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About Naoree

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  1. Gender: Female Age: 22 Nationality: French Soundcloud link Experience: 11 years of theatre (from 8 to 19 years old), amateur voice acting for mods (such as The Forgotten City for Skyrim or Barrenwood for Fallout4), professional voice overs. Other skills: Singing, bleating (that’s the name of the sound goats make. I’m dead serious about it), French accent (from small to very big and obvious). About me: I’m a student in English Linguistic with a master degree in English (in French, it’s “Licence de LLCER Anglais” to be precise). I stopped theatre for personal reasons, but I still love acting, and have been doing some voice acting for the past 4 years. Sadly, most of the projects I was working on have been cancelled, so there is not a lot of project with my name in the credit. Even though I study it, my English is far from being flawless, please feel free to correct me. I’m only looking to improve! Apparently most of my French accent is gone, even though you can hear this is not my first language. As we’re taught the RP accent here, I might sound quite pretentious, and I do apologize for it. I like joking around quite a bit, but don't hesitate if you're not a fan of that. Just tell me what makes you more comfortable, Contact me: You can contact me here on the Nexus, by mail at [email protected], on my English Twitter, on Soundcloud, on Casting Call Club or on Discord (Naorée#5541). If nothing specific is holding me back, you should have an answer to your messages withing a day! Just remember I'm in the Central European Standard Time, so I might answer during weird hours for you. Thanks for reading everything, have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night o/ !
  2. Age : 20 Gender : Female Last Updated : 23 March 2017 Active Member : Meh. I read my Nexus messages everyday. But in case, my mail is [email protected] (I'll give you other ways to contact me if you scroll down a bit) Playable Races : People mostly give me Breton due to my frenchiness, but I'm willing to try anything! Experience : I've done 11 years of theatre. I started doing voice acting in 2013, I've done a few parts for Skyrim mods (sadly, many never came out). For example, you can hear me in The Forgotten City , I'm Gaia. Skills : My french accent is not big, but I can exaggerate it. I'm also able to sing, play a tiny bit of guitar and ukulele and do a goat sound. I'm dead serious about the last one. About me : I used to study cinema and theatre, now I study english. Please, don't hesitate telling me if I make mistakes, it will help me improve my english! I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, voice actress, singer or anything like that. I just love to voice act, more than I ever loved acting when I did theatre. And I sing pretty much all the time (sorry neighboors). If you want to contact me, you can send me a message here, a mail (Naoree.Mail@gmail, in case you don't wanna look up :3 ), you can even add me on Discord if you want to, Naorée#5541. Here's my SoundCloud channel if you're interested (and haven't click on previous links :3)!
  3. (No idea why my resume looks like that, it was different when I wrote it. I'm sorry about that and about the double post)
  4. I'm in hollydays lately so most of the time I have nothing to do with my life. *cries in the corner* Seriously, I'd love to voice act / sing at the moment so if you'd like to contact me, please do not hesitate :). Age: 19 Gender: Female Last Updated: 06/19/2015 Active Member: I check nexus at least two times a day and I'm often on my email : [email protected] (yes the double "u" is because I'm very cool) Playable Races: Pretty sure my voice would not fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian. I discovered that in english some races have an accent. They doesn't in french. And the french accent is my only one in my directory. Sorry ! But if someone would like to make a french follower I could voice act in french. Experience: 11 years of theater. Skills: Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone) I used to be the main female singer in the highschool band (saying this make me feel like a kid saying "I dont wanna brag but I go to bed at 9.01PM Instead of 9PM") . I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat, and I'm not joking at all on that point. About Me: I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). What else... I'm a (fake) ginger girl with (real) grey/blue/green eyes. And black is my favorite color (Its not even a colooor duuuuh. Okay okay, in that case, purple). I used to study cinema and theater at the university. Soon I'm gonna study english to become a english teacher (I'd like to improve my english, if I make mistakes please tell me ! I'm always happy to learn, and I know I do a lot of mistakes). Let's face it, nobody cares about that part of my resume, so let's move on to the good stuff. VIDEO GAMES. TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do in front of my microphone, I’ll do it. This is my soundcloud channel for voice acting (for some reason my avatar wont change, that's a little bit annoying because I look like a damn hipster with an instagram filter. Youth.) : https://soundcloud.com/naor-es-voice-acting And this is my soundcloud where I do otherstuff, mostly songs / stupid stuff for friends : https://soundcloud.com/naoree_lazuli If you want me to record something really specific to see what I can do, I'll do it as soon as possible (except if I'm sick, without internet or dying.). My microphone is the Blue Snowball Microphone (some samples, most of it to be honnest were done with a lame old microphone).
  5. Hi everybody ! For christmas I got a new and better microphone :) Age: 18 Gender: Female Last Updated: 21 January 2015 Active Member: No (email : [email protected]) Playable Races: I would say all races even if I’m not sure my voice would fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian. I discovered recently that in english some races have an accent. They doesn't in french. And the french accent is my only one in my directory. Sorry ! But if someone would like to make a french follower I could voice act in french ! ^-^ Experience: 11 years of theater. Skills: Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone). I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat. About Me: I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). For the moment I study theater and cinema at the university but I think this is not for me. Next year I'm gonna study english to become a english teacher (I'd like to improve my english, if I make mistakes please tell me ! I'm always happy to learn ^-^ ) TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do infront of my microphone, I’ll do it. This is my soundcloud channel for voice acting : Tadaaa And this is my soundcloud where I do otherstuff, mostly stupid stuff : Tadaaa again
  6. Thanks for the advice Mathiaswagg ! Age: 18 Gender: Female Last Updated: 2 November 2014 Active Member: No (email : [email protected]) Playable Races: I would say all races even if I’m not sure my voice would fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian. I discovered recently that in english some races have an accent. They doesn't in french. And the french accent is my only one in my directory. Sorry ! Experience: 10 years of theater. Skills: Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone). I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat. About Me: I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). For the moment I study theater and cinema at the university. TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do infront of my microphone, I’ll do it. This is my soundcloud channel for voice acting : Tadaaa And this is my soundcloud where I do otherstuff, mostly stupid stuff : Tadaaa again
  7. Little update, I now have more samples of my voice (email me if you want them) and I try to work on my voice to change it if needed :)
  8. I have a short film made for the university (but I took a lower voice than usually for it) and it's in french, here it is (I'm the blond one in the middle) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPCVWqfggHU . On soundcloud I also posted 2 little MP3 where I sing, I did them for a frends it's not perfect at all I can do better https://soundcloud.com/naoree_lazuli/tracks.
  9. Age: 18 Gender: Female Last Updated: 7 October 2014 Active Member: No (email : [email protected]) Playable Races: I would say all races even if I’m not sure my voice would fit for a Khajiit or an Argonian. Experience: 10 years of theater. Skills: Even if I do not pretend to be an amazing actress, I know I can pretend to be someone else. My voice is not perfect, but I can also sing if you need it (pretty high tone). I also know how to do a pretty convicing goat. About Me: I’m a french person so I have an accent (not the huge french accent, but I can do it if that’s what you want). For the moment I study theater and cinema at the university. TES is one of my favorite game series, I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I love them even more now that I have them on the PC. I’m not going to lie, I know nothing about how you do a mod or stuff like that, but if you explain to me what to do infront of my microphone, I’ll do it. I don’t have any video samples, but if you’re interested, email me and i’ll give you one !
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