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  1. Well, I am trying to port over the first person arm model of Jacket from Payday 2 into something like blender or outfit studio so I can fit them over the first person arms and fix them up to add as a glove/arm addition but I just dont really know how to import the model. This is my first time attempting to mod so I understand I may have no idea what I am getting into
  2. This is more for personal use only from another game. No real intentions to publish
  3. So I have the armset files that I want to port into Fallout 4, however they are not in osp format, they are in MODEL format... or UNIT format. Have yet to determine which is the correct one to use. Anyhow, I really need help with trying to port this armset into the game as an glove and arm mod for first person only. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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