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About x1983x

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  1. Now look whos also projecting I win woo hoo
  2. You are losing this argument & you know it by going nonsensical I f*#@ing love it
  3. You would know all about projection since you are projecting right now
  4. & if they didnt sell they wouldnt be sold thats how things work
  5. & McDonalds would not sell something if it did not sell Ultimately the paying customer decides what is sold
  6. Well there are certain things that come out based on a certain time of year. McDs brings them back if people like it. Ultimately its the customer telling McDs bring it back
  7. Only Robin can see that info. We are just guess working if it effects his bottom line or not
  8. Then lets have Robin look into it & see whos right & wrong
  9. The customers control the menu & viewing by deciding what is successful & what fails The owner makes decisions based on success & failure Robin is not letting anyone decide here
  10. Sounds like someone doesnt want Robin looking into things that would make them look bad
  11. Regardless Robin would know this info
  12. Its about letting the public choose. He cant act all high & mighty like hes been doing. Hes worse then anything he says is bad
  13. Would have stats like site traffic. Did people leave after the OG flag stuff with Spider-Man etc. Was there more or less visitors etc. Stuff like this he can tell
  14. LMAO how has he been forced exactly ? Hes removing mods unfairly & not being inclusive & being just as bad as what he thinks is bad
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