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Everything posted by purpleisis

  1. if you patched today it breaks the mods manager until its updated
  2. Im was able to import and alter the hair i wanted to but i have gone through the web and only found instructions to that says you need to do some editing to get the hair meshes to export the hair files to get them to work but have yet found a place that tells you how and what to edit. I have the tools both the ones from nexus and game vixen and still have yet to figure out how to get them from .blender to the type of files i need. if someone could send me to the right place with the step by step instructions on how to export the hair mesh i would greatly appericate it
  3. look up the warden runic armor there is a silver gold set and black and gold set both beautifully done
  4. i just edited one i downloaded from nexus in gimp i wanted to find a mesh editor before i went any further
  5. I have gotten mildly close after useing the scale female elaborate armor mod someoen posted bust cant seem to get the mesh to flatten out and cant seem to find an ediotr to do it
  6. :wallbash: trying to get armor to look similar to Freya's http://www.goddessfreya.info/largepics/image.asp?fn=16 i have been working witht he file from scale armor elaborate another user editing and i wanted to take it a step or two further i have been able to get it to work except the fact the mesh is still showing the prts i wish to erase. Im new at this so im not sure how to edit the mesh to make it work with the armor i altered
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