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Posts posted by crystaldragon12

  1. hi everyone.
    I'm trying to make a follower that will react to the choices you make in game. e.g. if you complete quests like the one from Boethiah she will like you less, and thus her dialogue will change. likewise if you do a quest like the companions quest-line she may like you more, that kind of thing. In the end, I want her to respond to all the daedric quests, the main quest and DLC main quests, college of Winterhold quest and a few others.
    My question is, how do i actually implement this without modifying those vanilla quests (something that is generally a bad idea due to stability and conflicts with other mods). the way I would have done this if I could modify those quests, would simply put a bit of code in the end fragment of various pieces of dialogue in these quests that will change the relationship rank, but as I said above, modifying vanilla quests is generally a no-no.
    My first idea to get around this was to make it so that when you next talk to the Follower after any of these quests, a dialogue option will appear where you can ask her for her thoughts, and she'll tell you what she thinks about the situation, and attached to that dialogue will be the script that modifies the relationship rank. there's a few problems with this. the biggest is that she then responds to ALL the quest she can that you've done, weather she was there or not. meaning if the player did all these quests before meeting her she'll list off a whole bunch of comments for things she really shouldn't know. she may also end up hating the player. second major issue is if the player never asks her, the relationship will never change, which doesn't make a lot of sense. another thing is that it would be annoying to have to constantly ask her, personally I'd just rather this to be automatic.
    Another idea suggested to me was having trigger boxes spawn in after these quests, and these would trigger the change relationship script. the problem with this is that if the player has any mods installed that change the location/cell the trigger box is placed in, that then creates a conflict. there's a lot of quests I want her to respond to, and that means a lot of locations and a lot of potential conflicts.
    I'm at a bit of a loss here and would really appreciate some help to figure this out!
    Thanks in advance!

  2. âhey everyone.

    I'm having a bit of trouble with the SM event node, change location event, not working for all locations.

    I'm making a quest in which a follower I've made (that you find in solstheimâ) is supposed to force greet the player, telling you they can hear a weird voice in their head and asks you help them investigate it's origin. this is supposed to trigger a few in-game days after you take them back to Skyrim for the first time, but I can't get it to trigger properly (or get the timer to work but that's not my priority right now). The way I have it set up right now, is that this scene (where the follower Force Greets you) will start when the quest starts, and the quest is started when the follower is currently following you, and the player changes location to anywhere in the Tamriel world space, which from what I understand is supposed to be any exterior cell excluding DLC's right? I've removed the several days delay I mentioned earlier until I can get this trigger working.

    When this didn't work, I decided to test different locations, to see if the location I'd set was what caused the issue, and it seems to be the case. I got it working by changing the location to various inns or other interior cells. All the interior cells worked perfectly, and the force greet scene triggered in any interior cell I tried when it was supposed to. When I tried it on exterior cells, it didn't work, with the exception of the Raven Rock location for some reason. I tried various cities, holds, and random locations/cells that were considered exteriors and nothing worked except interior locations, and raven rock.

    The desired result would be that the quest will trigger as soon as you go to any exterior location (be that a city, a town or somewhere in the wilderness). There is a scenario, based on the player's actions in a previous quest (where they become a potential follower) that the follower will go the Skyrim by themselves (specifically to Riften) and because most players use fast travel, I want to make it so that moving to any exterior location in Skyrim (not including Solstheim) could trigger it, not just the windhelm docks, which is where you have to go when returning the Skyrim from solstheim. so is "TamreilLocation" the right location for what I want to do?â if not, what should it be? if so, what am I doing wrong to stop it from triggering, but only if exterior locations are used? I'm really stuck and could really use a hand figuring this out.

    Bellow I've attached a screenshot of the SM event Node Window and scene window where you can see what i've got. I think I've included everything relevant to the issue in the pic, if not just let me know, I'll break it down or show anything I've missed :smile:
    Thanks in advance!


  3. hey everyone.

    I'm brand new to modding and working on my first real mod at the moment, a follower/quest mod. this follower runs mostly off her own framework and I've gotten rid of most of the major bugs I experienced by looking at either vanilla NPCs and followers, or modded followers like Inigo. she also has a series of quests, which for the most part are all working, but the way the follower reacts to these quests is what has me stuck. during the quest her "home" location potentially changes several times,depending on the player's choices and I can't figure out how to do this properly. I tried looking at the Dark Brotherhood NPCs since some of them change locations, as well as Delphine from the Main Quest but couldn't find anything in their AI or quests that references a location change.


    What I want to happen is this:

    The player rescues this character from slavery, so when you find her, she's at her owner's house.

    if you kill her owner, she will stay there until she can find "something more permanent"

    If you let him live, she will go live at Honorhall (she's a child)

    if you continue through her quest with her, she'll eventually find some of her family living in the wilderness of Skyrim, so after you find them, she'll go live with them instead.


    what's the best way to manage this? would it be through AI packages? I tried that, and maybe I just set it up wrong but she seemed to ignore them for the most part and just kept going back to her original home. is it done through scripts on the actor or on the quest, if so, what would these scripts be? I'm just at a bit of a loss here.


    also, not really related to this issue in particular, but a problem that is stemming from her being a child, specifically a beast race child that had no Vanilla race preset, is that I had to make her race by duplicating the Argonian race and making it smaller (0.75). that was fine, until I took her out into the world and she started using furniture and had a huge growth spurt (she grows to the size of a regular argonian, then shrinks back when she is done). How can I fix this? I know what's causing it, I changed the scale on the race which a lot of tutorials warn against, and I noticed that some Altmer actually do the same thing sometimes in Vanilla, but it's really subtle. I really don't want to have to edit the actual nif...I've yet to successfully get a .nif out of nifskope, into blender, and back into nifskope without something going wrong, not to mention the fact that armor wouldn't fit her anymore right? Is there a way I can tell the creation kit not to scale her up when using furniture? again, maybe a script or something? I know that within skyrim itself, you can scale the player character up or down using the "setscale" command in the console, and the Race Menu mod lets you do the same thing. no matter how big or small you make yourself with either, you don't change size when you use furniture, so it is possible right? personally I laugh every time it happens, but it is quite jarring to see.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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