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Posts posted by TheDarkReaper

  1. One of my Freinds i've known for a long time has passed away... He's the reason i am a TES Modder and a Fallout Modder.


    Ive told one person today on X-Fire and ive posted this on Facebook and another Forum site.



    He started by helping me understand the idea of making something for fun... in time i learnt a great deal from him, He lent me his copy of The Elder Scrolls Morrowind. From then on i have got the add-ons for it, then onto Oblivion, My first mod was for Oblivion but had startd on Morrowind... Slowly we both learnt how to better ourselfs we both got Oblivion and we helpt one another make and test our mods. we both made a smell mod just to get used to the CS. unfortunatelyonly myself was able to upload my mods, we talked about making one mod together.


    It was to be Called 'The Keep' but nothing happened later i did start that mod myself, when it was on V1.4 i had a Virus witch deleted mosrt of my files. i had to start it over again. with the new start 'The Keep' was renamed. I was trying to get him into Fallout but he didnt have the game, i even offerd to get him a copy. Silent Frontline started two years in this month. I was hoping that he would join but he fell ill a few months ago.


    Sunday... 20/02/2011 i had word...


    You will be missed and i hope that your Family is well... Your Sister of 20 Loves you very much!!


    R.I.P. Steven Jackson

  2. I have the G.E.C.K. CTD on trying to Edit the AI.


    I get this Error




    If you 'View problem Details i get this



    Problem signature:

    Problem Event Name: BEX

    Application Name: GECK.exe

    Application Version:

    Application Timestamp: 49bfb0f9

    Fault Module Name: GECK.exe

    Fault Module Version:

    Fault Module Timestamp: 49bfb0f9

    Exception Offset: 007bd416

    Exception Code: c000000d

    Exception Data: 00000000

    OS Version: 6.1.7600.

    Locale ID: 2057

    Additional Information 1: f510

    Additional Information 2: f510e6244ce7d7a60f6ebeae2c8a051d

    Additional Information 3: faa0

    Additional Information 4: faa04175d8fe0b91a39877a8290be441


    Read our privacy statement online:



    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:





    And the way around dont work for me.


    I.E. Microphone Port, Compatibility Mode and the Run program as Administrator.


    and so you know Microphone Port are Pink on 90% of the PCs/Laptops


    I have Win7, (only a few days ago had a Install of the OS) I have updated the G.E.C.K. to V1.5 sill CTD.


    I have the MSI K9N Neo V3 Motherboard it has the Realtek ALC888 (6x analogue) onboard Sound.

  3. @ Helena7t6


    Ah never thought about that guy, but you get the chance to fix him up if i can remember rightly, thats something i dont want the player to do, i might be able to edit it and maybe remove it.


    Thanks :)


    @ Samustus


    Thats something i wouldnt have thought of, Interesting though dont get me wrong. But the NPC is Unconscious but never to be Conscious for any time of the game.


    "Have his body as an Activator" that would be a bit of fun to do though.. ill look into both


    Thanks :)




    This NPC is a Private in the US Army, he is in a bed Unconscious from his Battle Wounds. This NPC will be in my 'Silent Frontline' mod.


    And with its Hospital in the works, soon more will be Unconscious dew to there Operation's in the OR.


    Again thanks to both


  4. I have been talking to Miss Sparkle about htis problem and she told me to update from V1.1 to V1.7 and then trying it again.


    I updated to V1.7 and it worked for 2 day's.


    Now i get CTD before the Main Menu comes up, sometimes i get some music but then CTD.


    Again Miss Sparkle and i have been talking but unable to fix the problem. the way i fixed it last time was to Reinstall the game but not to install V1.7 patch but leave V1.1 installed and Install all DLC and my mod.


    Then and only then the game works with no problems


    Install game.

    Install V1.1 Patch

    Install DLC and other Mods




  5. Hey.

    When the main Quest is done and Broken Steel kicks in im on the bed and thats it. I can TFC and the boss (Elder Owyn Lyons) is just standing there doing nothing, just looking around the room.


    I have all DLC and my own Silent Frontline. I have turned them all off and just left the Broken Steel DLC but i get the same thing :/


    I do have the 'ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated' Dew to my own mod needing it. but that should not affect the DLC from working. I can play all the other DLC with no problens but this DLC Broken Steel. It seems to be just that Broken


    Anyone help me out?

  6. I have a script thats not working for me competentfake made the script.


    I have 'Electrical Switch' with the script on it. then i have the 'Carrier01BridgeNew' with its REF as 'Carrier01BridgeNewREF'


    They are in the same world space. the bridge is the same as the Rivet City with NO Navmesh.


    Here is the script i got.


    competentfake[/url] ' timestamp='12 November 2010' post='IN PM']


    scn NewBridgeSCT



    Begin OnActivate

    If Carrier01BridgeNewREF.GetOpenState == 2 ;if bridge is opening

    Return ;end script

    Elseif Carrier01BridgeNewREF.GetOpenState == 4 ;if bridge is closing

    Return ;end script

    Elseif Carrier01BridgeNewREF.GetOpenState == 3 ;Bridge is closed/inaccessible

    Carrier01BridgeNewREF.SetOpenState 1 ;open it

    ElseIf Carrier01BridgeNewREF.GetOpenState == 1 ;Bridge is open/accessible

    Carrier01BridgeNewREF.SetOpenState 0 ;close it



  7. Hello.


    I am looking for a Clean Vault with Clutter and with no NPC's or Creature's, I dont mind how meny levels there are but just needs to be a clean Vault


    Please Post here if you would like to make it.


    Thank you

  8. Silent Frontline (New Adventures)

    Need's your help in Interiors!

    We are in need of some Interiors for Offices, Shops, Houses, Schools, Factorys, Metro Stations and all sorts of other Interiors.


    We also in search of one or two Modelers who can Repair/New/Add-to NifSkope (.nif file) and know how to add 'Colision Data' to the NifSkope files is a plus.


    Interiors & Modelers are welcome to join the team if they wish though if you dont want to join then your name will go into the Credits


    More Info






    In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingsComplete\BLD07c4x4


    At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Office. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building and more to come.




    In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\ArtDeco\ArtDecoCor02.NIF


    At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Shop. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.




    In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\ArtDeco\ArtDecoCor01.NIF


    At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Shop. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.


    A member of Nexus is Making this interior for me. Though Im sure they will go a good job, I may need another interior for this Building.



    BLD06Corner01Rd.NIF & BLD06Mid01.NIF


    In the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingKits\BLD06Corner01Rd.NIF (4 used)

    n the G.E.C.K. its at Architecture\Urban\BuildingKits\BLD06Mid01.NIF (4 used)


    At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Office. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.



    Power Plant


    (Photo from the Wasteland)


    At this time there is no Interior(s) for this Factory. The Team needs interior(s) for this Building.






    Contact Info

    [email protected]

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