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About SteeleMontgomery

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  1. An idea I've had for a mod for those of us that have beaten the campaign so many times. It would be like this Random NPC on street "hails" you. You can choose to Stop or Not Stop. If you Stop, then you'll be given a random destination around Night City to drop them off. No timers, this shouldn't be "Crazy Taxi", it should be a relaxing end-game way of seeing the City, taking you to places you might have never gone otherwise, while making small amounts of money. It's for RolePlay Purposes. Any 4 Door Vehicle should be fine (just needs a back seat). This will make it so players can either be an official Taxi Driver, or just an "Uber" type of driver. Whatever the player wants.
  2. Does anyone know the location of the USA flag in RDR2? I'd like to swap it for something else.
  3. Just as a slight update to my comment, I noticed today that you can actually see through the windows on the tram. I thought they were just solid pieces, but since they're not this means we could even tone down the haze on the windows and actually see through them normally.
  4. I took the liberty of flying (through the TCL command) around and following the Tram Lines in New Atlantis. They're already there. Fully. So it seems that Bethesda wanted to do this, but for some reason they didn't (I'm looking at you Series S). So that's my request, since the foundation is already fully built, can we get a Ridable Tram in New Atlantis? Also, I know someone will comment this so before you even do, no, the Tram doesn't ride along with white bar at the bottom. It actually rides magnetically along the wall, which is how it goes up and down near the waterfall. So if you're looking for connections to the Tram, it's the wall it rides on, not the white rail.
  5. As the Title suggests. A "Halo Ring" planet would be amazing.
  6. Of course we all want this. But how can it be done? Well, in some sense it already has, as there's a mod that allows you to just hit a teeeeny tiny loading screen when you hit the edge of the tile, and it loads in another tile. What we're missing is the ability to fly our ship (at low speed for Game Engine reasons) within the atmosphere. That's it.
  7. Simply put, just wondering how I can tweak AI Reaction Times. None of the mods currently available seem to fix the 0.0000001 second headshots from AI, even though it's stated that they do. After downloading and trying all of those, I'd like to take a crack at it myself... Does anyone know where I should start? Attempts at "Googling" any tutorials has me drawing a blank. Thank you :)
  8. Thank you :) I have paired those listed with some that I found on the "gunetwork" website.
  9. Thank you, but I probably should have specified. I'm looking for Fallout 4 compatible uniforms. Do any of those still exist?
  10. Hello, I am attempting to remodel my game for a WW2 themed playthrough. I already have the Soviet, British and American uniforms downloaded. When I tried to download some of the German ones, I noticed that every single one in existence was deleted from this site. I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can actually download them? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  11. Is there any known way to lower the troop size below 200? The lowest setting is 200, but anything over 100 troops (50 per side) drops my FPS to below 10, making the game unplayable. I'm not so sure why, as my PC exceeds their recommended specs. So I'm just wondering if I can change a value in a file somewhere to make it even lower. Thank you for any help in this :)
  12. Hey just wondering if someone would be interested in making an Imperial Banner (War and Solitude Castle Dour) that is a Red background and a Gold design, rather than a Black background and a Red design. Thank you in any case, and have a wonderful day!
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