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About DarkeWolf

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    United States
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    Studying for my Net+ exam :(

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  1. Jashkar banned. Banned for harassment of a modder. Both in their mod thread here, and on their own personal site. Sorry we can't do anything about on your site, but this one isnt coming back here. Reference post removed. Here's a sample of your ravings for posterity. -mm
  2. DARIVS banned. Trolling in the mod upload threads. There's a negative opinion everywhere. But the mod upload threads isnt the place for it. reference post- http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/546378-karliaharmorreplacer/page__st__30__p__4442178#entry4442178
  3. sallyIgxe banned. Spambot. One more down, only 20 billion more to go....
  4. liaomingxiu banned. Spambot. Posted 3 adverts same thing over and over across different areas of the site. *Grumbles about spam grease on the Banhammer*
  5. kinggavin banned. Banned for harassment of a modder in their mod thread. You only need to state that you would like to have a console command once, maybe twice. Then when you start to get insulting towards the modder because you had to go look it up yourself, that's crossing the line. Out you go! Reference post
  6. Agreed. Enough is ENOUGH. If some of you are going to go acting like children, it's going to be time for some spankings. Be warned on that. We do NOT go throwing accusations of piracy support here on the nexus sites. AND we do NOT go sparking each other off trying to get somebody banned. Trolling is trolling and it's a sure fire way to get yourself right out the door around here. Especially you repeat offenders. Enough is enough.
  7. oops, looks like the site has lost some info in their descriptions there :( The pic uploaded for the demoness is labeled 005, so I'm Guessing that its 005. Cant say for sure tho, has been a very long time since I played DAO. Would take a look to see but I'm at my GF's house, and her lappy that I'm on has NOTHING on it that would let me check the files. :(
  8. Heyas Josh :) Well, I dunno about da2, since I havent kept up with it, but here's what I can do for you as far as dao. for the staff casting- http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1790 tho it will change it for ALL characters. Theres no way around that :( fr the desire demon armor- http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=456 (tho there is no flaming hair. to fix that takes a LOT of work, both adding models to the game, and then adding it to the character via the toolset) :( invisible staff mod- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=559 hope this kinda sorta helps :) -DW
  9. Tantalus banned. Banned by request. Due to having two accounts and becoming aware of the rule against multiple accounts, this user has requested that this account be inaccessible.
  10. I happened to be a fan of megaupload. I lost a LOT of my files when they went down. (including my online copy of my resume :verymad: ) The wait time between downloads was nice, not ungodly long! and using megakey I could get premium features for free 50% of the day. the UL speeds were ok-ish, but I always got really good DL speeds from them. Not to mention that some of the mods I'd done for people are now gone too. I used them a LOT for backups, with the 1 gig upload limits I could UL people's files before formating their machine, and then let them DL it again, after the format. I for one, am shedding a tear over it, and will sorely miss them.
  11. Hi Thomas :) Glad to help out :) Hahaha I know what you mean. When I played I used a mod called All can learn that made most of them available to all my party members. It made the game too easy tho :( Have fun, and happy gaming!
  12. Heyas Thomas :) You can add threaten to your AW via the console http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console_(Origins) (has instructions for activating the console, as well as all the cheat codes). runscript addtalent 808 is the code to add threaten. Hope this helps :)
  13. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=441 adds the item to your inventory that can be used by humans and elves. But not to a vendor :( The Winter Forge- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=122 so that you can change the bonuses and whatnot to whatever you want it to be, IN the game so you dont have to work with the toolset. ;)
  14. swmmr1928 UNbanned. Thanks for clearing up the situation in your appeal. Welcome back to the nexus! :)
  15. Mephistophilis banned. lewd commenting in the mod upload threads, suggestive of masturbation to game images. Behave like an adult and stay. Act like a child and leave. Reference post
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