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Posts posted by x1983x

  1. 3 minutes ago, showler said:

    Did you lose track of who he's talking to?

    Claiming that someone saying "Robin agreeing with me = good business decision" and "Robin disagreeing with me = random emotional decision" is projecting is hardly being insulting.

    Okay projector

  2. Just now, showler said:

    When was the last time you went to McDonald's and bought a Whopper to show that you like them and would like McDonald's to serve them?   You get to choose from what they decide to offer.  Period.

    & McDonalds would not sell something if it did not sell


    Ultimately the paying customer decides what is sold

  3. 1 minute ago, HeyYou said:

    Well, not exactly true..... McD's has added things to their menu, which the public didn't like, and they disappeared. Mcd's has removed things from their menu, which the public DID like, and lo and behold, they came back. If you don't give the customers what they want, they will go elsewhere where they CAN get it.

    On the flip side of that, just about everything the 'customers' want IS available here..... and the stuff that ain't, folks do indeed go elsewhere for it. (lovers lab, anyone?)

    Well there are certain things that come out based on a certain time of year.  McDs brings them back if people like it.  Ultimately its the customer telling McDs bring it back

  4. 2 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

    Actually, yes, he can. 😄 And he is, and he won't notice it on his bottom line, which is what he REALLY cares about. 😄 Robin is in a position that he can be as draconian as he cares to be, and Nexus will still continue to be the number one Mod site on the internet.

    Only Robin can see that info.  We are just guess working if it effects his bottom line or not

  5. Just now, showler said:

    Absolute nonsense.

    McDonald's doesn't let the customers choose what's on the menu.  Netflix doesn't allow it's viewers to control it's programming.  Customers don't get a vote in how a business is run.  The owner does.

    The customers control the menu & viewing by deciding what is successful & what fails

    The owner makes decisions based on success & failure

    Robin is not letting anyone decide here

  6. 1 minute ago, HeyYou said:

    Ah, the spiderman incident. Yes, I recall that. I would be real curious if that made any difference at all. Userbase has been growing steadily in any event. I remember when hitting the 1 million members milestone was a big thing.... now, there are what? Well north of 20 million. (that stat isn't on the front page any more.)

    Regardless Robin would know this info

  7. 1 minute ago, showler said:

    45,462,925 members.

    That was 45,355,xxx when I checked a day or two ago.  107,000 new members at the same time that people are screaming about Robin's "discrimination" and claiming they are deleting their accounts.  And this has been true for each of the annual screaming fits about Robin's policies.

    You do realize that your whole argument is that he should be forced to host mods he doesn't want to host, right?   That's what you are advocating for?

    Its about letting the public choose.  He cant act all high & mighty like hes been doing.  Hes worse then anything he says is bad

  8. 1 minute ago, HeyYou said:

    Erm, as Robin doesn't host those mods, he won't have any stats on userbase having those mods here, so, your premise is patently false.

    Would have stats like site traffic.  Did people leave after the OG flag stuff with Spider-Man etc.  Was there more or less visitors etc.  Stuff like this he can tell

  9. 1 minute ago, showler said:

    Could you repeat that in English?  If the question is "hosting" or "not hosting" a mod then by the point that people can download it the "hosting" side has already won.  Robin has already been forced to do what he didn't want.

     LMAO how has he been forced exactly ?  Hes removing mods unfairly & not being inclusive & being just as bad as what he thinks is bad

  10. 1 minute ago, showler said:

    Oooh, bad argument.  You lose.

    Moderating the content on the site in the manner that Robin does INCREASES the number of people using the site.  It doesn't DECREASE it.  What Robin is doing is a GOOD business decision and he has the numbers to prove it.

    See also: Elon Musk decimating Xwitter by removing the moderation standards.

    Got the stats to back that up on here ?


    Also the moderation on Twitter was broken & filled with double standards before Elon Musk got it anyway

  11. 6 minutes ago, showler said:

    For the love of God, learn how quotes work.

    If you're running a business the impression people have of that business matters...regardless of whether the impression is justified or not.   Even your badly thought out dislike of Robin's policies matters to him.  Just not very much.

    edit: "p**s into the tent" is a new one to me.

    If I saw a friend in real life & I know said friend is a Republican.  He is hanging out with someone I dont know.  It would be stupid as hell if I assumed said person was also a Republican.  So no one should assume what Robin thinks letting mods on a site.  Its about wanting as many people as possible using the site.  Not assuming something you have no business in assuming anyway

  12. 2 minutes ago, showler said:

    For the love of God, learn  how quotes work.

    If you're running a business the impression people have of that business matters...regardless of whether the impression is justified or not.   Even your badly thought out dislike of Robin's policies matters to him.  Just not very much.

    The impression aint justified

    Let the people decide what mods they may or may not wanna use its simple

    Ultimately Robin is just as bad with what he thinks is bad

    Probably worse

  13. Just now, 1ae0bfb8 said:

    in this thread there's you and the other clown who are espousing what could be considered hateful content. everyone else is laughing at you both trying to piss into the tent.

    Whos calling who words like clown ?  Whos being hateful & resentful & non inclusive here ?  Oh wait its you

  14. Just now, 1ae0bfb8 said:

    or, as nexusmods chooses "don't host it". same rule.


    2 minutes ago, showler said:

    It's not about using it, it's about whether Robin wants to host it.  Hosting it makes it look like he's okay with it.

    Its a you problem if if you think that automatically

    Nexus Mods works because both the mod author and the site owner agree with the mod being uploaded and hosted here.  Either one can decline before the relationship is established.  No one tries to force a mod author to post their mods here if they don't want to, no one should try to force Robin to host the mods if he doesn't want to.  Simple as that.

    Again its a you problem assuming something like that

    Because you agreed to those terms when you signed up and when you upload the mod.  And because the mod author is not a protected class that would require Robin to accommodate them.

    Again its a you problem assuming something like that

    Then you aren't reading Reddit.

    There are bad apples everywhere ESPECIALLY HERE


  15. 1 minute ago, 1ae0bfb8 said:

    if you don't like it - leave - i dont think you'd be missed and the forum as a whole would gain an increase in average IQ. win-win.

    LMAO with or without me the IQ of this forum is 0


    Its filled with hate & evil & double standards all around


    Such a hateful forum

  16. Just now, 1ae0bfb8 said:

    maybe YOU don't see that. I bet you don't see a lot of things. ignorant people only see what they want to see.


    If I dont see a lot of things.  You see things that arent there.  ignorant people only see what they want to see.  This works both ways

  17. Just now, 1ae0bfb8 said:

    whats this "evil" you speak of? all nexusmods say is we will host this mod, but not that mod.

    how is that "evil"?

    for the rest of it - refer to the TOS you agreed to when you signed up. if you don't agree with the TOS you can leave and lead your life elsewhere. what's so difficult for you to grasp on this?

    Its the double standard of it.  Its not being inclusive or diversive.  Its worst behavior

  18. 3 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

    Another question:

    How is a business owner declining to bake a cake for an event he doesn't agree with, any different than Robin NOT hosting mods he doesn't agree with?

    You are what you hate & worse than that.  If you allow mods that adds in something like gay flags but wont let mods remove gay flags.  This is fighting evil with evil.  You are evil doing this.  You are not inclusive doing this.  You are what you hate doing this

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