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Everything posted by Larsenist

  1. A sword inspired by the anime, Black Clover. The main character is Asta, the token boy possessing no magical powers. One day he receives a grimoire which allows him to conjure an anti-magic ancient sword The swords Asta is able to pull can negate and even absorb and project magic. I figure we can implement this by making it so that when you block with the 2h sword, it creates a ward that dispells magic. However, for a cool effect, replace the ward appearance with a red glow on the sword. As for absorbing and projecting magic, maybe we could add spell tomes that are meant to be given to a follower to cast on the player. If the player has the sword equipt, their follower might cast a spell of varying elements on the player that will temporarily enchant the sword. Once buffed, the sword adds damage of that element to its swings. The player also is able to use a power to project that element as a spell much like Bloodskal Blade.
  2. If someone made this, I would probably play Skyrim again. Lol
  3. Why though? The games are even by the same company.
  4. I am very very very new to modding and know next to nothing I want a Bloodskal Armor set that mimics the Deathbrand Armor. I tried this myself and so far I've accomplished: -Duplicating + Renaming Deathbrand Armor, Enchantments, Set Ability, and Tempers -Edited Effects to match armor -Changed Gauntlets to Fortify Two-Handed Wanted Effects: -Increase Two-Handed Weapon Speed while wearing complete set I'm posting here because I tried to learn how to create meshes and textures I retextured the Stalhrim armor to a red appearance and extracted the Stalhrim meshes to try and apply the textures but no matter what programs I used, I just couldn't open the nifs. And yes, I had the NifTools plugins installed. Anyways, if someone could make the armor for me, that'd be great. Bonus Points: teach this skrub to edit nifs.
  5. This is the mod I was thinking of! Just needs ported. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50773/?
  6. Should be a mod that copies an NPC's known spells as spell tomes in their corpse's inventory
  7. Transmogrify! I believe there was already a mod for this in the not-so-special Skyrim, where you'd place the item you like in 1 chest, place the item you want the looks of in another, pull a lever and it'd combine the 2 in a middle chest.
  8. Like adding gestures to the game such as flipping them off, calling them a milk-drinker, etc. When you do something like that, the NPC you're facing gets aggro at you and attacks.
  9. By the Nine, you're right! I forgot about that >.< But I just like the idea of this mod. Guess it'd be unlore-friendly though.
  10. Firelink Greatsword moveset: Light attack: Two-Handed Light attack Strong Attack: Fading Flame attack Unleveled Greatsword Bonus Points: Find it in Sovngarde, Throat of the World, or some end-game location
  11. You find a dragon egg After prerequisites are met, the egg hatches into a baby dragon You feed the baby dragon Dragon Souls The more souls it has, the bigger and stronger it gets The baby dragon has its own perk system where you can earn its abilities to breath fire, flight longevity, grow horns or claws to increase melee damage, etc. Multiple stages of maturity; egg, baby, adolescent, adult, elder Bonus points: make it a quest mod where you find an ancient castle, filled with skeletons or draugr, fight a boss dragon, then find the dragon's nest with the egg
  12. There are some mods I just thought about. Clean Up Your Corpses: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78266/? I think there was a pike in it that you can display heads on Also, I don't remember if this was in vanilla or if it's from a killmove or standalone mod where you could loot a Briarheart's heart and leave a gaping hole in their chest afterwards.
  13. would love this. like, you search the corpse and are able to see their head and when you take it, it removes their head like clothing. then you could drop and place it like any normal item. bonus: heads of undead and daedra occasional moan heads of dwemer machines sometimes blow a little bit of steam
  14. Can we bring the Firelink Greatsword from Dark Souls III into Skyrim? Ideally the sword would appear in its unbuffed state. Also, is it possible to add a power when a sword is equipped and remove the power upon unequipping? Having the sword equipped could add the Fading Flame power to be used to buff the sword to have a flaming animation surrounding it. Then when using a strong attack with the buffed sword, having flames shoot out from the ground in front of you.
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