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Everything posted by ichii3d

  1. So I found information about OPEL's which seem handy, it would be amazing if I could somehow add the OPEL into the game world and cycle through the custom collection using the mouse wheel. Does the community have any shared collections of OPEL's to speed up work flow? https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Object_Palettes
  2. This is the list of assets I scroll though, not trying to be confrontational but it looks to me like its simply using the 'all' filter in the asset list and your simply scrolling down it. Whenever you get to .... is when you have repeating names. The reason it stays inside a building kit is because they all using a prefix like Deco etc.... But even this can get confused and jump around a lot. Vehicles\Megaloader\MegaloaderNoArms01.nif SetDressing\MemoryDen\MemDenClothTable01.nif ....... Architecture\Unique\MemoryDen.nif SetDressing\Consoles\MemoryDenConsole01.nif Architecture\Buildings\Metal\MetalAddAWall1x1Bot01.nif ........ SetDressing\MetalBarrel\MetalBarrel01Fire.nif ........ Architecture\Buildings\Metal\MetalBaseA1x1CorCap01.nif If you could take into account folders I could speed up working massively.
  3. That's strange, how can I see which family something is in? In my test it's scrolling from StationWagon to StatuePlinth. I would be confused why Bethesda would ever add them to the same family :O
  4. I'm using the shortcut Alt + MouseWheel with an asset selected to cycle through variations but I noticed that it does this selection by name and ignored folder structure, so if I'm cycling through vehicles beginning with S it will suddenly jump to another kit with S at the start of its name. Does anyone know if you can edit the scripts or change a setting to not ignore folder structure? Also, I didn't find much information on this and in a lot of youtube videos I didn't see anyone using it. You can also cycle through materials using Alt + Shift + MouseWheel. Thanks
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