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  1. I'm pretty sure that's a old Oblivion armour that someone have ported to Skyrim. Don't remember what armour though. Been a long time since I played Oblivion.
  2. I'm starting to think my problem isn't only this. It doesn't seem like the auto aim is working at that distance. My arrows only travel as far as they would go if I wasn't aiming at a target. So I'm thinking that the auto aim, the one where it compensate for distance so I doesn't have to aim up on distant targets isn't working on long distances. I'm starting to think it's easier for me to look for a mod that does this.
  3. Thank you! I'll test it and post how it went.
  4. Greetings. I'm trying to use the ini tweaks for archery where you can hit everything you can see but It doesn't seem to work. I have added the following so I can see longer which work great. uExterior Cell Buffer=64 uGridsToLoad=7 So now that I can see longer I also want to be able to hit what I see with a bow and arrow. Therefore I also added the following. [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=14000.0000 Problem is that when I keep the crosshair right in the middle of the far away target I'm not able to hit it. Yeah I might simply have bad aim but I have tried so many times now that I have got to hit with one arrow at least. Also tried to compensate for distance by shooting above the target in segments but haven't hit anything that way either. Can anyone please help?
  5. Thank you! I'll test 2K Textures while waiting for the new version of Climates of Tamriel.
  6. Greetings. I've started playing Skyrim again after months and I noticed that some of the mods I'm using have disappeared. The two mentioned are some of the mods I like the most so if anyone can give me tips on mods that I can replace them with, hopefully mods that are still supported and updated I'll be gratefull. I don't like ENB so that's not an option for me. Regards Tarm Edit: I noticed that I put a too long headline. The second mod I'm lookinf for a replacement too is "skyrim realistic lighting with customization".
  7. This is where you lose many ordinary TES players and small time modders who only fire up the CK to change the hair of a follower or some such small thing. If it take more than a day or two to learn something it might as well be rocket science because a very small percentage of folks will prevail in their attempts to learn. Hearthfire messes with vanilla houses with the navmesh so most mods that alter vanilla houses have a conflict. Also mods that affect the building sites does conflict. There's a growing list but I'm too pissed drunk to add this. Just a link to where you can find somewhat current information. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2960366
  8. Do you use UFO with Hearthfire? If so it's a known conflict that haven't been fixed yet.
  9. Hm. I've forgotten about the blade. It was some time ago I got Thaned there with a character. You're not a Stormcloak are you? Just checking. ;)
  10. Have you tried starting a new character? That's the only thing I can think of.
  11. Do you have any mods installed and if so which?
  12. Wait what? If you got permission to buy the house, bought it AND got the shield aren't you Thane already?
  13. I'm guessing we'll see at least a couple small DLCs and one big expansion. Most if not all of the coming DLC will come from that brainstorming mod party they had a while ago.
  14. Ever since I started running into Orcs seemingly everywhere and that Orsinium is close to Skyrim I've thought that the next expansion would add their kingdom with a quest chain. I have been proven wrong two times now but I still think it's a good candidate due to that they only have to open up a relatively small portion of the map and I want to go back helping them like in Daggerfall. :) My second guess have been a war with the Aldmeri Dominion. After the civil war quest line it's hinted that they will be the target in the next war and I'd REALLY like to kick their butt big time. :P
  15. That's Tundra Defense, and it's pretty awesome. The major advantage it's going to have over HF is that objects in TD can be placed anywhere, while HF follows a much more linear, set-piece design. I was beginning to suspect that we'd see HF for PC soon when all the TES titles went on sale the other day. That's the name! I have a good but short memory. I thought the same when I saw TES titles on sale. Lucky we was right. :)
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