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About Xer089

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  1. what armour is this? it says it was made by Slof, but i've looked on her site and can't find any mention of anything. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMUrMWqBjtI
  2. i did this but only with the meshes, textures etc. i never thought to check the skeleton.nif for some reason. i randomly noticed the file size was a lot smaller than what it was before i installed DR6 and UV.
  3. Just make sure you don't miss this 1st person skeleton for 3rd person animations, "meshes/characters/_1stperson/skeleton.nif", if I'm not mistaken. Any "real" 1st person animation playing on this one is what's causing this dislocation. edit: Getting rid of any 3rd person animations in the 1st person folder (or also "special anims" for this matter) will also be advisable. Though they're not known to cause this issue. They just won't work/look right on a proper 1st person skeleton anymore. GENIUS ! i re-downloaded Coroneras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and swapped it over with the one that was there. Just tested it and all seems fine! no stupid camera angle and my DR5 anims action anims are working again as well! thanks for that ! :D kudos to you.
  4. i think what i'm going to do is download uncessary violence again and go through my data folder removing anything that looks like it belongs to UV. maybe that'll sort it. EDIT: nope, been through looking for UV files and haven't found a thing, its completley gone as far as i know. i might just have to reinstall Oblivion entirely into a new folder. :(
  5. ive been through and made sure everything is back to DR5. and i still have the problem. here's a pic of it. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w291/M4TTD0GG/ScreenShot7.jpg
  6. im not sure, i created an omod, so didn't actually place any files manually into the data folder. ive deactivated the omod and even deleted it but it must be still there somewhere and i don't know where to find it if it is.
  7. i recently installed deadly reflex 6 but didn't like it, so i thought i'd check out unecessary violence instead. after many failed attempts to get it to work i decided to give up and return to what i know best, DR5. i've deleted both other mods and re-installed DR5. its starts the same and i can dodge and bash ETC. but everytime i go to fight in first person the camera f*#@s up! its as if the camera is two steps to the left of my character and i can see nothing but a pair of arms in mid air fighting. i can try and run through a door only to switch to 3rd person and find myself running into the doorframe instead, thats how far out the camera is, its really annoying me and i can't figure out what it is. plus, the animations for DR5 don't work. my character doesn't do a sideways power attack like she should, or lunge forward in a stabbing motion as she either. anyone experienced this before? its really pissing me off ! http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w291/M4TTD0GG/ScreenShot7.jpg
  8. ages ago i had a problem with a mod. somthing, or someone, suggested trying this other way to check that all mods are compitable and which aren't compatible and what with. it even suggested updating some mods to its latest version which fixed a lot of problems for me. but i can't for the life of me figure out what it was or how i came about it. i vaguley remember it kind of opened a web page which had all of my mods listed. but thats all i can remember. it may have been wrye bash but i can't remember. does anybody have any ideas?
  9. i'm trying to add golden saint guards to a house i have in cyrodil, near bravil. I can add them succesfully so they are physically present when i run the mod, but they have no dialogue whatsoever, just "I HAVE NO GREETING". all i've done is copy the exact guards from the shivering isles into my house and have not changed the dialogue in any way. anybody know why its not working ?
  10. cheers for that, i seem to have sorted it out myself, i disabled 3 mods Kvatch Rebuilt Crowded Roads City Life and everything clicked into place (martin starting his speech by himself and the gates opening as they should) however the siege engine still came through the gate before i'd been in :biggrin: so i never needed to do the great gate mission in the end. but i spoke to martin and he talked about how he's ready to open the portal and whatnot, so all seems good now. cheers anyway.
  11. i run to the scene of the battle with martin and all the guards and militia line up in a line waiting for martin to give his speech, but he doesn't, i have to talk to him and then he starts his speech. after he's finished he walks to the centre of line and everyone waits for the gates to start opening, but they don't open. i was just stuck there with one gate and no enemys. i left the scene and returned later on and as i approached, the second gate appeared and daedra started coming through. but they do nothing. they just stand there and look at me as if im not a threat. then the great gate comes and more daedra come through it, i killed a couple and after about a minute the siege engine comes crashing through the gate and a message appears saying ive got the great sigil stone ! i never even entered the gate ! then when i go to click on martin to give him the stone i get transported through the main gate ! and then my game crashes ! whats going on ! ? btw im kinda new, anyone know how to add my load list quickly without having to write down every mod ?
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