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Nexus Mods Profile

About adragon82

  1. PLEASE READ. Even though I am not a modder here and haven't since The Sims 2, I love this community and have been a "user" here for a long time. Please, read and comment on the end point and lets show Bethesda the way...\ I still see something major not being touched on not only on their side, but on this side as well. This is not a new thing, pay mods have been done before and we (at least some of us) remember what it does to modding communities. The Sims 2 is still the most modded game in history and still had the largest modding community in history, yes, even larger than this wonderful community here, which is the second largest in history. That game was free mods...until it exploded in popularity...and one very popular modder pulled out of the Mod the Sims site in favor of their own, for their own mods...and to make them pay only. That in and of itself was not a bad thing...however, they also then stated that they would no longer share their resources and anyone using them in a current mod had to pull their mods. But, then another modder did it along with the small group of other modders he made mods with and that group started their own pay site...and pulled their resources and told those that were using them to pull their mods. And then another did it...and another...and suddenly, somewhere around 1000 mods being removed later...the community split. Paid mods that were using others resources were being told to stop using them or to pay up, they refused. Many stopped sharing resources all together out of fear that someone would use them for pay mods...and the community started to fall apart. Some of those pay modders placed lawsuits against others claiming their ideas were being stolen. pay sites were being blacklisted and a few were removed by the host after receiving many complaints. The only reason that modding community survived was due to the Mod the Sims site. (I will skip talking about Spore here, another game that had Pay Mods on EA's Spore site that was destroyed from within) We already saw the beginning effects of the above right here with some modders placing new disclaimers on their mods stating they will not share their resources for anyone making a pay mod. Everyone here knows THAT alone is bad. This is such a wonderful productive community because of the sharing of resources and the collaborations, once that is disrupted, everyone suffers. The issue here, is that this modding community was tossed into a large bucket with every...single...other...modding community as if its all the same. As if the tiny modding community for Counter Strike, GTA, COD...Half Life...were exactly the same. Those games, the mods are stand alone mods. They rarely if ever use resources from other mods. Those games are not modded remotely like Bethesda games are, where there are mod managers and you can have over 200 mods going at the same time...where mods need to play nice with each other... where if people don't share their mod resources, the entire community suffers for it and it even makes it more difficult for mods staying compatible and even enhance each other. They placed GARY'S MOD in the same category as a mod that ads a sword to the game so how COULD they understand right? Afterall, they think are both "mods" and thus, are the same. That is where the problem lies, Bethesda didn't actually seem to be in touch with the modding community, the inner workings of it and what makes it tick. If they had, this never would have been done...perhaps, they would have set up a donation option and figured out a way to make that more prominent in the community by pushing the idea that the more donations there are, the odds that more mods, more larger mods, and better quality mods would eventually be made because it would draw in more people looking to get paid. The issue for many isn't that a modder can make money...its that the community will suffer with pay mods because modders will work AGAINST each other, instead of WITH each other like they have been. They will compete and in the modding world, competition doesn't = better quality, it means no working with other modders and also that its in one modders best interest to limit the competition... That, is the real issue. For those that still don't understand what I am pointing out here...imagine, SkyUI maker decides he is going full pay only and the makers of many of the mods that use it and MGM decide they are NOT going to make their mods compatible with SkyUI anymore. That is the split that Sims 2 saw...and technically we saw here with SkyUIs maker. The process of everyone working together has been shaken and its a shame. Every modder should be able to make money...but not like this...not with a game like this where modding is too reliant on being open and working in a sharing way. We need a COMMUNITY push on making donations more popular. A COMMUNITY effort. WE must do this folks. And we should do it without Bethesda...especially without Valve. We need to do this, on our own. Lets get together, figure out a way to make those donations HERE more prominent. Ideas like making Donations available for all mods with no opt out. Having a Donation notice at the top of all mod discriptions stating that donations are available for us to give to the mod makers. Push the "fact" that the more donations start flowing the more inspired modders get, the more the community draws in more moders and even the possibility of seeing even more massive sized mods. let US make the example first...then see if the leadership HERE wants to get Bethesda involved in the process on how to do it on Workshop...its our community...lets take control of our own destiny by showing the way to do it in way that wont harm what we are a part of.
  2. Never thought I would see the day come but this is the beginning of the slow death of this great community. Anyone that was in the Sims 2 community will remember what is going to happen and I don't think there actually is a way to stop it. Some modders have already had both modders and users turn against them. Some have already placed disclaimers on their mods that their resources are NOT available to anyone using them for pay mods. Some have taken down all their free mods, to sell them and we do not know how far reaching that effect will have on other mods using their resources. The split has already started and we are only seeing the very first ripple effect. Will it reach Sims 2 levels? Will personal lawsuits spring up? Will some modders become blacklisted? Even if it doesn't, this, the single best modding community in history has been broken and more than likely it will spread beyond Skyrim to future Bethesda games as well...and go on and take a look at the difference between the Sims 2 community size and that of Sims 3 and 4...it isn't even 1/10th the size.
  3. "The worry is with the introduction of Curated Workshops that free and open modding will be removed entirely, as in, it just won't be possible to do." That isn't my worry, at least for right now. That is something that will take years. What will NOT take years is that this community will stop sharing freely. It will not collaborate as much. And it wont. Once a modder decides to sell a mod, he will not share any of that mods resources and that will cut down on the amount of mods, not only that, but it will become that mod creators best interest to CUT competition to try to maximize his own chances for profit...he will work AGAINST the modding community. And history has proven this. This happened with The Sims 2 outside of the mod the sims site where there were actual LAWSUITS placed by modders against other modders! and it downright destroyed Spores chance at being a decent game where they were flagging content that looked similar! Nexus should pull out of this Providers list, protect THIS community and open up the donations available HERE. Place a donation button on ALL mods, make donations possible at all levels, the lowest you can get while also allowing for high donation amounts. Free it all, make it universal...have all modders place at the top of their discriptions and donation reminder for everyone to support the community. Anything to keep this greatest modding community in history from being split...and it WILL split if we don't take steps now.
  4. In response to post #24598619. #24599869, #24600084, #24600544 are all replies on the same post. Fear mongering? I take it you never played Sims 2 or Spore? Outside of the Mod the Sims site it was TOXIC and there were even lawsuits by modders against each other. As for Spore, the game ate itself and modders were flagging work for "similarities" claiming their ideas were being copied...it stifled the game because people were not working together, not collaborating at all. What Nexus needs to do is just expand their donations, include the button on ALL mod pages and make it so any amount can be donated...even 50 cents. The last thing we need is for modders to start guarding their resources and not sharing in hopes to lessen the amount of competition to make more money.
  5. This is the greatest modding community in history...by making it pay it will kill the thing that made it great. Collaboration. Spore was the most TOXIC modding community in history. People flagging others work because it was "similar"...The Sims 2, outside of the great Mod the Sims site was a terrible place, there were even lawsuits by modders against each other. Do we really want this? Add an easy way to DONATE here and allow for virtually any size donation, steal everyone from Steam Workshop and show the industry that our community is stronger than their greed.
  6. Look, I am all for donations being made available but the moment pay only mods becomes the norm is the day the entire community goes downhill fast. How many mods are 100% original and not using some meshe/skeleton/effect from someone else? It creates a hostile environment, competition...and not GOOD competition either. How many of you played Spore? Or played Sims 2? They had a modding community that was BRUTAL to each other...Sims 2 at least had the Mod the Sims site where people worked together for free content and flourished, but outside of that website they were at each others throats and even lawsuits were filled. The Nexus is an AMAZING site with an AMAZING community, lets not allow greed to poison it. Have a DONATE button where the Download/track/endorse/vote buttons are...have a small "you can donate to the author" message automatically/manually placed (by mod creator) at the top of every mod description. Anything to keep the modding community working TOGETHER and allowing their resources to be used to create even MORE mods...because all of us, love these games and the mods make them beyond anything any gaming company could ever hope to create. WE make these games the best ever created. Lets not lose sight of that.
  7. Thanks guys, got it. This game sure is good for its small size...would be a real kick if a major studio got around to making a game like this, having played it for a while I am actually surprised it hasnt been done before, open world war/strat/kingdom sim seems so obvious now.
  8. pft, finally found the info I was looking for. Warband is a "sequal" as is fire and sword even though its presented as expansions.
  9. Hi all, After looking at the mod section here and then reading a bit about the game I decided to give the game a go and bought it. I have the original and Warband. After installing both I noticed Warband went into its own directory and didnt install like an actual expansion. Is this a stand alone game?!? I cant find anything about that on the games website. Also, looking over the wonderful mods here, like the Floris mod pack only states "Compatibility: 1.143" but thats it, no Warband, vanilla...fire and sword. So I guess my questions are, Is warband its own standalone game that does not require vanilla installed? if warband is its own game, will downloading a warband mod also mod vanilla? if I get sword and fire, will that break the warband mods or is that also a standalone game requiring its own mods? Thanks for your answers and as always, a big thank you for the work on these wonderful mods.
  10. "RR companions" in Skyrim. Not only the companions (in skyrim weapons/armor), but also the ability to have many followers at the same time without eating up a lot of .ESP space. Actually, I would take any mod that allows for many followers without using a bunch of ESPs.
  11. An actual working follower mod along the lines of "sharing and caring" or "RR companions" without taking up many .ESPs like the current one does.
  12. Thank you very much for the repy. Yeah I am at the OBMM cap :-/ I was looking at Wrye Bash, isntalled it and read the readme and almost dropped a load in my pants when my head stopped spinning from information overload. It has a ton of options far more than I will ever need but I thought I would make this thread while I wait for enough time to actually go over the entire program so I dont royally FUBAR my game with it. Again, thank you for the reply.
  13. Hey everyone, this is a rather noobish question here. I read the mod FAQ both here and on the offical site but couldnt find an aswer to this. I seem to have hit the mod cap in OBMM where it wont load if I add another mod to it, no matter the type (armor/weapon/companion/map mod) so I was wondering if I can unload as an example an armor mod of an item my character already has in game without losing that armor or corrupting my save game. Example, I have Raiar's Dancer's Clothes mod installed, found the items in game and its either on my character or in her inventory. I want to uncheck the mod in OBMM so it doesnt load and have it load another mod. Will I lose the items in game? Seems to me I would since the mod with the files are not being loaded anymore however I am not sure if there is a chance since the items are tied to my save, which is tied to the oblivion.esm, if it would somehow be added to either of those files to continue loading.
  14. Hello everyone, I bought this game when it first came out, really loved the early mods but stopped playing round about 2 1/2 years ago and now suddenly found myself with an itch to play again...and quickly became overwhelmed with the amount of mods that have came out over the years some of them mind-blowingly large(like the underdark mods). Before I knew it I had downloaded over 50 mods before I even stopped to start installing them and I realized something important. With almost every mod listening a possible conflict or how it might overwrite files from other mods, some harmlessly others not, that there may very well be an order to the TYPE of mods that should be intalled before anything else. So, before installing anything(Will be using OBMM) I want to ask this of those of you who are still around. Should I install certain types of mods before others? Example, 1. Races 2. Body mods like HGEC/Roberts 3. Gameplay Mods like COBL/CSR/Natural Enviorments 4. Quest/Building/Dungeon mods 5. Companion mods 6. Item/armor/weapon/spell mods I was actually thinking of installing gameplay mods and quest type mods FIRST since they seem to be the mods that can royally FUBAR the game the most and doing the races and body mods after but thought it would be best to ask the pros before doing anything. And yes, I understand that each mod my require another mod to be installed before it ;-) Any suggestions would be appreciated as long as it isnt to use Bash...I spent so much time downloading the mods that I actually dont want to have to re-learn how to use it so im going to be lazy and use the nub installer.
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