I've noticed there is still a problem with housecarls not showing up after getting Thaned so I wanted to throw this info out there for the users affected and the modders who are trying to fix it. USERS: The fix is easy. Stand inside the home of the missing housecarl and type in the console "XXXX.enable" where XXXX is the reference id of the missing housecarl. For example, if Lydia is missing, you would stand inside Breezehome and type "a2c94.enable". This only works for housecarls that never showed up, of course, not for ones that you killed. MODDERS: This is caused by a mod that modifies a player house. What happens is, for some reason, the Thane quest never assigns the proper housecarl reference to the "alias_housecarl" of the quest if the player house is modified via plugin. The solution is very simple: add the housecarl to the plugin. Don't modify the housecarl, just copy and paste into the proper spot in your plugin (which will be the same category [Persistent or Temporary] that they are in in Skyrim.esm). You should do this if you make ANY modifications to the interior cell of a player house, no matter how small.