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About starwarsfan345

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  1. One last go at New Vegas? I will miss it but I can't wait tell you mod 4.
  2. Chris has sorta lost my respect because of him wanting to nuke the whole wasteland again. Fallout has two themes War never changes Rebuilding of civilization so if you ask me I am happy he left Obsidian.
  3. This. I don't think a lot of people understand how hard it is to make a mod in the caliber of Someguy.
  4. This! That's especially true considering Hateful Eight has an environment very similar to NVB3's big inspiration, The Great Silence. Maybe Someguy is working with Quentin Tarantino... Maybe Someguy is Tarantino!
  5. My theory is that some guy is just laughing his ass off or drunk or maybe both when he reads this thread.
  6. Gopher was probably optimistic and hoped that SomeGuy will relase it,honestly I doubt that he is even alive (Someguy),but maybe Gopher knows something we know,shall we spam him? Someguy is alive he was on his nexus account yesterday.
  7. The day someguy says anything about the mod will be a great day. Someguy if you read this know that a lot of us will be happy with any news even if its to say your done and not going to finish the mod.
  8. Someguy is still alive if thats what your wondering he has been on the nexus as of this week.
  9. Why are we talking about Vegas vs 3 this thread is for New Vegas Bounties not for you to have a pissing contest on which game is better go do that on reddit. Lets just wait some guy will deliver news sooner or later.
  10. It will come when it comes if we can wait for fallout 4 we can wait to play this mod.
  11. Calm down people if you want a mod to be made don't say you hate the guy and also he is doing this for Free which is the key word here. He will get to it when he gets to it.
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