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    Fallout 3
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  1. I have an Intel 2600K, 16GB RAM, Geforce GTX 560 Ti, 240GB SSD ans Skyrim plays like crap. When I installed it, the game automatically set itself for 'Ultra" settings. The game isn't at all smooth. The graphics are beautiful, but it plays so jerky. I added the RAM fix and set it to use up to 8GB of memory and the problem persists. I tried dropping the settings to high instead, but it's not that easy. Is there an easy way to change the settings to High, or is there a video card patch I'm not aware of?
  2. I hate the 3D map. It makes it so hard to find stuff. Any chance someone could make a mod to change it back to the good old 2D Oblivion one?
  3. I had New Vegas and it's mod manager installed on my new system. After playing about half the game I decided to install F3 and it's mod manager. A week later, I tried going back to NV, but my NVMM icon is gone. I can still launch the game via steam, but not directly through the NVMM. I'd like to add new mods via the NVMM package handler. Any idea where it could be hiding?
  4. I'm looking for a mod that gives the Alien Blaster a scope
  5. Anyone know how I can find the additem code for the Gepard M4 in the 19th and 20th Century Weapons mod? It's silenced and scoped. I used to love that weapon in my old install of Fallout, but since I've moved it to another computer and reinstalled it all, I cannot find that weapon. I check every body I come across in the wasteland to no avail.
  6. I love the 20th century weapons mod for Fallout 3, but would really love it for New Vegas
  7. Steam shows me as being a newb at New Vegas, even though I've finished the game and completed the expansions. I emailed Steam and this is what they said: I'd do it, but I wonder if my mods would get ruined. They're installed in the Steamapps folder which won't get deleted, but when you install a mod do parts of it go elsewhere?
  8. I remember during the quests, there seemed to always be a lot of Vertibirds flying overhead. I could even fire on them and blow 'em out of the sky. I haven't seen one in a long while since I finished all the main quests. A mod that has a lot more incidents of them flying around and dropping off enclave soldiers would be really cool.
  9. A large multi-level mall would be great! I want to kill a Raider in a Banana Republicor the Gap
  10. I actually gave up on this thread a while back and din't know you made this until now. Wow, just wow.
  11. I can't find one of my earliest posts. I'm having the same problem as back then where anything animated (like Fire) is freezing in place. I was just going to find my old post and get the link that someone else posted the first time. Unfortunately, I can't go back to the beginning of my posts.
  12. I can walk for miles in-game and never see an enemy person or creature. I downloaded a mod that gives me more fiends to kill in "fiend occupied zones", but I need more! This game is already getting pretty boring!
  13. Do I have to skip the battle of Hover Dam in order to keep playing? After the battle at the dam I get the end credits and no option to keep playing where I left off. I really don't want to wait till there's an expansion to keep playing.
  14. Does the Fallout 3 mod that tells the game that there is more RAM to use work for New Vegas? I have 8 gigs and want to get the most out of it.
  15. Those are all things that Oblivion does. I HATE the third person view. I like to view the game through the character's eyes, not over his shoulder. I absolutely cannot get used to that view.
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