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Everything posted by SpriterSan

  1. So, just to be clear on this fix: Do we have to temporarily remove all of our mods to do this clean patch? Or can they somehow co-exist? I've managed to get past that point without the mods active, and performing the patch. I'm just wondering if the mods can be active in another folder at the same time or not. It'd be an immense help if somebody could screenshot their folder structure, just so I can get an idea.
  2. It's been showing every time for me. It gets quite annoying when I'm only trying to download small files. I think it makes sense for larger downloads, but seeing the same ad every time gets old. And I found out that if you AdBlock the video it will never load the server selection page. I love nexus, but I'm not in a position to be shelling out money just to avoid ads, as that is all the good becoming a premium member would do for me. I'm not flaming Dark0ne or anybody else, I'm just saying this Ad in particular is annoying (It won't stop me from using the site, though).
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