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About Kimberlee

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    Fallout 3
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    Fallout 1

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  1. We need a modder of the year award.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wiccan0Witch


      What would be the point? I'd always win :D
    3. TreborMarg


      @Wiccan0Witch, do you mean you would always win the Modder of the Year Award, or the 2.5 Millionth Member Competition ? xD


      @Kimberlee, if you open up your comments section there will be more room to spam your profile LOL Witch I'm sure you would just love to have strangers coming along with lots o' spam, hehehe :P


      Oh yea, while I'm here... 5 star user rating for fun and decoration :D



    4. TreborMarg


      Edit: It appears you have the dreaded "5th star syndrome" I thought that one was not going around anymore... well if someone else clicks it a bunch of times that usually does the trick, soooo, only 4 stars for you then LOL sorry :)
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