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Everything posted by GrandsonOfSam

  1. Both of the installation guides are correct. In general, if you are using a Compatibility Patch (or a FOIP), the instructions in the Compatibility Patch are (mostly) correct. Compatibility Patches are made to make two or more mods work together with the least amount of problems possible, and are in a sense mods of other mods. The Merged Patch is actually a mod too, which modifies records of the other mods, and should also be an override for every mod it is made to affect, so it will always load last. I hope that helps you to understand why two opposites can both be right. :)
  2. That is not a bug that mods cause as such, it's just a "feature" that is left after the last bugfix by the devs. DarNUI does work, but it can be very confusing to install. Try following the ReadMe closely. It's still alpha, so it's not the easiest mod to install. Having your Load Order here to see would help a lot so we could see which mods you might have modified to work with Hair Pack. However, if you have made a Merged Patch using FO3Edit (which you should have done), you can either remake it (by delating the old one and making a new one) or delete the races records from it. If you have modified some mods themselves by copying records to them, you need to replace their .esm and .esp files with the original ones. For the future: Always make a merged patch that you have the modified records in, as it will make it a lot easier to uninstall mods you don't like. Even that doesn't help in some cases though, but it's a good practice to follow.
  3. It is normal that the Merged Patch doesn't include mods that it doesn't use in the overrides as masters. When you load FO3Edit up, it should read "[00:57] Background Loader: finished" or similar after it is done loading the files. If it does tell you something else, you need to arrange your load order differently, as some masters are not loaded before the files that need them, like they should be. Are you using the FOOK2 1.0 RC version? There is no FOIP for FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta yet, so it doesn't work with FWE at all at this time. There is an unofficial user-made Compatibility Patch for MMM though for 1.1 Open Beta, which you can find from the FOOKUnity forums (from where you can also get more help when using FOOK).
  4. That fix is ages old. If you are using FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta, I would advise you to also get the HotFixes for it Here. Also load the Perks mod before FOOK in your Load Order. If you are using FOOK2 1.0 RC, get the fixes for it from the FOOKUnity website Here. Also, if you are having problems, the best place to get advice and help is the FOOKUnity website. :)
  5. Yes. If the list has 4 type A enemy entries, and 1 type B entry, type B has a 1 in 5 (or 20%) chance of being selected for the spawn.
  6. I also fail to see the reason for this topic in the General Modification Talk, especially from someone who is not a Moderator...
  7. I have one advice, that I think is very important: Start small. As a first mod, do something small first, and consider it as "only" a learning process. After that mod is good enough in your opinion, move on to something more complicated. The advice of an empty worldspace is a two-bladed sword (while it IS a good advice), as on the other hand it makes sure you don't mess with things, but on the other hand you don't have anything that you can learn from. I think downloading the smallest, most basic housing mod from Nexus (or/and going through the GECK tutorial at Here), and editing that at first is by far the best way to learn how things work in GECK. After that you can move on to more complex things. Having a goal you know you can reach in a month will make sure you won't get fed up with the project and abandon it. The big plans can wait till you know you like modding enough that you will actually finish them. :) And yes, do not touch the vanilla wasteland cells, as that will get you in big trouble unless you are VERY good at it. :) (and even then it's not recommended)
  8. Just so you know if you are planning on releasing the mod: If you change the soundlevels, the volume/area for the sounds is changed for everything using the soundlevel you change. Especially the "normal" soundlevel is used a lot, so you might want to think of another way to accomplish what you want. I do use changed soundlevels in my own mod, but that was because I thought the values for silent and normal were not giving the results I wanted from them overall.
  9. I would re-install 1.0, although people have reported 1.0 working fine with 1.1 textures/meshes. Better to be safe though. :)
  10. I won't comment the rest of the load order, but the FOOK2 Hotfixes are for 1.1 Open Beta, which is NOT compatible with FWE, and does have some issues with MMM too. If you on the other hand are using FOOK2 1.0 RC version, remove the Hotfixes, as they are for 1.1 Open Beta. Also if you are using the 1.1 version of FOOK2, do not use the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp, as it is highly incompatible with FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta.
  11. Well, the NMC texture pack is extremely hard on your computer. I noticed my FPS plummet to 15 from 56 in Megaton when I used the full 3GB pack, and Rivet City is a LOT laggier place than Megaton. Actually the smaller pack looks pretty much the same as the full sized one, especially if you use higher than 2x Anti-Aliasing, so I would try that one to see if it fixes the problem. Even then you will need a decent gaming PC to get playable FPS. The main problem is the game engine though, which doesn't handle models and textures that well...
  12. Well, I had my first mod almost finished before I tried pressing the "cancel" button... Turned out the button was supposed to be the famous "yes to all" one. :D
  13. Some non-English language windows' have "cancel" (translated to the windows' language) there instead of "yes to all". It works like you said though, whatever the button says. :) What I have noticed (only an observation, correct me if I'm wrong), is that all of the important messages come first that concern the mod file itself, then the master file(s) stuff.
  14. the laser sight is probably from WMK, if it has (LS) in it's name. If not, some other mod changes it. :)
  15. Merged Patch is something you make using FO3Edit. It is kindof a Compatibility Patch for the mods you are using, and the best (the only one?) tool for making sure your mods work together without conflicts. Here's what I wrote on another topic:
  16. By looking at your load order, there seems to be a lot of mods conflicting... Another thing that I notice, is that you don't have a Merged Patch made with FO3Edit. Atleast WMK requires you to make one for it to work right. The mod list seems to be a complete mess, so I suspect you are not using FOMM to play the game? I would recommend downloading it, and using it's sorting to get the list a bit better at first, and then moving the mods around to make them work better together. The rule of thumb is to load the small mods first, and after them the big mods, from which MMM should load last. One thing that will mean trouble in the list is, that you load all WMK plugins before the main WMK module, which should be the first to load. For the lockers and table full of equipment, it has to be one (or more) of your mods adding them there. I hope this helps you a bit further. :)
  17. About the FOOK2 compatibility: Yes, the 1.0 RC version works with using the FOIP:s. MMM is supposed to be compatible with FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta by using 1.0 RC FOIP, but what I have read about it, I wouldn't try using them together unless you are very good with FO3Edit, atleast yet. So if you plan on using all three of them together, go with FOOK2 1.0 RC until there are compatibility patches for it. :)
  18. If you mean FWE, there isn't currently a patch that would make it work with FOOK2 1.1 Open Beta, but you can use FOOK2 1.0 RC with the old FOIP instead. That will mean you will have to do without all the niceties of the 1.1 Open Beta version though. Re-animated works fine with both versions of FOOK2. MMM works "fine", although there are conflicts with the 1.1 Open Beta, as there is no compatibility patch for it yet.
  19. I'm a bit too tired to post you a finished script, but the 10 meters / 30 meters effect is easiest to do with activators that you use to fire/stop the spawning. I'm not sure if you can really make endless source of enemies that keep spawning new ones before the old ones are dead until the game crashes because of too many actors. The spawning ants can be handled via a leveled actor list that you call from the script fired and stopped by the 10 meters / 30 meters activators. The chasing can be done with either patrol via markers, or if you want to make it the hard way, with a scripted token that is added to the player's inventory (both ways have their good and bad sides though). You can always use bright enough lights, and set the particular ant's perception to 10 though, so they will have a good chance of spotting the player, thus not needing any fancy stuff. The same effect is done in the Springvale School basement, only without "endless" ants. Just make sure the patrol routes the ants follow make them "seem" to be chasing the player, even when they don't actually detect him/her. I hope that helps, and I'm sure someone will come with better ideas or even the whole script... :)
  20. I know you know this already, but I still need to say it: Please do add also mods that are very well made, but don't necessarily have a lot of downloads, as there are some very good mods with "only" 200-600 downloads. The biggest problem for new great mods to be noticed is, that people mostly sort their searches by downloads or endorsements, which the newer mods usually don't have. Also there are some mods that have a post on the Nexus mod list, but the downloads are elsewhere for one reason or another. I have had the patience to read through all of the categories in Nexus, but I doubt everyone else does, and that is the purpose of your list anyway, to serve those who do NOT have two weeks of spare time to read everything... :) Anyway, lists are always good to have. :)
  21. I just disabled my Realtek chip and plugged in my old Sound Blaster two days ago to fix the problem myself. If plugging in a mic really does help, that should be written in big bold letters in a pinned post, as Realtek chips are very common. The realtek problem is so common, that it really should be mentioned in the pinned topics anyway, as digging it out with search for every user with the problem is just stupid... The bug is supposedly a problem only to Vista or Win 7 users, as XP has compatible drivers for Realtek chips. the topic crash appears, because you can edit (and also record) new voice replies from the window that pops up when you doubleclick the topic reply window. So it's a sound bug, which you cannot know if you can't open the pop-up from where you could get a hint that voices are linked to the topic.
  22. There are a few mods for low end computers (can't remember the names), but if you start tweaking your .ini (Backup, and be very careful), you might be interested in Fallout 3 Tweakguide. I found it very useful to crop out some unneeded eyecandy, and get more of the enhancements I did want. Just be aware, that some of the settings can make the game extremely unstable. I was able to tweak my FO3 from 1-3 crashes every hour to 1 crash every few days myself.
  23. The problem with a new merger is, that FOOK2 will be updated to 1.1 soon, so most work on the merger would need to be redone then. And believe me, it is a HUGE amount of work to make it well... :D The problem with the current merger is the way it is implemented, it is neither FOOK2 or FWE, but something in between, making a LOT of changes to both mods, and in the process kicking out the window their delicate balance. Both mods have been worked on for a long time with extremely good modders, and having their work fiddled with in the extent the merger does makes them look bad. This is not the fault of the author of the merged patch either though. The mods just overlap in way too many things to get them work together perfectly. The best scenario would be, if either FWE or FOOK2 team would make the patch, but knowing how hard they work on their own mods, I don't think that's going to happen. We can always wish though ;)
  24. Although parenthesis are not needed on most cases, it is a good habit to use them anyway as well as commenting, as they together make debugging the scripts a LOT easier. Also if you have ever suspect on leaving FO3 modding behind, it will be a lot easier for other people to take up your mod and keep it working/compatible. The comments are ignored anyway when GECK compiles the script, so they are there only for easier reading. Also keeping the Script as simple as possible is considered a good habit. The real problem in the script is, that you are using the GameDaysPassed special variable, which shows the days passed from the beginning of the game, not from when the script was run, so it will ALWAYS be higher than 1 after the first game day. I also didn't see anywhere a set command for CleanT?
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