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Everything posted by Stormwind32
I see your point TG, but what pours salt on the wound for me is that Orzammar and all its zones have horrible load times. In the deep roads I have to exit and re-load before switching zones if I don't want to wait forever. I will say that the Dead Trenches is the best Darkspawn encounter in the game and it is what the final onslaught should have been like. I loved the way you are slowly cutting a line through the Darkspawn as opposed to the one hit kills. I just feel that some of the stuff could have been cut out in favor of developing other parts of the game. Unless their goal was to make you really hate dwarves! Edit - Maybe not make you hate the dwarves, more like understand their burden - maybe. And the dwarves treat you with the most respect, so that is a plus on their side.
Thanks for the info. I installed the files and replayed that scene, and the dialog worked and everything! I am not worried about breaking the landsmeet, as the whole purpose of that playthrough was to see that option, so now I am going to delete that character. The readme file that comes with the mod, and the fact that the whole confrontation was voice acted indicates that this was supposed to be a valid possibility in the game. Either it is a bug that the dialog cannot be triggered, or it was something Bioware decided to remove from the game. Incidently, do you know of a mod that fixes the Lanaya dialog? Right now if I end the curse, or if I kill Witherfang AND Zathrian the dialog is identical. Kind of annoying that you end the curse and she still says that the heart cured the hunters.
- I feel the game has done a good job of making consequences for 'evil' choices, but has done a very poor job of making consequences for 'good' choices. At Redcliffe castle you have 3 choices, kill Connor, kill Isolde, or go to the mage tower and kill no one. The first 2 choices offer immediate resolution to the problem but have consequences. The third choice however has NO consequences, and you can leave Redcliffe for a 2 day roundtrip to the Circle (thats 2 days travel only, does not count the time needed to resolve the circle quest if you haven't done it yet). What SHOULD have happened is that if you left for the circle, Connor would marshall his forces and attack the village and destroy everything, just as though you had not helped the village in the first place. Instead, you go to the circle and come back, and everyone is safe. No consequences for the people in castle, no consequences for people in the village. And most of all no consequences for Isolde. There is no mention of her making up for what she did, all we hear is that she 'refuses to speak of it'. Another no-consequences plot is the Kolgrim arc. If you kill him, the dragon ignores you, if you don't, it blocks your path and he has to convince it to stand aside. It is just duplicitous behavior I find completely annoying. If you kill Kolgrim, it should have forced a confrontation with the high dragon. Instead, for whatever reason, Bioware decided to make it so there are no consequences for killing Kolgrim. - By contrast, the best written quest is the "Nature of the Beast", mostly for its consequences and numerous choices. I have been playing this game for months and I am still discovering new outcomes and dialog lines. In many ways I wish more content was developed for this quest instead of the dwarves (which just eat up a disproportionate amount of game time). - Morrigan is practical, not evil. She does make mistakes though, like when she suggests that Kolgrim would be a powerful ally - except he doesn't have any interest in fighting darkspawn. - Alistair is an interesting character, it definitely takes more than one play through to see all sides to him. I will say I hate him so much, but that is a testament to good writing. I probably won't spend my money on future DA expansion/games if he is a mandatory party member in them though. - The best thing the game did was remove those stupid good/evil scales in the character screen that previous games always had. - I feel the same way as you on the issue of dwarves - After I was done with the Anvil quest I seriously wished I could cut off the tongues of all the Deshyrs and put them in pens (what the Qunari do to mages).
I am guessing a mod could be done for this, but it is so easy to do with console commands. Information on enabling the console and a list of commands can be found at: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console Have the dog in your party (you can't do this in camp), pick him so that he is the controlled character and then enter the console command: runscript addtalent 4022 This will add the talent tree for warrior. I recommend training only the first line and only after you maxed out the war dog tree. He should benefit from Bravery and Deathblow, but I don't know for sure. I typically use the console to give the dog Reaver spec (4019) and the "devour" skill. Its cool for RP purposes. I use that so he can 'eat' the enemies I *really* hate like Wynne, Swiftrunner....etc. I tried to get him to eat Arl Howe but the talent doesn't work on him, his body persists. On a related note if you tell the dog to 'clean up the gory mess' he licks all the blood off of you and gets 4hp healed!
One of the things that annoys me the most is the banter I have to go through with a merchant before the trade screen comes up. I am not asking for a way to bypass a merchant's approval of me (e.g. Varathorn), just that merchants have some clickable sack or board next to them (like the mage collective or chanter board) that immediately brings up the trade screen without navigating dialog options. I already use the Esc key alot but it is still annoying. If such a mod already exists, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could post a link.
Return to Ostagar won't start
Stormwind32 replied to Zenith1987's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Someone asked the same question in an earlier thread (albeit locked one) and he said that you should contact EA support about getting a proper, legal version. The new location should be near Lake Calenhad ****** Helping Piracy is just as bad as doing it yourself. The DLC was pulled for a reason. - Vagrant0 ****** -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
- Leliana talks about frivolous stuff like fashion and crap. Maybe you could count the tale of Aveline, but thats a pretty sad story. The noble lady who took her in was pretty nice, I'll give you that. - Riordan is not from Orlais. When you talk to him he says that he was sent to investigate because he was a native Fereldan. - About Ferelden smelling like wet dog...I thought it was only Marjoline that said that, but I had a conversation with Sten today and he said the same thing! -
Ok I started a character this morning specifically to test this issue. I went to Redcliffe, let the monsters kill them, went back and fed Isolde to Jowan so I could save Connor, made the blood magic deal with the demon. I went to the tower next (wow Alistair really gave me an earful at the camp tho) and try as I might I cannot get the dialogue where Wynne rats me out and I can admit/deny being a blood mage. I used blood sacrifice alot and even killed Wynne with it a few times in the tower. So it seems like you have to try really hard to get ratted out, or its an Urban Legend. I have heard this scenario though from so many different sources so I think it can be done, I just don't know how. The only alterntative is to somehow lock all specializations and go through the same routine so that when blood mage is unlocked, its 'fresh' as opposed to an unlocking of the something that is unlocked already. If I ever get this to work I will let you guys know. EDIT: Doing Redcliffe before the Tower is something I never did before, and it opened up some new dialog options with Gregoir regarding Jowan. However, when Gregoir asks where is Jowan exactly I only get one dialog option "I can't tell you that", which is weird. I guess the truth about the Jowan-Loghain plot can only be revealed at the Landsmeet. Still, my hours of playing were not completely wasted - I got to see how much more of a crybaby Alistair can be (I thought I had seen it all!)
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Its a good idea. And lets admit it, DA is an amazing game and I think any mod that adds significant content would be well received. As to where it would be discussed, thats in the Mod section under 'Mod Requests' or 'General Talk'. I have seen one or two extra campaign mods out there, though nothing with voice acting. Would be nice to have that! -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Well I understand why they would be despised in Ferelden and I can take that. But in the game I am pretty sure that they say that the Tevinters burned Andraste, not the Orlesians. What I would consider to be unreasonable is them casting Andraste as a native of Ferelden, and the Orlesian woman in the marketplace who tells you she had to flee because she was going to be raped by a Chevalier. Those two things cast an excessive anti-Orlesian picture. Having Andraste from Orlais would fit in with the Jeanne d'Arc clone they created, and would be more appropriate. Also having the woman in the Market cast a less bleak tale would have balanced the harsh portrayal of Orlesians in the game. The French Empire did a lot of horrible things no doubt, but in the game Orlais is all negative. It could have also been fixed by not making the Orlesians so blatantly french. As far as I know, there are only 3 Orlesian characters in the game, two of them are repulsive (Isolde and Marjoline), and the third is the Chevalier victim. Not one of them redeems Orlais in a single way. As for Leliana being tortured, I don't think that is a big deal, most countries do take a negative view of treason. -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Oh if I was french I would probably be angry with the portrayal of Orlesians as well. In addition, notice how Andraste, who is such a blatant copy of Jeanne d'Arc, was said to be from Ferelden and not Orlais! I would love to see a future game in the DA universe where you are a Chevalier as opposed to a Warden. -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I don't disagree, I just see my choice as well as yours being both viable from an immersion/roleplay perspective. The game gives you these choices at the end so its up to the player to decide what they want to do. -
You mean Garin. Gorim is the drawf merchant in Denerim. Also, if you don't find the specific crystals you want (e.g. Lightning/Natural...etc) just save and reload, and then talk to him again, and his crystal inventory will change. If he still doesnt have it, save again and reload and so on until you find the selection you want. Zoning in and out also works but I found that load times for Orzammar zones can be excessive. The quality of the stones depends on your level, so for levels 15-18 they will be flawless, and from 19 and upwards they will be brilliant. Hope that helps PS> Garin is the across from the Diamond Quarter entrance.
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Once the blight is defeated your duty is over - more so if you were recruited against your will. Every single NPC Noble in this game tries to use the Blight to advance themselves: 1. Howe uses the Blight to kill off the Couslands when their army leaves 2. Loghain uses the Blight to kill Cailan and advance himself to regent, possibly King (that fool in the Frostback mountains referred to him as 'King Loghain') 3. Anora uses the Blight to try and advance herself as sole ruler (this is quite evident if you explore all dialog and landsmeet options with her). 4. Eamon uses the Blight to someone he can control on the throne (Cailan rarely listened to Eamon's advice -- Alistair will be loyal to him). All of them do these things while the blight is still a threat. My noble cashing in AFTER defeating the blight hardly seems inappropriate. -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
It can make sense of course. Don't forget as a human noble your experience with Duncan is unpleasant. Recruitment happens when your father is lying there in a pool of his own blood and begging Duncan to take you and your mother with him. Duncan chooses this to be the appropriate time to ask for something in return. And if you refuse, he invokes the right of conscription. Oh, and don't forget he leaves your mother behind too. Oh and everytime you bring up the issue of Fergus, Duncan and Alistair refuse to let you look for him. Let's not forget Ser Jory, Duncan butchered him when he tried to leave. No good reason is offered, as later on in the Landsmeet we learn that the fact that joining is 'often fatal' is in fact common knowledge. So, my point is that it's easy to roleplay a human noble Warden that is resentful of Duncan, but continues the fight against the blight to honor what his/her father said about duty. However, once the blight is defeated, you can reason that it is time to strengthen the Couslands again and make sure that Howe's act of betrayal would be very difficult to implement in the future. Having the Couslands in control of 2 Terynirs seems a good way to do that (if one falls, the other can still exact revenge). With Riordan dead, and Alistair not in the Wardens anymore (he is king for instance), there is no one to stop you from leaving. If the other GWs wanted to compel you to return to the order, but that seems unlikely when the blight is over. And being the hero that saved Ferelden, it would just make them look bad. Besides, if that were the case they would have compelled Alistair if you go with drunkard ending. In fact the drunk Alistair ending proves Riordan was wrong about Wardens being bound to the darkspawn. Alistair is free to leave if he does not get the throne and Loghain lives - so if you defeat the blight leaving should be no problem. -
spoiler Nobility Titles
Stormwind32 replied to Stormwind32's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
The info allowed me to determine how my human noble should treat Isolde when she acts all high and mighty. Thanks Also, if you kill Loghain and make Alistair king, do the dark ritual and defeat the blight, you can request a "title and riches to go with it". Alistair then makes you the Teryn of Gwaren, thereby making the only two Teryns in Ferelden from the Cousland family (yourself and Fergus). I find that far more satisfying than asking that the rest of the Howes 'pay for what they did' since they loose Aramanthine either way. -
If you visit Redcliffe before the mage tower, and use Jowan to send you into the Fade, you can make a deal with demon to unlock blood magic - everyone knows this. Now, if you add the blood mage spec *after* doing this (since it can be unlocked from a previous playthrough) and then go to the mage tower, add Wynne to your party, and use Blood magic frequently in the final fight with Uldred, Wynne will rat you out to Gregoir/Irving. If you admit to it at that point everyone attacks you and you do not get the mages or the templars as allies. This is what I heard from 2nd hand accounts. I didn't try it out yet because I don't like playing a mage, but on my next playthrough I was planning to try this.
There is a mod called Winter Forge that allows you to create armor with the bonuses you want. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=122 It can also be used to forge weapons and shields. I typically use it when I don't get the Warden Tower Shield when killing Sophia. I don't feel like killing her over and over for 2 hours (thats how long it took last time I scored it) so I just use this mod to make a shield with the same stats and bonuses. It can't change the base stats on the armor since those are determined by the model type (scale, splintmail, chain mail....etc) and material (steel, red steel...etc) but you can add up to 5 bonuses on each armor piece. These bonuses can be anything from attack, armor, defense, spell resistance....etc. Also, Wade's Medium Dragonskin armor does look good on the women and does have nice bonuses, so you could just use that. I might also suggest Varathorn's brestplate (scale armor) but he does not make a matching set of gloves and boots to go with it - you should be able to equip silverite scale gloves and scale boots to get an item set bonus though.
Sacred Ashes inspired Leliana Armour
Stormwind32 replied to Galhali's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
This mod has what you want. It adds a camp merchant that sells something called 'rogue armor' for Leliana. It is inspired by the SA trailer http://social.bioware.com/project/966/&...ussions#details However, you should be aware of a few things before installing it: 1. The mod will also change the faces for Morrigan, Sten and Leliana. If you have your own face morphs for these characters that you want to keep, or if you like the original faces, you will need to modify the mod in the toolset to remove the faces (this is detailed in one of the discussion threads under that project) 2. The rogue armor meant for Leliana was created by retexturing ALL instances of women's splintmail. So if your PC is female and you equip her with splintmail (e.g. Wade's Dragonskin) it will look like Leliana's armor (though a different colour) The armor was nice to look at, but it gets old after a while. The mod also includes a robe for morrigan (no changes to the model there, just the stats) and a remodeled staff that actually looks pretty good. I have used this mod on a few playthroughs but I will probably get rid of it. -
spoiler Which king is better for orzammar.
Stormwind32 replied to RebelOConner's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I guess that means we will see a Bhelen " Fidel Castro Face Morph" mod soon! -
You can also get the Oathkeeper Sword through the console command "runscript zz_createrunes" it will also dump a bunch of runes in your inventory though. I didn't know that Yusaris is King Cailan's sword. I will have to read the codex next time. I usually do that quest so I can watch the demon kill Petra and the other mages while I sit back. By the time its killed all of them its only at 25% health and then I move in for the easy kill. Edit: If you have the Winters Forge mod you can create a sword just like the Oathkeeper. The model type for the sword is "Orlesian Longsword"
Its a bit off topic, but EA is the gaming industry juggernaut - sort of what Microsoft is to operating systems. I wouldn't say I hate them. I know the purpose of every enterprise is to make profit, but EA more often than not does it at the expense of the gaming experience. This in of itself is not the issue, the issue is that they buy up other companies, strip them down and make them create games that fit their vision. I absolutely loved games that were made by Origin. Wing Commander, Strike Commander, Ultima, Privateer....I played them all. After EA bought them out all those amazing games vanished and EA stripped them down and made them work only on the Ultima Online MMO. EA also bought out another favorite of mine, Westwood (I was never a fan of Blizzard), and now they churn out the strategy games that are basically clones of the older ones with different characters/graphics. When I found out that BioWare was under EA's thumb too I became concerned. I only hope we continue to see more RPGs of the same calibre in the future. There was also the DRM issue they introduced. I think I first heard about it in C&C 3. Basically the game installed 'rootkit' (is that what's called? I can't remember) deep into the Windows registry so that the activation code for the game would only work 3 times. So if you reformatted the computer 3 times since you installed the game it would no longer work when you installed it for the forth time. Same problem if you try to install it on different computers - the uproar was a while ago so I don't know if I got the details right. But the gist of it was that EA was putting in anti piracy measures that installed programs deep into your system that you couldn't remove. Software pirates eventually hacked and removed this from pirated copies (like they always do) so the only people being penalized were legitimate customers.
The woman that appears at 1:06 looks quite interesting. "The spirits will watch in envy as the mortals of this realm bow down before me" Some people have speculated that she is Morrigan's baby, though I doubt it since the baby relies on the player's choices in Origins. Still, I am intrigued as to who she will turn out to be. I didn't see anything about the joining, but someone keeps repeating the joining line "...join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant...".
Loghain Won't Die in Landmeet Fight
Stormwind32 replied to mcumbo's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Troubleshooting
I had a similar issue. I selected Leliana as my champion and when she defeated Loghain the fight did not end, but he was not attacking either. Neither character was in combat mode (sheathed weapons), and if I right clicked on Loghain it would start a conversation (as though he were in my party). I just reloaded a save game and the issue did not happen again. -
I hope to god its not Alistair. Being forced to have him in DA:O as a party member is quite enough - in fact I would go as far to say that if Alistair is anything more than a cameo appearance in the expansion, I am not buying it. Yeah I know I can get rid of him in the landsmeet, but substituting him for a character I hate even more is not much of an option. But I have to say that if a party member is coming back in anything more than a cameo, it would have to be Morrigan - she is the only one you can't kill in the game. But on the other hand, if you choose to have Alistair executed at the landsmeet, there is no mention of the actual execution in the epilogue - so they could bring him back in the expansion and say that Eamon bribed the guards and helped him escape. By the way here is the trailer for the expansion - I am guessing Alistair here is a cameo and would be substituted for Anora if you chose here, but there is no way to know for sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv81oPzccW0