Hi everyone , Ol' names , jen4 , think that newest one supposed to be dor1co , im a non professional 3d artist and animator and i love the fallout game series (owner and player since fallout 1 trough fallout tactics to fallout new vegas ) for their capabilites to push the player that love to customize content ever to a new edge . Im being playng with the g.e.c.k. editor since a while now , having fun to merging contents and play with values and statistics , so i've decided to start my own mod experience , in first for my own personal usage , second , why not , to grant access at my skills (or what supposed to are .. :D ) to the community. To be honest ( be fine , i've checked my ego @ the door a lot of time ago ;) ) i got access to a 3d armory that counts more the 300 pieces (from weapons to vehicles) all legally copyrighted and self developed that i think i could fit into a "new vegas" post-apo semi realistic scenario , but to do this i need to follow my little own guide , maded basically in 3 big steps: 1) understand ; 2)elaborate ; 3) produce and develop. so i've produced a couple of questions for u modders in the hope and will to help me if u can obviously. a) i've seen , navigating the nexus , that there's a lot of really outstanding look rendering pictures, i just wanna know if u guys use a particular program or rendering setup (assume that im a 3dsmax user) to emulate the havok engine system and the fallout new vegas engine "looklike" , that would help me for the applicaton of normal-bump maps and reflective-height maps on the diffuse ones. b)in fonv , there's a lot of ammo entities that could be changed for their old manufactured nature , like the 10mm (supposed to be 10mm auto from the '80s to early '90s) , i was courious and i would like to "overwrite" that ammo entity with a newest one like the .40 S&w , question is , if i want to completley remove that caliber from the game , i've to edit any single list and any single container, or more simply there's a shortcut to do that. c)i've seen a lot of script in the script section , but im still looking for a "weapon flashlight" , with a real beacon that can porject a cone light to a direction , u think guys that's possible? Thanks really for any answer or contribute u give to my "for-now" knowledge about the FNV modding and i want to apologize if my questions and asks could sound arrogant , superb or rude , their not meant to be for sure , this sometimes happens beacuse im forced to be direct cause of my english language limitations , not for my fault , english its none of my native languages , im italian and its pretty hard to be that much "polite and soft" when u dont know a language very well , im so sorry if that can occur , ill surely try to do the best i can for the future. Greetings , jen4 , Dor1co or whatever u pleasde for.