Most of us already know that when benny is at the fort captured he will not be able to escape with out the courier killing all of the legion around the fort. The stealth boy and bobby pin do not work, that only leaves one option of the courier killing all possible threats at the fort in order to have a safe return for benny. Unfortunately the fink leaves the game permantly when he reaches the drawbridge of the fort after you save him. This leaves many devastated at the fact that they wanted to work with benny to create a independent new Vegas and kill house together rule Vegas together. And also leaves many devastated at the fact of there time just got wasted by planning how to kill the legion, this can be extremely annoying to do because this encounter usually happens when the courier is at a very low level. At such a level it would be hard for most people to already make an enemy out of one of the biggest competing fractions of new Vegas. With such disgust in benny I later found out it was cut from the game were benny does make it out of the fort after you save him only to sneak up to you later disguised by his stealth boy only to jump you were you must kill him. Once again it just goes to show you that benny does not work with anybody. But common Bethesda it would have been at least nice if you added some quests for benny in which you worked together to create a independent new Vegas, and what could have been even cooler to incorporate bennys need for power would have been to make benny turn on the courier around the last quests for the independent new Vegas, at least that would have been fun. If anyone has an interest in a mod where benny actually does make it out of there alive even to jump the courier later that would be appreciated by many fallout new Vegas fans. Bethesda just left us hanging, with bennys disappearance one of the most annoying things I think they did with an important character in fallout.