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Status Updates posted by MDC519

  1. Caught me being lazy!...thanks for keeping me on my toes! Now , wipe 5746's cake off your face and have some fun! :)
  2. No I won't......wink, wink........:)
  3. Finally got on!....great job, bud! Waste the Falls!----I always did when I played! :P
  4. Sweet, but I'll have to try later as the sites are messed up and I can't even log in today.......they need to fix this stuff...it's been horrible lately.
  5. Back at ya, you dirty little lurker you! :)
  6. Good job, bud......we can wait....take your time :)
  7. Lurk back at cha!
  8. How's ya been, bud? Been kinda hiding myself, but just sayin' HI! Got yer intersnet back, I see. :)
  9. Enthusiastic????? I LOVE! enthusiastic!!!! Heya, bud...wuzup?
  10. Hardy Har-har.....the "creep" got banned! There is justice after all......stupid troll :)...thanks for putting in your 2 cents worth, bud :)
  11. Haven't picked a spot yet...gonna be along the south side of the road from Whiterun to Markath and up against the hills. It's a Dwemer style place, so most of it will be underground.
  12. I started off easy by building my player castle, just to get back into the swing. I haven't even touched my companion and npc's yet!! Just need to un-fry my brain some ; ) Have FUN!
  13. Busy re-learning all the new CK stuff....got a castle pretty much built, but a ton more stuff is left to do :( .
  14. This new Papyrus language is gonna break my brain! So much to learn, so little time.......hope you are fairing well in SkyLand. Well, back to the wiki! :-P
  15. Wuzz uppp, my friend. I've got my head down and workin hard in the Skyrim CK. Almost got my major castle complete, but this new scripting language is gonna kick my arze. Hope all is okay with you.
  16. Best of luck!...
  17. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!....bud. May it be a great one for everyone!.....and you too :P
  18. <---------peeks up from Skyrim for a sec then dives back in! Keep up the good work! -----now if I could just get my hands on the stupid CK!
  19. Thanks for the help bud...that pic is just too epic for true words. I'm installing Skyrim as I type, so I'll keep you posted! Off to a new land and time...:)
  20. Duhhhhh....what traffic!????...:/.....o.O. Can't wait for the next episode...just been Rifting and waiting for Skyrim. :)
  21. sneak.......peek.......O_o......Drooooooleeerrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!........O^O.
  22. Love it!...drool....more, more, more.......Drool......great job!
  23. Just checkin in to make sure you're not dead. :) I put my head down and don't look up often enough some times to see the world go by.
  24. Just peekin.......hope the new comp is comin together.....need my Pheonix fix soon or I'll waste away to nada.
  25. Sorry to hear about the comp, Bud. Hope the desktop works out...just glad you were able to salvage your HD and didn't loose all that hard work you put in!
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