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  1. Yes but I've already played a few hours past that point because I thought it was just a matter of time at first
  2. I got a Miscellaneous quest from Brelyna (a fellow apprentice at the College of Winterhold) where she asked me if she could test a spell on me. I accepted but before casting the spell, she walked behind a wall so the spell didn't hit me. She siad I looked green but my appearance hadn't changed. The quest log said 'Wait for Brelyna's spell to wear off' but seeing as the spell dind't hit me, it is stuck at this point. Is there any way to get around this? Maybe by adding the spell effect to my character with the console or by skipping the quest stage somehow?
  3. After you pick up the amulet the mage who brought you to Saarthal (can't remember his name) should come up to the gate so you can talk to him. After you talk to him, the wall where you got the amulet will start to glow, cast a spell at the wall to destroy it.
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