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About illicitSoul

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  1. Greetings, I wonder if anyone would like to create deployable traps mod for SE? I saw one mod for Skyrim but it seemed to be overly complex. Here's my list of ideas: Basic mod version: 1x craftable bear trap that can be deployed on the ground and will temporarily immobilize an enemy when triggered. The trap should be relatively heavy for the sake of immersion and balance. Expanded mod version: Craftable variants with different meshes and effects including bleeding, poison and more. Cheers!
  2. Hello, I've been trying to port this amazing follower but I keep failing as my game crashes as I go near here. I'd be super grateful if someone could lend me a hand :))) Mod link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/98022?tab=posts I've also contacted the author but port request was dismissed and I'm allowed to port her for myself only. Thank you :))
  3. Good to know that something is already ported. It's time to pour some more immersion into my SE :)
  4. I wonder how I could port some more complex follower mods what have required custom race esp or custom body? I'd be very grateful if somebody could lend me hand and help with few or at least one specific mod
  5. Hella fellas, So I attentively followed skyrim SE armor exporting tutorials and quite well mastered this great skill which resulted in successful few personal mod ports but right now I faced with something rather unusual. I ported Reinforced Ebony Armor set from russian site like half year (for myself only) and after I reinstalled my skyrim again, re-ported mod again... I found myself unable to find that hideous ID of that armor set. Since mod is called in russian, english console command search is useless. So to put all things clear and short: I need something what can dig into esp. and rename armor pieces. And for help I might give you something very cool in return! Edit: I managed to rename items, but armor set now becomes invisible then I equip it.
  6. Hello. I'd love to request invisible walls mod what settlers would register as normal wall and not run straight into it. In my settlement they often stuck into various constructions (what are only for esthetical reasons) so invisible walls would be good for this.
  7. Hello, I'd like to request short railing for 1x floor piece with closed endings. So I could put it between two starcases.
  8. hey, since Skyrim engine got updated, maybe we could be able to reanimate some weapons just like some very talented modders did that in fallout 4? Skyrim have some very cluncy animations like crossbow, swords etc so animating them would be great refreshment.
  9. Those mods would be amazing for SE. I'm immersion/realism fan (even if we talk about fantasy game) and glowing/enhanced items effect is huge immersion breaker... Please look into those mods as example: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34981/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69295/?
  10. Hey, maybe someone is interested to make small mod ? I'm interested in some scenes environment making so candles with dynamic shadows would be very cool addon.
  11. Hi, I would be very happy if fair sale mod could be compatible with HoS and 1.10 patch. Right now you cannot sell crossbow bolts anymore and selling goods can become very annoying mission right now. It takes like 8 hours to collect needed amount of coins in vanilla game to buy good armor (at lvl 53 some armors can cost over 6000 coints etc). So more fair sale mod would be ossum like you can seel items at 3x, 4x, 5x higher prices etc.
  12. Hi, I'm experiencing this issue: http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/17/16261/witcher3_2015-09-14_11-27-40-54.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/17/16261/witcher3_2015-09-14_11-27-42-86.png As theory dark undvik armor reskin mod could caused the bug, but I see no difference after I uninstalled it. Any ways to solve it ? I use latest steam patch and put all mods on mod folder after dev tools release.
  13. Hi here, I would love to see mod which changes original undvik armor texture to something darker. Here was one mod on nexus which had changed armor texture, but I also come with invisible/half invisible fur bug for armor itself and NPCs. so I would be very happy if anyone would take a look into this :)
  14. Hi here, I was wondering if anyone is "in a mood" to work with simple mod which removed geralt's tattoo from W2 save. Also it would be fun if here are ways to replace it :)
  15. Hey guys, I was playing with ENB tweaks and almost accidentally made something what looks pretty. It took 4 days to configure and test my enb. It's high performance ENB and I'm having quite stable 60 FPS without DOF and ENBSSAODoFtoggler. Also I wanted to be informed what I need to know if I would decide to release my ENB to public ? It uses old dll. from enbdev.com and I cannot upload dll files on nexus right :3 ? Okay, so here are screenshots and my vampirela character ;D http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_22-05-08-37.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_17-34-58-05.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_21-38-38-60.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_21-28-56-83.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_21-33-00-51.png http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8513/TESV_2015-07-03_18-04-44-78.png http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/473/472573/TESV_2015-07-03_15-44-26-64.png http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/473/472573/TESV_2015-07-03_15-54-20-27.png http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/473/472573/TESV_2015-07-03_17-49-53-43.png http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/473/472573/TESV_2015-07-03_17-50-19-87.png
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