It's the same for me, but even with no mod enabled in the .ini-file, it still won't load Atom Shop images of the new stuff properly or load the Atom Shop Hot Rod skin for my X-01 Armor. If I disable the Fallout76Custom.ini-file completely, they work just fine, so I'm guessing it might be that one of those new files that is in the Fallout 76 Data-folder has to be loaded there too to prevent that missing texture-bug. Edit: tested adding the three new files into the Fallout76Custom.ini In the section "sResourceStartUpArchiveList" I added in the file "SeventySix - 00UpdateStream.ba2" and "SeventySix - 00UpdateMain.ba2" In the section "sResourceArchive2List" I added in the file "SeventySix - 00UpdateTextures.ba2" After I did this, all worked again :)