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Everything posted by StupidAnswer

  1. Get them sweet boys Xilandro and devilswish
  2. In response to post #43549675. #43549990, #43550270 are all replies on the same post. Report ads that do this.On you'r part you could pay the small fee to have ads permanently removed, or if you're to stingy and these ads really ruin your experience you could use an adblocker.
  3. Well making a new model at this point would probably make more sense. I dont think you can add animations to armours.
  4. You can merge similar plugins that don't conflict with an esp merger.
  5. You can edit the water by clicking your world space in the world space menu and changing the water height data. You probably cant see it in the render window because its so high. And the width of the view? do you mean the zoom level?
  6. You should be using magic effects to apply effects to weapons and armor, then just add a target condition for any vampire race and select the effect you would like to have.
  7. Yes, All of the textures are created by an artist, its more convenient for the programmers and level designers.
  8. The way to add tattoos to a character( without using overlays from the character creation menu) is to Have a clean version of only the tattoo, then you need to overlay it onto the female texture set( if you are using a replacer this file will be found under Textures/actors/character/female. If you are using the vanilla textures you will have to extract them using fomm or the likes.) Then using photoshop or gimp you overlay the tattoo and merge the layers. You literally just add your image to the default skin texture.
  9. Just wanted to ask this quick question before i go out, In the mod im making there is a little minigame of sorts that at the end fills up empty jet vials, the game itself will use the random percentage command to tell the player what to add. But my problem is, is that i would like the player to place the vials by activating a see through place holder like in wasteland defense for example( not moving it around just the effect), I thought to use a texture set but I cant get the alpha channel to work, is another way to do this?
  10. So ive been working on a mod for two days, mostly laying down a vanilla base for some other plugins, while I was trying to populate an area with idle- and furniture markers i ran into a problem. I am trying to have a character sit on a table using invisibleshelfmarker (The marker astrid uses to sit on the shelf in the abandoned shack) now the problem I have is that the npc wont use the marker, I am using the SitTarget ai package linked to the invisibleshelfmarker. I also checked astrids ai packages, and she uses the same package. I have tried linking the character created by me to the marker in the abandoned shack and that did work, though I cant tell why since my cell should be pretty much the same and other furniture markers like the bound captive work. The area around the marker is navmeshed. Thank you for reading.
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