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  1. There's already a computer that does it in the game. Next to Gun Runner's. Find it's script in the GECK.
  2. So, I hit 50. Is there any problem with just resetting my level back to one and carrying on? Can anyone think of any negative consequences?
  3. I haven't seen this. I've seen it with dialogue in new quests. Perhaps give the context for the scripts. On objects? On quests? What do they do?
  4. I'll try once more. I realize that likely few know the answer to this and maybe one of those few will see it this time before it fades away.
  5. in the console, type "save savename 1" and you will get a savename.ess.txt in your save folder. Hope it helps.
  6. Have you looked at the savefile dump to see what exactly is being written into that bloat?
  7. I'm an experienced modder, but I haven't dealt with unique animations yet. I understand there are issues in creating permanent new animations for races in skyrim. I am currently working on a quest mod and I'd like to incorporate a unique animation, to be used only once. I don't want to use Fores' because of the overhead involved. Is this possible and, if so, how would I go about it?
  8. I may not be understanding, but it seems what you are asking for is pretty simple. Create the dialogue, place a trigger box at the point you want the dialogue to play, script the trigger box to play that line of dialogue when the player enters the box.
  9. I appreciate the praise. The mod is still active. I'm assuming from your post that you are unable or unwilling to use Steam. TBH, I hadn't considered that. Perhaps I can post a link to the file on the Steam mod page for non-Steam users. I'll do that for the next update.
  10. I recently noticed that our Windows user names and computer names are being written, in plain text, into compiled scripts (PEX files). They remain in plain text when the PEX files are loaded into a BSA. This is alarming considering either a user name or a computer name could indicate a modder's real name, location, place of work, etc. Has anyone else seen this? Can anyone else confirm this? Below are some screenshots. http://www.shittakaburi.com/files/danceofdeath.png From the Dance of Death mod. http://www.shittakaburi.com/files/enhancedgameplay.png From the Enhanced Gameplay mod. http://www.shittakaburi.com/files/miningfaster.png From one of my mods. http://www.shittakaburi.com/files/portal2mod.png From the Portal 2 mod.
  11. Yeah, she is. She may play a role in some quest or script. You should put the housecarls in the same category as they are in Skyrim.esm. I'll update the op to reflect that.
  12. I have a few mods around and I get a lot of questions about adding mannequins and weapon plaques via console. I've been responding one at a time, but thought I should go ahead and throw this out there for the interested. You cannot add working mannequins or weapon plaques via console. There are three parts to a mannequin and two parts to a weapon plaque. The mannequin has the actor (the visible mannequin), the activator (the invisible area that allows you to click and modify the mannequin), and the xmarkerheading (the invisible marker that tells the mannequin where to look). You can "placeatme" all three references but you cannot link them via console. The actor part must be link referenced to the xmarkerheading and must include the activator reference. The activator and xmarkerheading must, in turn, include references back to the the actor. None of this can be done via console. You can add mannequins and plaques via plugins and you are welcome to look at my Proudspire mod for a template. I hope this clears things up.
  13. I've noticed there is still a problem with housecarls not showing up after getting Thaned so I wanted to throw this info out there for the users affected and the modders who are trying to fix it. USERS: The fix is easy. Stand inside the home of the missing housecarl and type in the console "XXXX.enable" where XXXX is the reference id of the missing housecarl. For example, if Lydia is missing, you would stand inside Breezehome and type "a2c94.enable". This only works for housecarls that never showed up, of course, not for ones that you killed. MODDERS: This is caused by a mod that modifies a player house. What happens is, for some reason, the Thane quest never assigns the proper housecarl reference to the "alias_housecarl" of the quest if the player house is modified via plugin. The solution is very simple: add the housecarl to the plugin. Don't modify the housecarl, just copy and paste into the proper spot in your plugin (which will be the same category [Persistent or Temporary] that they are in in Skyrim.esm). You should do this if you make ANY modifications to the interior cell of a player house, no matter how small.
  14. Your troubleshooting is all over the place. With a problem this pervasive, you need to be more methodical. Uninstall Skyrim completely. Delete any left over files that don't get removed. Install again from Steam or disk. Create a new game. Run to Whiterun at the first opportunity. If it crashes here, you know your system does not like 1.3. Assuming it does not crash, open up the console and type "save testingpoint" and now you can start adding more mods back in, one at a time. As you add a mod, perform the following steps each time. 1. Activate the mod. 2. Load "testingpoint" 3. Go into whiterun. 4. leave whiterun. 5. Go back into whiterun and tap F5. 6. Leave Whiterun and tap F9. 7. If there are no errors, close the game and start over with the next mod. This is a pain in the ass, but proper troubleshooting is.
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