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Everything posted by Vagrant0

  1. So the two attacks, the power attack which is triggered by you just clicking the attack button, verses the one where you hold the attack button (and the attack still happens when the button is being pressed down) are exactly the same, both in animation, time it takes to attack, and amount of fatigue lost? Tried it with a heavy weapon? Heavy weapons should make the amount of fatigue lost from a power attack more visible than the fatigue lost from a normal attack. Logically, you should not be able to do the same attack in both conditions while sneaking, (unless your attack button is sticking). That is what makes your situation different from everyone else. The fact that you are always doing a power attack, despite what settings are changed. Which means again, that you are not mentioning something which you have active. A hotkey mod, or anything which changed key bindings may be causing this. Any mod which has scripting may be causing this. Please post your load order, game version, system specs, and the methods you've been using (loading a game, even the autosave which is created when a newgame is made may store some scripting from inactive mods). Also please describe what weapons you've been testing with (cheat yourself some ebony/dwarven weapons if needed), how much fatigue you lose with a normal swing at 49 acorbatics, and how much you lose at 50 acrobatics. Then post how much fatigue you lose from a power attack (holding the button, and keeping it held after the swing) at 49 acrobatics and at 50 acrobatics (same weapon for all). Dunno about their issue, but one would assume that if it was happening there, it would be happening to everyone, and as I can do two different attacks while sneaking, with two seperate amounts of stamina loss, using the same weapon, this isn't the case.
  2. The same setting which controls delay with normal power attacks, controls the delay with sneak power attacks. If there is a difference between them, then there has to be something interfering to change behavior when sneaking. Please don't argue with me on this point. This is the only thing that could be causing this issue. You do not need to use OMODS for obmm to run conflict detection. But as you are, if I have this right, reporting that it takes you 5 seconds to do a normal power attack, but sneaking power attack is instant, then there HAS to be a mod with scripting, or something else which is affecting this game setting based on you sneaking. If I am reading it wrong, and you aren't needing to hold for 5 seconds for a power attack, then there HAS to be some mod loaded after the one containing your change, or a mod which changes the setting through scripting, being active. Unless, you are just mistaken about the whole issue, and are percieving a sneaking normal attack for a sneaking power attack (have you tried holding down the button while sneaking to see if there is any delay between when the button is pressed and the action happens). A normal sneak attack should not happen until you release the attack button. The weight of weapon won't affect the timing, but will affect how much fatigue is lost. I mean, you've lied about mod usage before, whatever you aren't mentioning, or maybe even the same mods you did, might be the cause of this. If it seems like I'm being insistant, it's because there is no way for it not to be this. Such as 0, such as, even if there was some great huge bug, this would either prevent it from happening, or the bug would be so wide spread that other people would be complaining about it as a constant issue.
  3. You set it to "5", or "+5"? And, make sure it is in your last loaded mod. It should make is so that your normal (not sneak) power attacks require you to stand there holding the button down for 5 seconds. If this doesn't happen, there HAS to be something interfering. If it is requiring you to hold the button down for a long time, try doing it while sneaking to see if the timing is still about the same. And when I say that a value of 5 HAS to make a very long delay before you do a power attack, this is how the game is setup to work, and should work, regardless of anything else. If it isn't working, check for conflicts in OBMM, or just use a lighter weapon.
  4. Set it to 5+, in the plugin that loads last, if it is the case of slow response, that should make it obvious, likewise you won't be able to do a normal power attack unless you hold it down for equally as long. And as normal, some mods may be affecting this, even if they are no longer active within that game. Beyond that, it has to be something specific to how you have things configured. Any game controllers attached? When you reinstalled, did you delete everything in your data folder, and the .ini in you mydocuments\games\oblivion folder before reinstalling?
  5. Alright, now I think I see what you're talking about. Had to equip a heavy weapon to notice it myself. It's just like a normal power attack, you're just holding down the attack button too long. This can be tough to do since the game tends to be slow to respond at times. Will look into it further. *edit* By default the game setting fPowerAttackDelay causes a power attack to be used if the attack button is held longer than .3 seconds. In the case when your framerate slows down to where there is more than .2 seconds between frames, the game can mistakingly register that power attack instead of a normal attack. This behavior is more noticable durring normal combat, and has been reported by many in that respect. Most people probably havn't noticed it in relation to sneak attacks since by the time people have 50 acrobatics, they usually have enough fatigue, or are not experiencing any delayed response. The speed change between the two attacks isn't noticable, especially if you're being slowed down because of combat starting. The power attack does however seem to cause more damage, which is also why people tend to not care. If you can find a mod which increases fPowerAttackDelay to something higher than .3, or feel comfortable with the CS to just do the change yourself (within another mod so you aren't wasting a slot on a single setting change), anything between .5 and 1 should be good enough to not negatively impact other combat.
  6. In the .ini (in your mydocuments folder) there are some options related to how many grids to load. uGridsToLoad=5 5 is the standard number. With your system, you might be able to handle as many as 7 or 8 (2-3 cells further in every direction). Along with a "iPreloadSizeLimit=" of somewhere around 30-50million and "uExterior Cell Buffer=" of 45-64 should give you some of what you're looking for. You probably should start off testing these things low, and only raising them once you've used them and noticed little to no performance change. In addition to that, there are a number of LOD retextures, which use an image larger than 1024x1024 (what they are now) so that you have more detail. 2084x2048 textures, combined with those .ini tweaks and having full distant trees, and everything on, should give you about as close to what you're looking for as you're going to get. You will however lose some performance. Start with the larger LOD textures, then do the .ini stuff. Hopefully you have the 512 mb video memory version of your card.
  7. I'd be half tempted to do it myself, but don't think that it would accomplish much to that end. The problem is that being a contributing member doesn't mean that you aren't also disruptive member. And in order to contribute, the person normally needs some sort of background or knowledge about what it being talked about or asked. Forgive me for being pesimistic, but if people had anything intelligent to add to a conversation, they would have already done so. Essentially, the requirements of being a contributing member are following the rules which are posted on the first post of this thread, and in having some idea what others talking about. Hence the problem. There's already a nice listing of the forum's rules, listed plain as day. And knowledge is gained not from talking, but from taking the time to read and understand. Afterall, people don't get banned because they're just sitting around doing nothing. People get banned because they choose to be disruptive, and not considder their actions before hitting "Add Reply".
  8. The only issue I see with this is the difficulty in moderating it. There are enough little kids running around posting nonesense in threads and comments. Wouldn't take long for one of them to find, and then make use of any sort of chat system. If anything like this were to be setup, it would probably benefit more from being administered by people outside the Nexus staff, and from not being related to any particular community. A community wide chat channel, with the number of people we have around here, would be absolute chaos. Most things chat, are best with fewer than 20 people talking at once. Meaning that it would be more fitting for smaller sections of the community.
  9. One reasoning I could see for this is that it makes it so that people can't go trading kudos back and forth. Each kudos is give annonomously, so it actually helps keep people honest. People who give kudos right now are doing it because they were helped, not because they are expecting any sort of gratitude. Personally, I think the only thing that might make the kudos system better would be some sort of commenting, where people can say why they are giving you a kudos, or some sort of indication as to where the kudos came from (specific thread/upload). Then, while it doesn't identify the giver, it does idenitify the sort of reasoning that a kudos was given for.
  10. Yeah, except that isn't what's happening in this case. There is no commitment beyond the first moment. It's like making a comment like "Hey, you should proably stop smoking" to someone in passing. You will never see that person again, and chances are that your comment won't actually result in anything. Outside of those cases where someone dones for a specific couple, or group of couples, most of what is used either sits for months, dies off durring the freezing process, or fails to take even after artificial semination (the reason why they usually implant 6-7 eggs at once). It's not like you're there helping them get back to health or anything. It's not like you actually played any signigicant part in thier life. To use the project analogy, it's similar to making a mod request, or pointing someone in the right direction with their mod. Sure, you played a minor role in making it happen, but you really can't (and shouldn't) make claims to ownership over it. Of all the people I've helped around here over the last few years, I very rarely hear anything about what became of that mod, or that modder, and I really don't expect to. I helped, but it is their project, they are the ones who deserve most the credit, and the ownership of it. If you're going to obsess over something as minor as that, you might as well be obsessing over everything you ever said to anyone, or wrote them?
  11. And I'm sure there are, however those kinds of relationships are a rare thing, and are becoming even rarer. I apoligize. However, the majority of those sorts of relationships, with that large of an age gap, atleast within America, tends to be more for less noble purposes. Either she is with him for money, and nice things, or he is with her so that he can have a young thing on his arm and in his bed. And usually, the only thing they actually have in common is their exploitation of eachother. Which was what the statement was based on. As for the actual heart of the matter, unless you were having unprotected sex, or were planning to have a kid (which most places recommend a blood test), there really isn't too much wrong with that whole "she might be my biological daughter" kinda thing. Now hold your pitchforks a second. In many places you can actually have more genetic similarities with your neighbor than your child (even when you are the biological parent). This is because although 50% of their genes may come from you, 50% also came from someone else. Whereas with your neighbor, if you share the same eye color, same skin color, and same hair color, chances are that you may have more than 50% in common with them genetically, especially if you happen to live in a small community. In general, imbreeding is only a problem in those rare cases when a recessive gene is passed from both partners, in which case the offspring won't have a healthy gene to make up for that weakness (blond hair, blue eyes). But as procreation isn't an issue, that rare chance of both recessive genes being passed on isn't an issue. As far as the other "Ick" aspect to it, neither of you had any relationship beforehand, neither of you had any knowledge beforehand, so there are no intentions of incest in the act. It's not like you helped raise them from a child, and imprinted in their life as a father figure (that came later). Sure, once you find out about a blood relationship, there will be an awkward moment, and the romance may be gone, but before then it really isn't any different than dating anyone else. I mean, there is a reason why Woody Allen is considdered a sicko, and it has little to do with his movies. He adopted a child, and then when she was old enough, had sex with her, and eventually married her. Although they were not blood related, it is still a disgusting act because he was "father" to her. And as said, even those chances are very remote since most sperm banks trade their stock with other banks around the country to prevent that sort of thing. You actually run a greater chance of running into a long lost cousin, or in some cases, a sibling. I'm not trying to sell you on incest here or anything, it's still sick. The moral of the story is really that you should be more careful about who you sleep with, sperm donor or not.
  12. Yeah well, I've heard of stranger things happening... There's a very simple solution to that. Don't date or have sex with anyone who is 20 years younger than you. I mean seriously... 40 year olds dating 20 year olds is just disgusting, even when they aren't related. Honestly, what would you have to talk about? Sure, the sex might be fun, but it's an empty relationship that is usually based on her having "daddy issues", and that is never a good thing. Could also just refuse to sleep with anyone who is the same race as you. *Runs away*
  13. There is a bit of a difference between casting seed which you know will never help create life, and casting seed which just might. But yeah, it happens more frequently, both with and without intention, so it isn't precieved as such a loss. And it is often paired with a pleasurable action when it is with intention, so there usually isn't much thoughr about the whole ordeal. Women on the otherhand cast their seed only after it is no longer capable of producing life, and the ordeal is longterm, and usually met with discomfort (severe in some) and significant changes in emotional state. So it is only natural that there would be a bit more of a connection and contemplation involved. Find me a woman who enjoys menstruation... Find me a man who doesn't enjoy ejaculation (when it's happening ateast)... Enough said.
  14. Look for commonalities. If something is causing all these problems, it's likely all the same thing. It might have not been noticed before due to being a different level (and thus some things not being spawned).
  15. It's not a question of "Would I?" so much as it is a question of "Would they accept it?". Atleast for most men. Selling sperm isn't anything new, atlest in the US, it's just that most sperm banks these days have certain health and education requirements. Since this includes a minimum height of 5' 9", and a bachelors degree from an acredited college, the number of people who meet those requirements and aren't either in a job where they're making decent money, or aren't seeing/married to someone who would have many reservations about that sort of thing is fairly small. There is afterall that question of "How many children did I father, and will never see (nor want to)?", or other moral issues. I'll leave out the comments about the quality of "stock" which would do something like this for concert tickets.
  16. Just a hunch, reinstall without MMM. Dunno what it is about that mod, but it seems to frequently screw up people's games. I'm tempted to think it has to do with the changes they made to many of the default creatures (skeletons, and goblins who summon skeletons for me) that just screws things up royally.
  17. System specs? Oblivion version? Loaded mods? When did it start happening? MMM by any chance?
  18. You may want to note the actual source site of the mod, and make it clear that people cannot upload, or use parts of the mod without having permission from the original author. And given the language barrier, any attempts to get that permission may be misunderstood and cause the modder to remove their mod, or get upset about their work being used by foreigners. Unfortunately, as far as modding goes, this is not an uncommon occurance. Additionally, people should be aware that there are several risks involved with using a mod based on a game localized for another language. Use of these mods can cause unwanted effects, changed names of interiors, cells, and may result in the breaking of other mods. Generally, this should not be attempted by anyone who is not themselves familiar with modding, and able to solve these problems as they develop. As the mod and the source of the mod is not in a language which the OP reads/speaks, and which most others around here donot read/speak, the effects of the mod cannot be verified to any degree.
  19. You'd really be best off trying to figure out how the mod is causing the reduction before using console. It may be a disease, it may be an active effect. Using console to offset a drained/damaged skill/attribute would only end up covering up the problem, and screwing up your character more in the process (skill at 100, cannot be raised, but is being treated as 17).
  20. Generally any scale changes done to the player don't work too well. This is because the player effectively uses two sets of models, one for first person, one for third person. If you change scale while in first person, only the first person models will match this change (along with a change to movement speed, jump height, and all that other stuff that height controls), when you change scale in third person, the third person model changes, but movement speed and all that other stuff (except for where NPCs look) is unchanged. Since both these sets are linked to the player, and are used only by the engine, you can't change both of them at the same time. That said, scale commands are really designed to be used on things other than the player or normal NPCs (hence the need to disable/re-enable). Using disable on the player probably isn't that good of an idea since the player is needed to make the game work.
  21. Did you delete the ini in your "mydocuments" folders? What are your system specs? Are you using Vista, or a version of the CS which is for a different game version (1.2 CS for 1.0 or 1.1 game)? Are you trying to load up a bad mod? Did you install the CS somewhere else other than your Oblivion directory?
  22. Try making a new game with all your mods currently active, and going to those places (cheating). If the new game works, it's something which exists within your save, in which case you may need to get somewhere distant, like an inn second floor (a cell which is only connected to another interior cell) open console, and use pcb, and rmp. This should revert the data in those cells (as well as most the world) back to its initial (game start) state. If you have items sitting outside of containers (in house display cases/racks) you should move them to actual containers if you wish to keep those items. If that new game doesn't work, disable only OOO, and then try with another new game. Then try loading OOO right after Oblivion.esm, activating it, and doing another new game. You should also ensure that all your data files are in the right place. OOO adds a few new creatures, one of those creatures may be missing files, or be loading wrong. To find this, open OOO in the CS (not as active), and do a preview on most of the creatures. If the CS crashes while loading that creature, it may be the cause of the problem. It may even be due to creatures/npcs with a shader. Most of those places mentioned are places with alot of undead, and OOO uses shaders for spectral creatures/NPCs. Installing another mod which changes default undead appearance could still be causing issues since the data files are present. Almost every area contains ghosts, wraiths, so you should probably start there.
  23. Essentially no. Giant monsters like Dagon don't have very much defined for them within game to let them even do simple things like moving. The dragon shown in game is actually an activator, so doesn't even do that much. Now people have taken the dragon model and animated it further, but it is still rather limited as to what it can do. Even if there were models available to be used, the game does not allow the player to be anything other than an NPC, and this is why several werewolf mods just have the player wearing a sort of fur suit. There are polymorph mods which allow the player to be made invisible, and then have a spawned creature which will move in relation to how the player moves, but those mods require OBSE, and aren't very practical for anything very large due to the fixed player perspective height.
  24. And as I had suggested, such a tool would likely do more harm than good with a modded game. The only thing that such a tool could do that wyrebash or normal modding could not would be changes to some internal variables which are related to quests or NPCs, which needless to say, can cause significant problems if you don't know enough about how things are related. Just like how you can seriously screw up the game by playing with quest stages/variables from console.
  25. What do you hope to achieve by using a savegame editor really? I could maybe understand the purpose if you were playing on xbox, or were using an un-modded game, but in a modded game, on a computer there really isn't much point to it. Almost everything you could want to do would be achievable through either console or the addition of a mod. And then there are things that only mods can do (obviously). As for making it work with a modded Oblivion, even if it was just looking at data pertaining to the vanilla game, the presence of mods can cause errors where that data has been altered by said mod.
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