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About Kimberlee

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 1

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  1. Bonjour, et tu Brut and all that.
  2. You can't hide from Santra... Zenta... anyway we need to discuss this naughty list thing. Call me!
  3. Before I get to far into this, be aware that I do not know much about computer hardware at all. What I do know is that I am very overdue for a new computer and would appreciate some help in making a decision. I think a prudent thing to do would be to list what it is I use this computer for. I use this for applications that are quite video intensive. I use various CAD aps that are quite demanding. For that reason a Titan video card to me seems like a good idea. As well - I am a casual gamer that enjoys ultra settings. I dont play as much as some, but I want it to look good when I do. I do not really have a budget for this purchase. I have already placed a balance aside for it. The dollar amount is not a problem - as well I will be able to expense a percentage of this as an expense at work. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. I need a monitor as well as a case so - that should be tossed into the mix. Be aware also that I live in Canada so that should be considered as well....
  4. Sorry, having trouble with the main chat. I'm done with Fallout for a while again. Couldn't get it to run reasonably well on the laptop.
  5. I am looking for good voiced mods and was looking for some input please. I have recently returned to Skyrim after a 2 year hiatus and was looking for some voiced quest mods, but am learning fast that there simply are not many out there to choose from. I have already tried Vilja which was fun and Moonpath which was not for me. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
  6. Bonjour! Mon nom est Kim. Comment ca va?
  7. Like the title, I am looking for a simple SMALL mod for New Vegas that does nothing but lower the amount of earned XP by 50% or higher. Thanks in advance and I am not looking to add other mods that have that feature included at this time. I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks. I have tried some mods that do this in the past and NONE of them work. Was hoping there was something new that I missed that do work...
  8. Okay, then, I guess just pout.
  9. Don't just stand there "Harvest the Bugs"
  10. Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks.

    Also I hate closing the chat window JUST as I see someone say something to me.

  11. SO after deleting ALL Fallout New Vegas files from my computer (Including everything from my documents including save games) using revo uninstaller, I did a fresh install of New Vegas. Launched the game, created a character, saved the game at the vigor tester and exited the game. Immediately went to steam to see if steam thought I needed to reacquire new files for New Vegas. Said I needed 10 files at 5.4 GB Deleting and reinstalling New Vegas did not fix my issue. Any help is appreciated.
  12. Man I was so hoping there was a setting or a change I could make to steam that would fix this instead.... Thank you for the help.
  13. I have no idea why this is happening, but I would like a final answer to what I can do about a problem I have been having for a VERY long time now. Quite simply, New Vegas keeps needing me to reacquire files. I can verify files and steam will think I need to reacquire 3.8 GB worth of files. If I IMMEDIATELY ask steam to reacquire files again - not even launching the game, it will say I need to reacquire 5 GB of files. (These are 2 real world examples.) Aside from the numerous problems I have been having with New Vegas modwise, I would really like this fixed up. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.
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