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Posts posted by jawsofhana

  1. Is it possible to make the world map geoscape into a more 'realistic' satellite view? I'd settle for some greens without all the crazy effects they've layered on top as well..


    Maybe someone's already done this?

    Thank you for any assistance and information.

  2. Would it be possible to add extra abilities to the multiplayer aspect of this game?


    I don't mean to only modify existing abilities, but add new ones, to be used in LAN mode, with custom costs?


    This could/would be the first step in making a total conversion. :)

  3. I can only hope, Bethesda will never take it serious, this beautifying mania some of you have here ,with the idealised, animeish all-smooth and clean characters..


    But then i am someone who would never change morrowind's blocky heads either...Oblivion's characters were ridicoulus in every way possible..They looked like puffed, high-grown kids..

    Finally in Skyrim they both look unique and technically advanced. And Dunmers Rock (Y).


    Aaaand the record got stuck again. Before trotting out your anime mantra and trolling other people, check your facts and check previous posts. I stated that I do not either read or watch anime, have come across it only in passing and would have no idea what an anime elf looks like.


    As someone who knows very well what an ordinary female face looks like (in my mirror every day) I have a major issue with the masculinisation of the features on the Dunmer in particular and have quite clearly stated that. I have often thought similar things when looking at some of the race mods and female game saves for Oblivion as well as for Skyrim - so often the chins and jaws were just WRONG. But at least with Oblivion you had the option to do something about the puffy cheeks and you could still make elves look like elves, I used - still do - the modified HeadHuman mesh from Robert's resource for OB, let's take a look at one of my OB Elves by way of comparison;-




    That is actually a Dunmer copy race with a different texture applied. In game she actually looked much more chiselled and had clearly sculpted cheekbones, and I could adjust not only the height but also the degree of concave/convex, same with the jaw and chin. I raised the outer corner of the eyebrows to give a slanting elven eyed look and could do a lot of work on the bridge of the nose to avoid thatflattened, smacked in the face look.


    In Skyrim, I do not have that wide range of options.


    That is a modded game. Which makes your point invalid. Oblivion elves were just as, or even uglier than the Skyrim ones. The ones in Skyrim are also true to the lore. Unlike the misfits from Oblivion.

  4. I understand the cathartic aspect of posting your thoughts... but honestly, I don't see what you expect the community to do either than applaud you because they agree or come to Skyrim's defence and take apart your arguments.



    And that's what a discussion board is for - discussion.


    I partly share the OPs views, but the main problem won't go away anytime soon. Back in the days game companies were actually run by people, who made the games they wanted to play. Nowadays it's shareholder companies run by suits, who probably haven't played a game in their lives and employ pollsters to look for the perfect game for the masses. That has to lead to a decrease in quality.


    That goes for the whole entertainment business.


    This is very true. Also one of the reason indie developers does so well these days. And the main reason PoE will be one of the best ARPG's of all time. I am really looking forward to playing act 3 in the open beta. :)

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