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Everything posted by Flash432

  1. http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/3755/screenshot2010030418085.jpg My party roll call
  2. Tis somewhat confusing since the update. The coloured enamel ingots are just for colouring the tint of the item i.e. if you want it silver, gold or purple etc. I just use the option to make it go back to the old version when doing stats or changing the material then back to the new version if I want to change the colour.
  3. Try these Name generator Name generator 2 hope they help
  4. That's a pretty fantastic effort, can't wait to see what it's like in game. Thanks man you're a star :thanks:
  5. Good 6 new specializations Loads of new spells Loads of new talents New locations New characters New monsters Bad No romance Awakening FAQs
  6. Great idea about the entrance from the crypt Steven, but I think you should make Eleanor Cousland dead along with Bryce and Iona mortally wounded for some dialogue (maybe Iona will give you something to take back to her daughter?). If Eleanor is alive this is will make you feel relieved and happy so taking away from the added vengeance of seeing their slain bodies, obviously it's your choice but consider it. Thanks.
  7. Good idea, There is a little girl in the alienage (when it's opened) who says that her mother went to work in Highever and hasn't returned (Iona?), maybe a entry point for non human noble PCs. Good luck with the project I look forward to exacting revenge on the Howe family.
  8. Did you just reassign the alternative button though? If so reassign the primary button.
  9. I had the same problem, the thing is the default key is 'print screen' and windows conflicts with this, you can test it by pressing it then seeing if it pastes it into paint like it would normally do. What I did to resolve it was to reassign my screenshot button to the decimal point (.) on my num pad.
  10. I'm on my 3rd playthrough now and I am starting to think that Morrigan and Flemmeth are the same consciousness at the same time. We don't know how the possession works exactly so it could be possible that when transferring from the older body to the younger one 'flemmeth: the witch of the wilds' consciousness can inhabit 2 bodies at the same time. On my second playthrough I purposely did not give Morrigan the grimores. She still came to my bedroom and offered me the way out, I asked her how she knew of this ritual and she said she had always known and that it had been part of Flemmeths plan from the very start. On my 3rd playthrough I gave Morrigan the 1st grimore then went to Flemmeth and asked her for the 2nd grimore, gave it to Morrigan and I did not tell her Flemmeth was alive. Then I went back to Flemmeth and her dialogue makes you either choose to kill her or walk away, walking away wouldn't be much fun so I killed her, maybe this is part of her plan also? Maybe in the possession 'flemmeth: the witch of the wilds' can only inhabit 2 bodies at a time and as Flemmeth isn't going to die naturally anytime soon she needs the Flemmeth body to be killed so she can inhabit the 'god child' body. My thoughts on the 'god child' are that it's not going to be a good thing, Morrigan lies to you by saying the old god will be untainted as it's the taint in the baby that attracts the god spirit in the first place, add to that the possibilty of 'the witch of the wilds' possessing the child you have - (Old God + Taint) + (witch of the wilds) = o_O
  11. Look at this - Light Armor It's not the SA armor but it is the concept armor maybe it will be ok until someone does the SA armor.
  12. How about http://www.collider.com/uploads/imageGallery/Wolverine/wolverine_charge.jpg and add some health regen stats :thumbsup: Can we get this and the 'Weapon models' thread sticky?
  13. That's a nice sword! I think that some modders don't release their creations. :closedeyes:
  14. My new character called 'Blaze' Arcane Warrior FTW!
  15. When I finished my 1st play, accepting Morrigan's way out. I was able to go to my camp and DLC locations. When I finished my 2nd play, I died but was not able to. So I saved it as 'Sacrifice' then loaded up a save on the same character before I rejected Morrigan, this time accepting. Played though till the end but still wasn't able to carry on. Maybe you can only carry on with 1 character? I've saved both my outcomes now 'Sacrifice' and 'Survive' for both Characters, in anticipation of the expansion.
  16. Everyone's entitled to their own preference and I was just expressing mine, if any modders are kind enough to pick up any of these ideas then hopefully they would not put any restrictions on class etc so leaving it up to the people who use them.
  17. Right so I'm pretty far through my 2nd play through as a fem elf and picked up an imperial edge (which is my favourite 1h sword) when I though how I wished I could have my old char in my current party (he has dual Imperial edges, so sweet!!) I plan to play through as a Dwarf next, then a mage. How cool would it be to have a party entirely made up of your own characters? Is there a way this can be done, is it possible?
  18. I think some scalable realism should be kept i.e. armor for mages can be revealing as mages can us magic to protect themselves but for melee chars there should be a decent amount of armor, less for archers as they're further from the fight and rogues as they need the flexibility etc.
  19. http://www.beautifullife.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/25/08.jpg Just found this, pretty sweet
  20. Well volunteered :) They're a few ideas in these threads New Weapon Models You'd Like to See in Game New Armor Models You'd Like to See in Game
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