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Everything posted by misterdc

  1. Anyone else like the look of Geralt's starting chest armor? It surprises me that the armor can only be upgraded once, would there be a way to increase the upgrades so that it would still be viable armor. So many of the armors look so bad it's a same to not be able to keep his starting look past a few levles.
  2. Would be wonderfull if when you get to the edge of one of the map areas you where able to just keep running as if it was a truly open world. Even if this required a load screen it would be fine, but the game wanting me to teleport to a marker or retreat is a pain.
  3. Maybe a little more realism then some people might like, make it so the saddle bags do not increase personal storage but create a storage area on the horse. Also maybe increase the storage weight amount of teh different saddle bags some.
  4. I would also be very interested in a mod set up along these lines. Also a possable increase in required xp for mid levels on.
  5. I have seen a mod or two that speeds up the xp or leveling but I am on my first play through, enjoying the open world with so much to do, but out seem to be out leveling many of my quests very quickly and it is detracting from my enjoyment of the game. As it is I have fininshed a few queats that are 4 t o7 levels ahead of my current level, really takes effort and smart play but so in some ways quest level is arbitrary. While early on in the game leveling seems kind of slow but after about 13 or 14 on it seems speeds up, now I am sure that this maybe just a personal perception on my part. Would it be possable to make it so that after say 15th on, the xp requirment for levels was increased so that you do not out level many of the secondary quests and witcher contracts so quickly? It appears if you are someone that likes to explore you can out level much of the content with out thinking.
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