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  1. I got problem with couple texture (and meshes probably). First this lod bugs on the Sea of ghosts: https://i.ibb.co/26nphYg/Screen-Shot4.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/sHJ7xfL/Screen-Shot6.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/fHmZR6v/Screen-Shot7.pngNext, weird snow and ice textures:https://i.ibb.co/DQQdzQx/Screen-Shot12.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/rZJXyMG/Screen-Shot16.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/p3NdTDs/Screen-Shot19.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/HH6kHZT/Screen-Shot20.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/LZpW6P1/Screen-Shot21.pnghttps://i.ibb.co/FKMR99x/Screen-Shot22.pngAnd the last one: fog on the water surface:https://i.ibb.co/2P7CLpg/Screen-Shot10.png I also use Vivid landscape textures.My load order is in the attachment.Can someone give me some advice how to fix it?
  2. hi, does any one have a previous, simpler version of this mod: https://rd.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1292? I've accidentally deleted it from mod folder, and now it is also unavailable on nexus.
  3. How can I force the game to compile scripts at the start? I've been away from W3 for a while, and I forgot what files to delete, in order to do that.
  4. thanks, another question: is any setting in nvidia control panel could be responsible for flickering textures in a short distant, floors, walls, signs etc?
  5. ok, but its most visible on the tallest buildings of Boston, so I guess this mod won't help with that.
  6. Hi, I was wondering is there a tweak for GTX 1070, that would eliminate lod textures flickering?
  7. I have a GTX 1070, and moded game runs with steady 60 FPS without stuttering, but weapon debris works only for minute or two. When I go to another location it stops working. I have no FPS drops while it is on, and all ini files set to read only. Anyone had similar problem and maybe a fix?
  8. I have a GTX 1070, and moded game runs with steady 60 FPS without stuttering, but weapon debris works only for minute or two. When I go to another location it stops working. I have no FPS drops while it is on, and all ini files set to read only. Anyone had similar problem and maybe a fix?
  9. thanks, but i tried that already. Game just starts, but after a second it crushes.
  10. Hi, I can't launch DAI with reshade: the play button in origin menu just grays out, but nothing happens, and after few seconds its ready to play. I don't have any problem running reshade with games like Warhammer Total War or Witcher 3. I tried 32 and 64 dll, but it doesn't work. (Windows 10 (64), i7-6500U, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia Gtx 950 M 4 GB). Any clues?
  11. Hi, recently I've bought DAI GOTY edition via origin, and I would like to switch to English subs and interface, but I cant change that in menu. Is there a way to bypass regional blockade, without going through refund process? (I've already installed eng voice-over dlc) cheers
  12. Which debug console mod with free camera works with 1.30? I've tested some, but I could not find any.
  13. Is it possible to mod, how long blood decals stays on the ground?
  14. hi, I have a problem with reshade. It doesn't launch, instead there is a black screen witch white stripes. I have amd hd 7600m with latest crimson driver. Thanks in advance
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