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About justaking

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  1. Hello Gamers and Modders, I've been hanging around the Nexus for a few decades now, popping in here and there but not too active in the forums usually. Off-site I have been developing my own universe which I have named Project Monde. I have been working on it for over thirty years and it has gradually formed into a cohesive world with unique races, geography, and planned gameplay. The game will be a Strategic RPG overall, with elements of city building, animal taming, dungeon delving, and building, vehicle, and character customization. Yes, I am trying to move into the next stage which is the graphical side of things, and building it all up into a playable game. So I'm asking anyone interested in joining who has coding, digital graphics, and all PC-related knowledge to sign on. It is completely volunteer work and there won't be any payment (unless we finish the project and make money from it) so it will be more a project of passion or a showcase to display your skills and maybe become better known in the industry. Once joined there is no obligation to stay or continue and no deadline or timeline is being followed. All work produced concerning the project will, of course, become part of it and will remain with the project. If you are at all interested in joining the project, please send me a DM here. Then I can give you more details, get you in the Discord server and we can discuss everything further. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and to all modders out there doing great work improving games. JustaKing
  2. New to modding DA Origins. Never knew there were so many for this game! haha. Can anyone suggest some of the best for adding content such as quests, characters, classes/abilities, etc? Thanks guys.
  3. may sound silly to some, but i think it would be fun to have more were-creatures throughout the game. were-rats, were-bats, etc. maybe made much more rare than the others. Also, adding more anthropomorphic characters in the game, as companions or just unique npc's. Mothmen, Birdmen, some sort of aquatic race, etc. if anyone can make either of those, i would be grateful and willing to help test it. And if you need any ideas for characters, etc., I have tons.
  4. You have another mod installed which alters the map menu. Just go to the Advanced page of the SkyUI MCM and turn off that warning if you're seeing the map interface you want to use. (There weren't any changes to the map between 4.1 and 5.1 so using a 4.1 map with 5.1 SkyUI is just fine.) I see, thanks for the promt and easy answer!
  5. Hello, I am encountering a small problem. i my finished SRLE build. I followed the entire process and everythig is stable. I know I downloaded and installed the 5.1 version of SkyUI, but when I open the map in-game it gives me an error code saying it is 4.1 and needs 5.1. Not sure what to do from here. Its no where near game breaking, but I have a niggling suspicion that it will come back to bite me if i dont fix it now. Hope someone has encountered this or knows how to fix it. Thanks.
  6. Is there an uptodate version of a guide detailing how to setup requiem with Neovalens Skyrim Revisted Legendary Edition STEP? I just got done going through the entire process of that one and I always install Requiem on every playthrough, but I'm a little behind on current updates on Requiem, been awhile since I've clean installed. I'm petrified of messing up the stable version of SRLE that i have now. Anyone know of where to go for a detailed and specific guide on how to set the newest Requiem up with it? I really appreciate any help, thanks guys!
  7. I have Nvidia 930, windows 8, I5 Asus........ I have followed the directions in an attempt to fix my frequent crashes but now it continually freezes and does the forever load on my saved game. Please help. Reverting to original files has not worked. I can't figure it out. Need help badly.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I just decided to keep all of them separate. I tried the directions several times and I just dont know what I am doing wrong. I keep getting errors. Moving on from that though, does anyone see anything missing or outright wrong with my load order? I am just having random CTD's with no apparent common cause. I know it's a long list and something is bound to conflict with something, but if you could just give it a quick glance and let me know if anything is majorly wrong or needs to go, I would appreciate it. P.S. I installed the safety load which seemed to resolve the eternal load screens I was having before, but then the crashes got worse....I tried taking the safety load off and immediately had the eternal loading screen again.
  9. really need help here....maybe its such a simple fix no one is bothering to say it? I have been searching for days now, altering .INI files, changing mods, and restarting my Laptop continuously as it continues to either eternal load screen on me or outright freeze. I'm getting so frustrated. What could be the problem here.....?
  10. And now I'm getting the eternal hang if i try to load any save game or start a new game and try to go outside for the first time..... No one has any ideas?
  11. I'm now experiencing random crashes while just browsing the smith stall vendor's wares in windhelm.... very frustrating.
  12. I'm having trouble with the creation kit. It crashes randomly soon and often after loading the skyrim data. It seems to have no pattern as I loaded different rooms and barely added anything (one wall) before it crashed several times in a row..... I really wanted to start using this to create my own content and I am extremely frustrated and disappointed with this. I am running Skyrim through steam, no mods in the folder with the creation kit on windows 8. I don't know what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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