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Posts posted by RadioActiveStreetBum

  1. We all know the biggest threat to mankind. Zombies!!!

    What is the best method to deal with the undead menace?

    Where will you hold out when the time comes? The Mall? Cosco? Greenland?

    What is the best weapon to kill a zombie? Katana? Tabina? Chainsaw? Shotgun? George Bush?


    Shotgun Or Assult Rifle?

    Flamethrower or Notavir?

    Axe or Sword?


    Please be as gorry as you like, afterall, mankind may depend on it!

  2. I'll play your game but let's get one thing strait!


    Ramsstein is the greatest band ever!

    Obama is not plotting anything!

    and There is no such thing as wintersun!

    And guandi does NOT SUCK!

  3. Wintersun, You listen to too much metal, I bet you dont even listen to good stuff, like Rammstein!


    of course you listen to rammstein you nazi






    You should have used the proper words.



    Proper words???

  4. okay if thats so bad why is obama the us president trying to kill all white people :mage:


    He is not


    is to

    i have proof he is going to start the white halocaust


    gandhi sucks

    I don't support Obama, but he isn't going to start the "white holocaust". You do know that the majority of people in the U.S. Army are white, right? Oh, and Gandhi sucks? Now you're just an idiot.



    Agreed, Guandi does not suck!

  5. Sure Hitler's Genocide is wrong, but all of man's greatest Triumphs came out of Bloodshed.


    Example, most medicine came from war crimes and genocide, most technology came from war, and christianity cam out of the blood of christ! Our Democracy Came from war, American government and independence came from revolution, and canadian independance came from World War One,


    Because something good came out of bloodshed, doesn't make it any less of a blood shed!


    Mohatma Ghandi freed India from Great Britan with no use of violence, or bloodshet at all


    Ghandi used no violence, but violence was used against him. Besides, guandi doesn't count


    Why not? He was at the same time, had the same charisma. But he did things differently



    Because I didn't think of that.


    And I was talking about our society, and India isn't exactly well off. (Unfortunate but true)

  6. Sure Hitler's Genocide is wrong, but all of man's greatest Triumphs came out of Bloodshed.


    Example, most medicine came from war crimes and genocide, most technology came from war, and christianity cam out of the blood of christ! Our Democracy Came from war, American government and independence came from revolution, and canadian independance came from World War One,


    Because something good came out of bloodshed, doesn't make it any less of a blood shed!


    Mohatma Ghandi freed India from Great Britan with no use of violence, or bloodshet at all


    Ghandi used no violence, but violence was used against him. Besides, guandi doesn't count

  7. i agree they should not think of the bad think of the good

    Hitler killed millions

    yet his worked has saved billions :thumbsup:

    I can't believe people think this.


    wow i was not trying to be mean or rude

    but i will say i hate humans including myself and if a large proportion of us can be killed we be saved from extinction

    aka overpopulation

    personally i want us all to die

    it will stop many of the worlds problems


    Have you seriously considered a psyciatrist (no offense. Seriously)





  8. Sure Hitler's Genocide is wrong, but all of man's greatest Triumphs came out of Bloodshed.


    Example, most medicine came from war crimes and genocide, most technology came from war, and christianity cam out of the blood of christ! Our Democracy Came from war, American government and independence came from revolution, and canadian independance came from World War One,


    Because something good came out of bloodshed, doesn't make it any less of a blood shed!

  9. HolyCrapOfGod is my Roomate, Teammate, and overall a much better at forum crap than me, so in all fairness, we have resolved the issue, but unfortunatly, Demitry, (HolyCrapOfGod) has been banned from this site so he isn't allowed to ask for forgivness, so he sent me in his place, and the reason for this petition is an attempt to fix what a certain Team Member did in a fit of ultimate Stupidity.


    All we want is Demitry to have his account back, because I fail as a Forums guy, and I don't know but I think I got our IP. Banned, maybe, somehow.


    Demitry has all his mods on HolyCrapOfGod, and I suck as a Forums Guy.


    Bann me if you must, but let Demitry's Accout Go Free!!!!!


    And please, once Demitry gets his account back, none of us will use it, Ever! Please!!! Release our account back to us!!!



    Our Team Is in agreement,


    Mein Herz Brennt is the single sweetest thing ever!!!!! And for the guy who used it on his profile :thumbsup:


    (Demitry says that Dalai Lama is a better song, but I like Mein Herz Brennt!!!)

  10. Yes, the account HolyCrapOfGod was banned because of teamate Amber, used the account of Demitry, registered user, to tell a person to pirate something. That is against the rules, and because of the no two account rules, I have to take over for him as poster until such a time as the forum people let him back on.


    Now, yesterday I used a reference, It was a beatles reference, yes, my character is named after a beatles song called ealenor rigby.



    Oh, and Demitry, (Holycrapofgod) wishes to let you people that he has read every single post and is interested by some of the charaters you people right. That's all 60 posts. (Nexus Addict)


    And once again Otherside also got banned, which is mutually agreed, that's a good thing. Incase you missed it, it was sort of like this: Otherside Vs Alienslof= :mage: )


    Anyway, thank you all for putting up with this sudden and extremely entertaining sidetrackation from the main topic, to which we must continue!







    I have a second character, his name is George, and he is and orc. His favourate battle axe, named Pornato, (Not the best name but it was funny when I thought it up) has a 25 pts of absorb health. I am quite proud of the unique meshes and textures I made and would show a picture of it,but Demitry crashed the ipi, and we can't open oblivion until Amber can fix it.

  11. I, Demitry, not collin, will be happy to write for, I have had a number of books published for my talented writing skills


    And by a number, I mean 3.




    It was a cold night in the nordic capital. Me and my legionnaires were looking for a band of Nordic rebels who had planns to overthrow the empire. Vicerus's face was turning blue, and you could tell by his eyes all he could think about was making a round trip home. Every breath set fire in our lungs, our hand, so red. I hear the distant howl of wolves, and think to myself, how? how could any being survive this?

    My thoughts were short lived, as Vicerus clapsed, from the cold. Vicerus and I had been through evrything togeather, the ashland uprisings in Vvardenfell, The vampire plague of Valenwood, and the great Zombie uprising in blackmarsh. This man, this noble man had laughed in the face of death on numerouse occasions, and yet here he was, brought to his knees by the cold. The ungodly cold. I screamed at him, oh how I told him. "You will not die here. Repeat after me. I will not die here!" His eyes looked at me. I saw the determination, the mind wanted to, but the body?

    How convenient that it should be than that Norja and her gang of rebels should jumps us. They were near naked! How, how could they be barely clothed in the same cold that brought a long time legionnire to shame? I pulled my sword, and so I and was about to swing when I saw it. By the nine it ws beautifull!

    It descended upon them with a blind fury. I have no Idea what it was, but where it went, death followed. It killed Garnerath, and than I knew that it was on no ones side. I threw Vicerus over my shoulder, and we ran, we just ran. When asked what happened, I tried to explain, it had the body of a woman, only with wings. It swoope in and killed, killed everything it saw. I know not what to call it, for I have not seen one before, nor since the icident, in skyrim. In the cold.



    I hoped this is a like something you are looking for. Keep in mind I wrote this in 15 minutes, no planning, so it may not be the greatest work, but it's a sample of my writing style.

  12. I need a shivering isles esp.


    All my esp's clapsed, Including shivering isles, explained bellow.



    Basically, I just need the esp. Nothing else! I already bought and payed for mine, and because I have lost the disk, and I really do not want to have to buy another disk, when all I need is the esp, I was wondering,


    Could someone just e-mail me a clean esp?


    I'm sure there isn't anything illegal about that right? afterall, I already payed for it.


    Being that I can't continue my game without it, and I can't afford to buy it again, could someone just e-mail me one?


    I repeat, I DO NOT need any of the actual content, just the piece that holds it all togeather.


    Please, I am begging you.

  13. Thank you for your suggetion, I know how to fix the problem, It is a pain in my @$$


    I already do alot of this stuff after the first time it happened, (Caught me totally off guard)


    This is the second time, anyway, thank you for your tip, I just need something to help makesure this Never Happens again,


    Also, some of my Uncorrupted spares went invalid as well, I do not much like that, Any miracule cures? please?

  14. My Characters name is Eleanor Rigby (Guess the refernece)


    She is a Ackmora, props to Demitry for this race, (Yorkenheimer Race pack II)


    She wears Amageddon Robes, (Made by me, not on tesnexus)


    Specialty: Magic


    Hair Colour: Blond,


    Height: Tall


    Eye Colour: Brown


    Favourate Spell: Midas Nuclear Blast


    My character was a lonely woman, who's husband was in a naval officer stationed in Morrowind. Upon hearing of his death, she began to learn the arts of magic in order to protect herself incase of any tragic events. At one point, due to a racist gealousy from a neighbor, a rumour was spread of Skooma and Daedric magic was in abunjdance in her home. This was enough to get the Imperial guard involved.


    Upon being arrested, she was condemned to the deepest darkest block of the imperial prison. Luckely, the tutorial happened.


    Upon request of the emporer, Eleanor Riby's life was changed forever, no onger was she condemned to live as a poor widow in the imperial city, who had lost everything in the trials, instead she set out for a life of adventure.



    She soon became a full member of the mages guld and furthered her study of magic, until one faitfull day she vanquished the evil manimarco, and became the arch mage of the entire guild.


    Fait handed her another twist when she was confronted with her great, great, grat grandfather, a dremora living in the plains of oblivion. They fought along side one another. Than the daedric lord, sheogorath, beckoned to her, and she is now, fighting fo rher sanity...



    I will post the reference in 24 hours, seee if anyone can guess....

  15. Has anyone experienced this:


    1) you do stuff

    2) You go to activate a new mod

    3) all your mods turn into Ìnvalid files and you have to redownload all the ESP`S


    How do you fix it? I often back up my ESP's, but I had just downloaded shivering Isles and now it won't play!!! Nore will about 23/107 mods!!!


    Prevention tips please


    Ps. I do have VISTA, The modder's nightmare!


    Any fast easy solutions, will be greatly appreciated

  16. Everyone, says welcome so I don't want to be like everyone else. I will give you the rules now.




    Rule 1: Follow The Terms Of Service and all that junk


    Rule 2: You must Bow to my SUPERIORITY


    Rule 3: Don't get bannned


    Rule 4: You must download all my mods


    Rule 5: No interdimentional rifts that could kill us all without a permit


    Rule 6: Is not Important


    Rule 7: You must be atleast 3 Inches tall to post


    Rule 8: I have no real authority, so, yeah, but Rule #2 still applies!!





    How To Mod:


    Play with the Tes Construction set. (It's like a video game in itself



    And whoever removed jesus's post, beware, his father will be very, very, angry!!!


    And now you're banned also. Well done.


    Go somewhere else to spout your dribble.




    As much as that pleases me to hear that. please note that Otherside owns a computer shop downtown, and has access to alot of computers and Ip's, as well as a twisted evil not seen since lord Dagon. (Need atleast 1 oblivion refernece) Only by banning togeather can we defeat this evil foe, ande reclaim this nexus as, An OTHERSIDE FREE ZONE!!!


    Ps. Thank you Alienslof fir being sucha great moderator and keeping our posts free of another insulting "Jesus" Reference.


    And can I have my account back, Please? I promise I won't let anyone else use it, Amber made a fool out of everyone, and on behalf of the entire team, We all apologize for her irrational and sensless behavior.

  18. I sent my message, and if they decide to unban me, I will be very very happy, probably sighn this account over to another team mate or something, (Not Amber, she's the one who got me banned with her illegal Propaganda.



    Yes, so if I get my account back, I will give this account to Collin.


    Not to mention this account is mine, the other one sort of belongs to the team (Minus Amber) so we can upoad our projects to the public.

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