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About AshSparkle

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    heavily modded Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, Mass Effect 2
  • Favourite Game
    modded Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2

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  1. I finally narrow down the problematic mod. It was RaceMenuPluginXPMSE.esp from Groovtama's XPMS Extended. But it doesn't seem like it was that straightforward. After cleaning my DLCs and deactivating all the mods, I activated the mods batches by batches. that particular .esp played nice in the beginning until a point where CTD started at launch. But by then I kinda lost track of which mods clashes with that .esp AND the cleaned .esm's. After deactivating that problematic .esp. The game launched flawlessly with bashed patch,. Thank goodness Papyrus log was helpful.
  2. Hi, I'm running the latest Skyrim LE with mods installed through MO (the folder is separated from Skyrim's own game folder, both are in an SSD). I used LOOT to sort out my mods and wrye bash to build bash patch, TES5edit to clean mods, all done through MO. So I followed Gopher's guide in cleaning the Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, hearthfire.esm, and dragonborn.esm. After that, I rebuilt my bash patch and launched the game, the game CTDed to desktop at launch. I tried to restore the dirty .ems's and rebuilt the patch, the game launched fine and save game was fine loading. Next, I tried to clean update.esm only, and launch the game without bash patch, it loaded fine. I tried to rebuild bash patch next by merging levelled list, stats and names. And the game CTD again at launch. So it seems like there's something in my bash patch that's messing with the cleaned Update.esm? Seems like my bash patch only works with the dirty .esm's. Anyone experienced it?
  3. I hope the holidays have been heavenly! Sending you hugs and blessings for a very Happy New Year! :o)
  4. Hey Girlfriend!! So how do you like it? I still don't have it, but hopefully for my birthday coming soon. I want to do a mod this time. My buddy and I have started working on it. You'll have to let me know how you like Skyrim so far. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it :o)
  5. Well FO3 did bore me pretty quickly. I was shocked when I actually liked NV. I think the world wasn't such a sharp contrast to Tamriel, so I could tolerate it better. Started modding it and the rest was history. But as always Oblivion beckoned to me too, so I had to go back, lol Just think how driven we're going to be on 11-11-11!
  6. Yay for the lighter teaching load :) I tried playing FONV but somehow I just got bored after a few days. (And I've been play FO3 a lot in the past) I don't know. Maybe the wasteland just got a tad too boring for me. Maybe I will play FONV again some day, but at the moment, Tamriel beckons me!
  7. Hey Woman! It was SO nice to see you back! I've been good, had a lighter teaching load this semester, so that's REALLY good, lol I'm back playing Oblivion too. I gave it up for several months playing with my Christmas present-FONV. I really liked it better than FO3. But with Skyrim coming, I'm with you, I need to get in there & finish it so I'll be ready. Welcome back & I'm so glad you stopped by!
  8. Hello! Haven't been around lately! How have you been? I am back playing Oblivion again after my study load decreased and determined to finish it!
  9. Hi there, I am having some weird issues with the camera lately. When I sit down or sleep in beds (using see you sleep mod). After standing up, my camera seems to permanantly shift to the left of my character's body. I can see my character's left arm on my view's right whenever I walk. I totally have no idea how to fix it! Help please? The recent updates I did to Oblivion were updating wyre bash, installing nifSE, Deadly reflexes 6. This has to something to do with the skeleton.nif file right? Anyone has any idea how to fix it?
  10. Merry Christmas girly! I hope you have a beautiful holiday :o)
  11. Happy Holidays! Guess it took a bit longer for me to get well, but I think I'm REALLY on the mend now, lol I hope all is good in your world! :o)
  12. Thank you! =D Hope you are in good health now
  13. Hey Girly Girl! It was so good to see you had dropped by! I've actually been MIA also, was hella sick there for awhile, but on the mend now. I hope your classes are going well. Remember, I teach at that level, so if you ever need any help with anything, just holla :o)
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