seen in many threads that have been started

    It's being worked on



    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.

  5. UPDATE: Skyrim Special Edition is also reporting that the file ""...\steamapps\common\skyrim special edition\data\fomod\info.xml" is also conflicting with several mods. What is this file and why is it a problem?


    This isn't a file I've seen in any mod I've installed?

  6. This happened twice now and appears to occur when there is a Vortex update available, but you exit the program without updating. The scenario seems to happen this way:


    1. On exiting Vortex you are asked to allow Vortex to make changes to your computer. I've said yes each time, not sure what would happen if I said no.

    2. You cannot go back into the program as it says you don't have permission.

    3. If you check the file properties for Vortex.exe and try to take ownership you cannot. You are told by Windows that you have no permissions.

    4. Eventually Vortex.exe disappears.


    Installing Vortex again seems to resolve the issue, except this second time my Fallout 4 mod section is telling me I have a ton of files that are conflicting. Some of the those files should not be conflicting at all.


    For example these two mods have a conflict: "A bundle of tape" and "Ak5c". The file in question is "...\steamapps\common\fallout 4\data\fomod\info.xml".


    What is that file and why is it conflcting? That's not even the strangest.


    Hopefully that's enough to shed light on whats happening and I really hope it can be resolved. But more than that can anyone suggest something to get my database back on track and not messed up please?





    Hi Augusta just wanted to say thank you for your assistance, it really helped a lot. I did the purge as you suggested, which basically reset the Skyrim SE folder back to a relatively clear state. The Deploy button sadly did not do anything. But, with the disabled files listed alongside their mod entry, it was simply a matter of going through the list to remove the disabled file and then install the mod again.


    I'm going to keep a backup of the "\AppData\Roaming\Vortex" directory, so if it happens again hopefully I should simply be able to restore that directory.



    Did you select any of the disabled mod and pick "ENABLE", because Deploy won't do anything until you ENABLE the mod.




    I didn't sadly. I probably should have to see what would happen. If it had linked the file to mod entry again it would have saved me some work. If it happens again I'll try that first. Thanks for the reply, appreciated :)


    Thanks for reply, Augusta, appreciated. No I've not tried anything, except to get a list of mods that I have installed and backup the Skyrim directory. Is the purge and redeploy a tool within Vortex itself, or just simply deleting the mods from the Skyrim folder and reinstalling them from Vortex?

    Don't worry. Purging and deploying are different processes from uninstalling and installing. Purging does not uninstall your mods. It simply removes the mod hardlinks from the game data folder. These hardlinks are established when you first install, enable, and deploy a mod. When you re-deploy, the hardlinks are re-established. Re-deploying does not reinstall your mods. For further information, please consult the Knowledge Base that can be accessed from your Vortex dashboard.


    The "Purge" and "Deploy" buttons are on the mods page taskbar. If you dont't see them there, then go to Vortex settings and turn on "Enable Advanced Mode" and "Deploy Mods when Enabled."


    Edit: I incorrectly labelled a Vortex setting. "Deploy Mods when Enabled" is the correct label.



    Hi Augusta just wanted to say thank you for your assistance, it really helped a lot. I did the purge as you suggested, which basically reset the Skyrim SE folder back to a relatively clear state. The Deploy button sadly did not do anything. But, with the disabled files listed alongside their mod entry, it was simply a matter of going through the list to remove the disabled file and then install the mod again.


    I'm going to keep a backup of the "\AppData\Roaming\Vortex" directory, so if it happens again hopefully I should simply be able to restore that directory.


    Thanks for reply, Augusta, appreciated. No I've not tried anything, except to get a list of mods that I have installed and backup the Skyrim directory. Is the purge and redeploy a tool within Vortex itself, or just simply deleting the mods from the Skyrim folder and reinstalling them from Vortex?

    Don't worry. Purging and deploying are different processes from uninstalling and installing. Purging does not uninstall your mods. It simply removes the mod hardlinks from the game data folder. These hardlinks are established when you first install, enable, and deploy a mod. When you re-deploy, the hardlinks are re-established. Re-deploying does not reinstall your mods. For further information, please consult the Knowledge Base that can be accessed from your Vortex dashboard.


    The "Purge" and "Deploy" buttons are on the mods page taskbar. If you dont't see them there, then go to Vortex settings and turn on "Enable Advanced Mode" and "Deploy Mods when Finished."



    Thanks Augusta, I will give that a go as soon as I am able :)

  10. Just had a look through and this thread may have the same issue: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6791767-plugins-disabled-automatically/page-2


    Have posted a reply with details:-


    Just had this happen to me now. All the installed mods are now marked as disabled, but the files are still in the Skyrim SE folder. To boot the grayed out disabled mods are the actual file names for the mod itself. The mod itself that these files are part of is listed as "never installed".

    Last action was to download a mod for Fallout 4, which has about 6 file downloads. And one mod for Skyrim SE, which has the one file. I checked the diagnostic files for errors and warnings and none were listed for the last day. Last time I opened up Vortex was last night at about 10pm, and it was fine. It's only when I tried to download some more mods this morning the problem occured.

  11. Just had this happen to me now. All the installed mods are now marked as disabled, but the files are still in the Skyrim SE folder. To boot the grayed out disabled mods are the actual file names for the mod itself. The mod itself that these files are part of is listed as "never installed".


    Last action was to download a mod for Fallout 4, which has about 6 file downloads. And one mod for Skyrim SE, which has the one file. I checked the diagnostic files for errors and warnings and none were listed for the last day. Last time I opened up Vortex was last night at about 10pm, and it was fine. It's only when I tried to download some more mods this morning the problem occured.

  12. All the mods that are installed for Skyrim SE are grayed out, as if they are disabled. But if I go into Skyrim SE they are all enabled. This wasn't the case the last time I used Vortex. The mods that are now grayed out, were enabled.


    Not only that, but the grayed out mods are the actual file names, not the mod name that was downloaded. The mod name is still there.


    I need some help to know what to do to fix the database, and get Vortex managing Skyrim's mods again. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  13. I think the method of managing file conflicts is messy and overly complex. For example weapon mods tend to have a file called "PersistantSubgraphInfoAndOffsetData.txt", which can be safely overwritten.


    There's no way to tell Vortex this, other than either leave a load of unresolved conflicts or create a massively complex relationship with a load of unrelated weapon mods.


    There needs to be an option to not create a rule and simply say "overwrite", and not have it flagged as an unresolved conflict.


    If I have misunderstood what is happening please let me know. Thanks for the all the work done so far :)

  14. Dogmeat, if I have to pick. Why? He doesn't do stuff like stand up in the middle of Gunners Plaza and give a freaking speech, which I'm sure the gunners find informative and entertaining but ....


    Having said that I am wandering around with Curie at the moment, along with the mods Deeper thoughts and Platinum Curie. I've learned to use her as bait in Gunners Plaza ....

  15. Was wondering if there is anyway to improve the mouse movement when in the crafting movement. Currently when you move your mouse over items it pauses for a second and feels very slugish, and I'd like to stop this pause.


    I can't seem to see any existing mods that would do this. Does anyone know of a mod, or have any pointers as to where to begin adjusting this?


    EDIT: I should elaborate it is in the armor and weapon workbench, when your mouse moves over a weapon or piece of armor, it pauses momentarily as if to update the info on the right hand side.

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