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About DragonRose11

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    United States

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  1. Nevermind I figured it out. For those who want to know, here's what I did: Create a tiny room in a cell, and place him in it. Create an xmarker and create a forced reference to it in the quest Create an xmarker to where you want him in stage 10 Papyrus snippet for stage 10 Alias_Zaru.getReference().moveto(Alias_ZaruStage10.getReference()) Alias_Zaru.getReference().enable() Papyrus snippet for stage 20 Alias_Zaru.getReference().moveto(Alias_ZaruCell.getReference()) Alias_Zaru.getReference().disable()
  2. Main: Dragon Rose SP: ~90m Corp: Macabre Votum Alliance: Against ALL Authorities Races: Gallente and Minmatar Commonly Flown Ships: Nyx, Thanny, Panther, Oneiros, Scimitar, Sabre, Dramiel, Jaguar, Hound It's funny; looking at me listing common ships... I only JUST recently cross-trained into Matar, and now I constantly fly them. As for Sader325's comment, they have made some big promises recently on FIXING the game instead of horsing around and they have been doing well at it. I'm excited to see the next year's changes. Alts too many to list. Been playing since release on and off. I love it.
  3. I would like to change an NPC's location based on the stage of a quest. Here's an example of what I would like to do. Quest stage 10: My custom NPC sandboxes in Markarth Silver Blood Inn Quest Stage 30: My custom NPC sandboxes in The Bannered Mare Is this possible? If so, how could I accomplish this? Thanks in advance for your time.
  4. Incursions are the best way to make ISK, and by far the safest in high sec. You can generally make about 70m ISK per hour on there, especially if you have the ability to fly logistics people will love you. Personally, though, I use other means of making ISK but it's sick. char: Dragon Rose
  5. New vid alert! :o)
  6. I could have sworn I posted a reply to your last post on my profile! I must be losing my mind, either that or Jody erased it :o) Yikes to him! Ole trifling ass, lol
  7. Jody is the jerk civilian that knocks up your wife when you're deployed. -.-
  8. Yes that's better, but damn! Picking on da animals now?? Who is this Jody? He/She is corrupting you......lol On another note, we need to get to work Jones, yanno? :o)
  9. Hopefully you like the new jody call better. :)
  10. Awwww SON! Why it gotta be the kids?? :o/ You know I gotta tender heart. I see ShadowM got you off your duff. Bout time you got this profile spruced up! Your starz even FINALLY came around. I worked on 'em. C'MON Sons- you and Shadow got me crackin up! I got one eyebrow up @ you for all that activity between ya legs, roflmao! ~backing slowly away from the IED...~ lol
  11. C'mon son.. you know your makin me want to play some modern warfare 2 right now.. seeing how you got the bling perk for your weapon and all lol
  12. C'mon son, your shadowbuddy made me put more work in my profile.
  13. LOL C'mon son, you made me work and edit my page! Enjoy.
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