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About TheXXI

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  1. I want to create more than 80 Sound Property. Do you think it's better to leave all this in one script?
  2. I want to create something like player comments, the comments themselves are audio files. An example of what I have: Scriptname TXXIActiveCommentsScript extends ActiveMagicEffect function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) LocChangeSounds = new Sound[8] LocChangeSounds[0] = LocChangeSound01 LocChangeSounds[1] = LocChangeSound02 LocChangeSounds[2] = LocChangeSound03 self.RegisterForTrackedStatsEvent() endFunction function OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) ;Debug.Notification("OnLocationChange") LocationChangeSounds[Utility.RandomInt(0, 2)].Play(Game.GetPlayer()) endFunction Sound Property LocChangeSound01 Auto Sound Property LocChangeSound02 Auto Sound Property LocChangeSound03 Auto Sound[] LocChangeSounds Depending on various events and checks, different sounds will be played, I would like to put the creation and work with sound in a separate script.
  3. Is it possible to logically split the code into several separate scripts and call the function of one script from another? In my mod, a magic effect with a script hangs on the player, in this script I would like to call functions from another script. I suppose it is possible to create a quest and put a script in it, but is it good in terms of optimization? And if I need several scripts, do I need to create several quests and keep them active? What other options could there be?
  4. It's already compatible with bodyslide, but some body elements don't look like they should. I would like to upload a different version of the body from other clothes.
  5. I downloaded a fashion for clothes, but in this fashion the body does not fit other elements of clothing. Is there any way to replace it? For example through nifskope?
  6. I installed Creation Kit SE 1.5.73 on Skyrim SE, when uploading data from Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, I have 1.6 million warnings, why can this happen and what to do about it?
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