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  1. tnks nekronom , what about the hdr enlightment factor , what could be ur best bet ?
  2. i was already using the marmoset toolbag , its the same of fnv u say? Btw , thanks for the help scott , i appreciate
  3. Hi everyone , Ol' names , jen4 , think that newest one supposed to be dor1co , im a non professional 3d artist and animator and i love the fallout game series (owner and player since fallout 1 trough fallout tactics to fallout new vegas ) for their capabilites to push the player that love to customize content ever to a new edge . Im being playng with the g.e.c.k. editor since a while now , having fun to merging contents and play with values and statistics , so i've decided to start my own mod experience , in first for my own personal usage , second , why not , to grant access at my skills (or what supposed to are .. :D ) to the community. To be honest ( be fine , i've checked my ego @ the door a lot of time ago ;) ) i got access to a 3d armory that counts more the 300 pieces (from weapons to vehicles) all legally copyrighted and self developed that i think i could fit into a "new vegas" post-apo semi realistic scenario , but to do this i need to follow my little own guide , maded basically in 3 big steps: 1) understand ; 2)elaborate ; 3) produce and develop. so i've produced a couple of questions for u modders in the hope and will to help me if u can obviously. a) i've seen , navigating the nexus , that there's a lot of really outstanding look rendering pictures, i just wanna know if u guys use a particular program or rendering setup (assume that im a 3dsmax user) to emulate the havok engine system and the fallout new vegas engine "looklike" , that would help me for the applicaton of normal-bump maps and reflective-height maps on the diffuse ones. b)in fonv , there's a lot of ammo entities that could be changed for their old manufactured nature , like the 10mm (supposed to be 10mm auto from the '80s to early '90s) , i was courious and i would like to "overwrite" that ammo entity with a newest one like the .40 S&w , question is , if i want to completley remove that caliber from the game , i've to edit any single list and any single container, or more simply there's a shortcut to do that. c)i've seen a lot of script in the script section , but im still looking for a "weapon flashlight" , with a real beacon that can porject a cone light to a direction , u think guys that's possible? Thanks really for any answer or contribute u give to my "for-now" knowledge about the FNV modding and i want to apologize if my questions and asks could sound arrogant , superb or rude , their not meant to be for sure , this sometimes happens beacuse im forced to be direct cause of my english language limitations , not for my fault , english its none of my native languages , im italian and its pretty hard to be that much "polite and soft" when u dont know a language very well , im so sorry if that can occur , ill surely try to do the best i can for the future. Greetings , jen4 , Dor1co or whatever u pleasde for.
  4. that's awesome , we're checking with a friend that had a lot more knowledge than me on that , and we still need a scripter's help :)
  5. a lot of ppl says that re-animate fo3/fonv its a pain in the a** , any tutorial availble on the topic? i mean where i can find anims , 1st person anims , npcs and others?
  6. lol , those are the ones that doesnt work for me
  7. that i've posted comes from "my games" folder and definitley dont buy steam games ... i think the problem is that
  8. [Archive] SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt iRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1 iRetainFilenameStringTable=1 iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1 bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0 bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 bUseArchives=1 SArchiveList=AII-FNV!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa here what i got ... no archiveinvalidation.txt file on my hd's .... i think i've to create one and place in archiveinvalidation=0 p.s. never hear wives
  9. ive retextured the world model ov the c7 avenger , aka minigununique.dds and his relative spec and normal textures , but on my steam version of new vegas , the archieve invalidation doesn't seems to work .... i use both the archieve invalidation and the one on the nvmm .... any thoughts
  10. feel free to contact me on steam or any platform u use ,please not msn XD
  11. any :D i mean , like some other games create a single set of animation for each kind of weapon , i didnt mean only customize the one's already in , but also create new ones where weapons/items/object could be referenced on. i know , my english its not the best u've ever read and thanks
  12. Hi Guys , Name's giovanni ( friends calls me jo ) , i used to an amatorial 3d artist (i don't have a portfolio so feel free to browse my imageshack and photobucket account :) ) , and i've found fallout 3 and now newvegas extremley free in his "universe" , so i want to start to make some mods for FONV ... and i got a pair of questions : 1- I've seen that the animations are preety ugly , im an animator too , i want to know if there's a chance to change the 1st p anims... if there's any kinda of hand rigs for FONV (or FO3 too) 2- im an artist but not a compiler or scripter , even in these last days of play i've managed a way to merge weapons/armors and assign that to nps and their inventory via FO3edit ... did u suggest me to start a new esm/esp with the geck ? (means any tut availible? xD ) 3- I've seen a shitload of potential in FONV , and i want to know if in your opinion there's a way to make armor/clothes attachments , like a bag that can be equipped only if a kind of armor/cloth is equipped too . (not a priority but still in my head) 4- i've found words like nif... nif .... nif ... i've thought that had to be with the custom mesh/textures ... any chance of found somekind of plugin for max ? tnks 4 anything p.s. here a bunch of links for my works (credentials like) model + textures are mine http://i764.photobucket.com/albums/xx286/serpico84/turret_fin_render.jpg his animations and sounds too , but u know source is so restrictive in these terms http://www.moddb.com/mods/smod-troopers/videos/umt-turret#imagebox shotgunZ :) model of ultimate_bastard , textures mine http://img299.imageshack.us/f/rendero.jpg/ model Zer0 , textures mine http://img706.imageshack.us/f/render5905.jpg/ crysis new scar, model and textures are mine http://img70.imageshack.us/f/wip213p.jpg/
  13. Hi all im new in this comunity (even if my registration was done a lot time before , this is why i choose to swtich from a simple user to a developer/uploader) , name's giovanni , im from italy and i use to be a discharged italan army officer , now im a mechanic/technic in an harley davidson workshop , with the passion/hobby of the 3d art. (Some of my work/retexture below) I use to work on the source engine , but i find it terribly boring and restrictive , i think that the beteshda havok version of the engine is so far better and so free to set up , so i want to try this little adventure . Personaly i use to work on x64 bit programs , like 3dsMax for animating/and modelling and photoshop 64 for texturing , xNormal for normal bumbs and specular maps , and i got my first problem right here in photoshop. i was try to retexture a model ( M134d minigun) , from a stalker mod (i seriously think that the model is from garrysmod.org that was kept from l4d) , but when i try to open the *.dds my photoshop ugly answer to me that "its not the right kind of document" ... could it be the x64 version of photoshop? tnks for any advice Jen4 p.s. here some pics of some of my works http://img20.imageshack.us/i/marmorender.jpg/ http://img706.imageshack.us/i/render5905.jpg/ http://img299.imageshack.us/f/rendero.jpg/ http://img70.imageshack.us/f/wip213p.jpg/ http://i764.photobucket.com/albums/xx286/serpico84/turret_fin_render.jpg
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