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About Dlesang

  1. The result is inconsistent. It seems to work about 90% of the time when in an external cell. However, it works only about 10% of the time when summoning the actor from another cell into the internal cell you're in. I run around an internal spell, casting the spell over and over again, trying to get my actor to appear inside. I've managed to make it happen only once. If they're in the same cell you are, it seems to work well. Otherwise, they seem stuck outside, unable to reach you until you go outside and cast the summon again. In the end, I'd program the actor with AI that'd allow them to simply follow you through doors. But first, I want to create a spell that reliably pulls the Actor into your cell on command. At the end of this spell, they're wisked away to a special "holding" cell until they're called again. This is the closest work-around to the hard-coded Summon Creature spells I can think of. MAN, why didn't Bethesda just include a "summon custom creature" slot in their spell effects selection menu? It would have made this SO easy.
  2. I'm working on a summon custom creature script. Right now I have a working script that moves an actor from two set points in the world, and it works even if the actor dies first (say during combat or something). But how do I inform the script to place the actor near the player's location to allow the spell to work like the hard-coded Summon Creature spells? I'm having trouble tracking down any means of finding a "get player location" function.
  3. I'm using Blender 2.49b. I've made a simple gel cube as a prototype monster. Can anyone tell me how to export it so it works? When I try, the skeleton is completely flat, and does not animate.
  4. So I'm trying to make a Prince of Persia mod, including weapons, armor and a playable Prince race. However, my custom hair is really mussed up. The mesh shows up in game as completely black with no alpha, and it's displaced. Anyone know the reason for this?
  5. I tried this last night, but removed the doonce function because I thought it'd cause a problem. However, doing so caused the game to play, then stop for several seconds, the play for several seconds, then stop again, etc. Soooo I added the doonce function and it works fine now. Hooray! :D Thanks!
  6. So I'm trying to create my first enemy creature from scratch for Oblivion. I'm quickly learning that I have no idea what I'm doing. I exported my mesh and skeleton, and have made a simple idle animation...but it's not working in the editor. When I load it and turn on preview, nothing appears. When I open my skeleton, I see something new. Many of my bones are missing. They're present on the left, but they do not appear on the right. Also, when I attempt to load my animation into the nif to animate the skeleton, it says, "couldn't find the animation's root node (Scene Root)"
  7. I'm not sure if I understood what you said. But here's what I'm getting. I'd need a script that'd set the player skeleton path to say, "characters/eclipse/_male/skeleton.nif" I'm not very knowledgeable with scripting. I've tried using OBSE scripts in the editor before but they don't seem to work. I just tested the console command, and it worked fine. :D How may I use OBSE scripts in the editor?
  8. Could you direct me to this obse code, or share it here? I've never been able to get obse scripts to work. My knowledge of scripting in general is very lacking. I do have ideas I'd like to try, but it'd require a much greater knowledge of scripting than I have.
  9. I made a body with some exaggerated proportions. Now I'm altering animations to prevent limbs from clipping through body parts. I got my Idle standing animation to play in game. However, I don't know how to make it player-unique. Currently all NPCs stand with their arms away from their sides. Looks fine with my body, but with normal bodies, it looks uncomfortable. I've seen NPCs using unique animations before. I believe it has something to do with the animation selector in the NPC menu in the editor. I need help setting it up so I can select my animation without selecting the vanilla one too.
  10. I remember reading a rule forbidding pornographic material from being posted on oblivion.nexusmods.com. I don't know if this only applies to the image gallery, or mods, or the entire site. I'm also unsure what is meant by "pornographic material." I see many mods and images I would definitely call pornographic, but they've been up for months or years. Does this rule forbid actual photographs of real people? Is only Oblivion content allowed? I ask because I'm making a few sexy mods, and I want to upload some of them. These will include body mods with excessive proportions, sexy clothing for these bodies and other such adult-y stuff.
  11. I found this tutorial for adding custom voices. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16268 I followed it's steps exactly and had no success. When I checked the comments, I saw many people had exactly the same problem I did. Though my sound files fit the specs they require, no custom voice plays in Oblivion. I've made custom sounds work in Oblivion before, but as object sounds. It's also five years ago. Can anyone write an updated tutorial and provide some support?
  12. So I'm trying to do three things. First, I'm trying to add a knockdown feature to a weapon set I've made. I want the enemy actor to be thrown to the ground when hit. I've looked around and found a couple threads on these forums where people shared scripts and said they worked, but nothing happens in game. Edit: Just fixed this problem. Second, I want to add a custom sound to this weapon when you hit something. They're balloon-like weapons, so I want to hear a rubber squeaky toy sound when you hit something. Edit: Fixed this too. Third, I want to add a burst of confetti when an actor is hit, but I have no idea how to handle particles. I already know how to add sounds to the CS and made my weapon make a unique sound when equipped. Beyond that, I'm lost. Also, the admins still haven't fixed the formatting garbage problem.
  13. I'm having a problem with my LOD in my custom landscape. I'm trying to make this valley that's about the relative size of Nibinay Bay [spell?]. However, when I teleport to the area to see how it looks in game before adding objects [the place is completely bare at this point], I can only see two cells in any direction. In Tamriel, I can see distance mountains. My landscape is a valley surrounded on all sides by mountains. It's a bit important that they're seen. What's especially terrible is you can see the water UNDER the land extending to the horizon, while the land simply just ends. And of course, when objects are loaded, it looks so much worse because large sections of things that cover multiple cells are missing [such as only a corner of a castle showing while at a distance]. Does anybody know how to fix this?
  14. I love that phrase. I'm curious how to make environmental maps function in Oblivion. Due to some tinkering, I've discovered that my custom eyes, while they do not animate, are very shiny indeed. I have done nothing to make them shiny this way. I don't mean the same dull shininess found on armor or such, but rather a sharper glossiness found on eyes and glass objects like potion bottles. I'm assuming Oblivion has some special procession for eyes to make them shiny this way. However, all my attempts to make a custom object glossy have failed. I'm stuck with the same dull shininess of armor/weapons/etc. Does anybody know how to make environmental maps work in Oblivion?
  15. Ah ha! Fixed the problem, I think. I changed a setting to "convex hull" and "dynamic" and now my little ball sits nicely on the floor. I'll continue to test it, but I think I fixed it.
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