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About SaijaRii

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    KotOR, Fire Emblem VII, LoZ: Ocarina of Time, and Mass Effect.

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  1. Just another mod idea... I am surprised that the C4 in New Vegas can't blow up doors. Isn't that what its for? It would be cool if there was a mod that let you use C4 to open locked doors. Not all characters have a lot of points in lock pick. If you can't pick the lock, why not blow it off?
  2. Flashlights... Flashlights would be a nice alternative to night-vision when we get a full version of Fellout (a lighting mod with pitch black nights) and make exploring dark caves more interesting and scary. I liked the night-vision mods in Fallout 3 but I had always wished I could hold a flashlight in my off hand or attach one to my rifle so that rather than being able to see everything I could only see what was directly in front of me for a few meters. I've no idea how hard that would be to code, and it probably requires some kind of script-extender, but I would shower the creator of such a mod with much appreciation. Poker... I really wish vanilla New Vegas came with a 5-card Poker mini-game in its casinos but sadly it doesn't. I am assuming that this would be really hard for a mod maker to create without breaking some other poker game's copyright and porting their code into New Vegas but I am throwing my desire out there for 5-card Poker in case anyone was thinking of making such a mod but was not sure it would be worth the trouble to create because players might not want one (that's a helluva long run-on sentence). I was a really big fan of westerns when I was a kid, both Mavericks, anything with Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart, or John Wayne... especially John Wayne... classics... and poker is part of the genre, which New Vegas has merged with. ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Regardless, thanks for what you guys (mod makers) do. These games wouldn't be nearly so great without you, I salute you with my .44! ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- EDIT: Actually, it looks like a 'full' version of Fellout has been released, yeah for real nights!
  3. Maybe he has children in the same room as the computer? Anyways, this is a legitimate request, I don't know why you all have to give him / her a hard time about it. God forbid someone have a set of morals, or want to shield his / her young children from sex. I just ignore that particular prostitute. I don't have any body mods, waiting for a good clothed one, so she looks deformed heh heh.
  4. You want to quit the game until you get involved in the faction wars... really interesting stuff.
  5. I like having to stay on the roads, makes venturing off of them more fun and challenging... I actually die! I hate those bloody butterflies though, I wear clothing not armor, and they easily kill you in the time it takes to reload.
  6. I've always hated Steam. My first experience with it was the Dawn of War II con (the game wasn't on the disk, had to be downloaded off of Steam even though you bought the box, and it was slow as hell). I am very upset that I can't install this outside of Steam, less of a pain to mess with mods. I won't be downloading any until that's changed or we get some kind of automated mod manager (I can't even activate ESPs without crashing the Data Files menu). However, I am enjoying Vanilla... but without mods this game will just be good for one or two play-throughs. And at least the game was actually on the disk this time.
  7. In Fallout III at Tenpenny Tower there is a side quest (as you already know) involving Ghouls wanting to live in the Tower. If you persuade the residents of Tenpenny Tower to let the Ghouls live with them you will find upon later revisiting the Tower that the once 'peaceful' Ghouls have gone Feral and slaughtered their neighbors, just as the residents had initially feared. Do Ghouls inevitably become Ferals?
  8. This mod is an excellent dungeon mod: StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised. It says there are missing meshes but I havn't encountered any. Yes, there are no quests, yes the spelling sucks, however... its hella' fun. He redisigned most of the generic vampire dungeons to look like vampire dungeons, with modded items, furniture, armors, etc. Really fun to explore, and really fun to fight in when you use the Deadly Reflex mod (Revamps combat). Viconia DeVir is an excellent quest mod, and it comes with a kickass companion to boot! But to play Part III, you need to download The Underdark, a really underrated rediculously large dungeon mod with lots of potential. Sorry I don't have more recommendations, havn't really messed with many quest and/or dungeon mods myself. It is very time consuming and tedius (Sp?) to find anything worthwhile there lol, I don't blame him for asking for recommendations. We need a thread where you nominate mods to be recommended, we vote on them or something, and then they can be put up there. @ Maigrets. Thanks for the recommendations, gonna check those out. :thumbsup: EDIT: Wow, no wonder quest / dungeon mods are so hard to find, people are more interested in Hentai. Not alot of downloads, but those look awesome! (Downloading The Oubilette now). :biggrin:
  9. What kind of question is this? It's ten bucks! Take a risk. That is all I have to say.
  10. Thanks for the advice guys... I am going to look into all of that right now, look for some enchantment mods, and I am sure it will be easy to find some nice swords. :thanks:
  11. And here I thought this was gonna be innappropriate... o_O Anyways... I use all games as stress relievers, but as far as enjoying the scenery goes... not ussually (Though when I got my new video card I spent time looking at everything). In Star Wars: Galaxies (SWG), a crappy MMO that I played for a year in a half, I spent alot of time just looking at the endless Copy-Pasted scenery that went on forever... just because it was Star Wars and I was glad to be in it.
  12. It sounds like you are using this mod: Simbacca Player Advancement Method That means you are not playing vanilla Oblivion. (What about Viconia? She is from a mod.) It might be that your leveling mod has painted you into a corner and ruined your savegames. Things might not regain balance again on their own. I suggest that you find or make some new weapons that are powerful enough to make the game balanced again. You will still want the game to be fair and challenging, so you might have to try several times and make your new weapons stronger or weaker. And if things went out of balance again after that, you might have to get even better weapons. But it could be worth it if you really like that character and don't wish to start a new one. What I meant was (And I thought I said so, guess not) that I was defining the combat and stats as vanilla. But you have a good point, the mods themselves still affect the save files and affecting balance, and what you are saying goes in line with what I am experiencing. I will look into downloading new weapons or increasing the amount of soul essence that can be stored in a soul gem to make more powerful vanilla weapons. I also just downloaded Deadly Reflexes (After posting), and it helps aleviate the pain as I can now dodge, and have nice little bonuses if I manage to knock things down. I sent Viconia home and I can now take on what we would take on together, just takes awhile because I do crap for damage and didnt turn crits up to 100% (6 minute miniboss battles). Thanks for the advice. And maybe I will try your Leviathon Soul Gems. :) EDIT: Did you see anything wrong with my armor?
  13. Boss battles make me laugh. Because... they are easy as pie... The final boss in the Shivering Isles main quest line was easier to kill then the trash that spawned before him. Goblin warlords and head shamans are harder to kill then any boss in the game IMO.
  14. I spend more time trying to find something I like then I do downloading. For instance... armor... Alot of it is crap. I finally got tired of digging through negligee to find good female armor, which I incidently ended up hating and deleteing when I found them anyway (After hours of looking) and decided to download the Goddess Emporium super mod thing because it has everything... it won't let me complete the download... I've given up on male armor - period. (But my male Drow armor ain't half bad :biggrin: )
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