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About DireVixen

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    Borderlands; Fallout 3; Stalker; X3; StarCraft; Crimson Skies; Mechwarrior 3, Starlancer...
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  1. Well... I tried to install the game without any mods or DLCs on an other PC but this awfull miss sized arm is still here... I'm sure there is a patch a mod or something to fix this, I mean there is no "big arm problem" on these screenshots: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1241816786.jpg Once again, I'm not crazy right? ^^" Please help us... I wan't to play Fallout 3 but I can't as long as this irradiated arm is here... it's too ugly. :'(
  2. Exactly the same for me... that's so weird!!! Is there no way to get rid of this bug??? :wallbash: I'll try to install the game on an other computer tomorrow. I also might check if I have the same issue with my french DVD of Fallout 3 (without DLCs)... maybe the bug comes from GOTY's discs???
  3. Hi there! First, I'm new here so I'm sorry if I didn't post this topic on the right forum... :s I've been trying to install the Dimon99 body for two days and I always have the same issue: my left arm is bigger and longer than the other one... take a look at this screenshot this will be more relevant: http://www.hiboox.fr/go/images-100/fallout...b4706e.bmp.html (don't mention the texture problem with the right hand, I know how to fix it) Well, I'm not crazy right? ^^ The left arm is bigger (maybe because of the pip boy???). I also tried the Exnem body but I have the same bug... and afterwards, I even noticed that in the vanilla game the left arm is slightly bigger!!! Damn why??? An idea to fix this? I tried many things (unpacking the BSA files etc...) I just can't stand it anymore. ^^ I'm playing the UK GOTY version with only this mod, dimozized races textures and HairPack v2.2. and of course FOMM and FOSE. Thanks for your help and excuse my awkward english, I did my best. ^^
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