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Status Replies posted by MDC519

  1. NTV strikes again, lol Here is my latest dance video. My first try using Umpa and FO3. I hope you enjoy :o)
  2. Well MDC519's mod video is up & running! I chose a new song, not my first choice but the king (mdc519, lol) says it's good, so I'm gonna take that and gracefully say thank you sir! Link:
    1. MDC519


      Thank you so much, sweet lady! And if I'm a king, then crown me with a baseball bat, please! :)
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Well the last of the Tantrivaylia tour vids is done. This one is pretty relaxing, nothing outrageous, just a tour of the village associated with the mod's quest. And I'm warning you now, 1st person to make fun of my accent...DIES!! lol!
    1. MDC519


      Another good vid! Almost makes me want to play OB again, but I think I will still wait for Skyrim :) At this rate looks like you may want to upgrade your software to take the next step in your vid making learning. Love the music too.
    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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