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About mademillie

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    Oblivion and Skyrim (of course xD)
  • Favourite Game
    ( Not from Bethesda) Koubutou (3-D anime Fighting game) Mirrors Edge, Prototype,mount and Blade, and Witcher the Enhanced Edition

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  1. ♫ 。*H*A*P*P*Y* 。 *N*E*W* 。 *Y*E*A*R* 。♫
  2. Seems like you are really gone.
  3. *peeks in the door* >_> Hellooooo?!
  4. Please read below, good-bye my friends.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. KateTHeaToMiCuTeRuS


      be deleting their mods from my computer. The frequency is too low for my liking. This place is not the only modding community. There are others who would love to have you join them. Good luck to you and many blessing to your family. Never look back or question your convictions. It is delightful to see such a young woman living the right way. -Kate-
    3. TreborMarg


      Oh noooes, it appears I have come back too late to even say goodbye :( I hope you will peek back in sometime. You're selfless love and appreciation for others is an inspiration. Thank you and fare you well wherever you wander *HUGS*


    4. Carimya


      I didn't check in here for so long... I'm sad to read that you won't come back... But why is that? Damn I couldn't even say goodbye. I wish you all the best.
  5. Sorry for not replying fast enough, Im doing okay. Doing the same schedule everyday, playing OB and thats about it ^^" How about you? How are you doing?
  6. Nice avatar!

    Long time no see, how are you these days!

  7. Waz up! I was exploring the mythical land of the internet, and got lost 0_0 lol, I'm looking for new mods plus playing my oblivion ^_^ It is practically perfect...for me xD How have you been? Wow, you gots a lot of friends 0_0 *Stares in awe*
  8. BLUE! You're back! *Gives a big bear hug and cookies* X3 Where have you been at? ^_^ I am doing fine, hope all's good with you X3 I was busy playing and exploring for new mods *Derp* but no new mods... Whats up with you? XD
  9. Hey millie!

    Been a while!

    How are you doing?

  10. hello hon, see u peeking :P
  11. They banned you because you decided to have fun and troll a little? 0_0 strange...okay then, try not to get banned this time ^^" I am glad that I found you as well! X3

    And who's little?! *Erurru is talking* I AM NOT LITTLE!!! I WILL GO AND CALL OKASAN IF YOU DONT STOP BEING MEAN! *Me* Okay, Erurru...just go and lie down...okay? *Erurru* Fine...*Whimper*

  12. Hey you little one! ^^ I answer you that yeah I am SachikoRyou, but i got banned ('cause i trolled?!) ;_; Soo.. I made a new one and I try to be careful that I will not get banned ;_; I'm so happy that you find me! ^^
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