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Everything posted by xxdeathknight72xx

  1. extract the sounds folder and start looking you can look at my mod for the screaming sun from rick and morty to get an idea of where to look
  2. All gamejam folders are deleted except the textures gamejam folder
  3. So I found this a while ago and didnt think much of it but with Todd Howard saying there are still secrets in the game I figure I'll let this one out. This can be found in the extracted files under textures/gamejam. Its found among other simple textures being a poster, load map, jet pack, synths and a sand texture. This Future worm texture is a 2k texture so its obviously something that was important. I cant find any other gamejam folders and looking through the code one of the whales references an explosion effect in a gamejam folder in the meshes folder which isnt there any more so I'm thinking they just forgot to delete this gamejam folder in the textures. As for the whale, I did some looking around in the assetts and there are 2 models for the whale and then there is the same model used for a dolphin. Im thinking in an update it would be possible to overwrite the "whale" now with a larger whale if that's what people are looking for all while keeping the mutated dolphins in the game with out any one noticing the nif switch. just a thought What do you guys think. http://i.imgur.com/nAUIY0Y.jpg
  4. Id love to make an Atlas from Titanfall maybe one day
  5. yeah, I've tried to use the ZModeler in zbrush but I just dont think its worth learning. I was super excited but not being able to easily add modifiers like the ffd or a proper bend deformer was a killer for me. I absolutely LOVE learning new software and new methods but that was just way too time consuming for something that I should be able to do in seconds. As for texturing, I would suggest only using photoshop for the first few months. I say this not so much as a texturing exercise but as a UV exercise. (what do you mean?) - forcing yourself to texture 2D will make you think of the projects future. as you model you will think of proper edge flow and where the best place to cut your seams will be to get the most out of your UV space. it will also teach you proper UVing. instead of just doing an auto map and being able to just paint right over your seams you'll be forced to, again, make more technical minded decisions and fill your uv space properly rather than having fractured uv islands just splatted in your 0-1 space. maybe that's just me, learn the hard way first so you have a better understanding and if I go to a studio that doesnt have substance or zbrush they will almost always at least have photoshop or another photo editor like it. as for substance designer, that is more for tiling textures and its a lot more technical. its just a shiiiiit load of nodes strewn together. Im into that but idk how you feel about node based scripting and editing
  6. For starting out I would suggest Max for modeling Zbrush for sculpting Maya for animating Photoshop for Texturing Xnormal for baking Unity as engine of choice Those are the most user friendly weapons of choice for those uses in my opinion. Yes, max can rig and animate but it is a pain in the ass compared to maya believe me. Another reason I suggest you start with those is because you more than likely arent going to break into a large studio that will have the money for Substance Painter/Designer, DDO, Knald . . . I suggest starting out in unity because it is such a user friendly engine and there are years upon years of documentation and there are a s#*! load of people that are willing to help. Though Unreal has technically been out for a while it has made a huge shift from 3 to 4 and though it has a lot of technical doccumentation it honestly is very artist friendly in my eyes. The only thing Unreal has over unity is that it has node based scripting built in but you can download packages for unity that do the same thing in a much friendlier way. I started with UDK years ago and moved into 4 once it came out but lately Ive been fiding myself using unity more and more get Unity and get your hands on Shader forge and Playmaker once you are ready to start implementing start making games :D
  7. when UVing you need to try to use as much space in the 0-1 as possible to get the most resolution out of your maps but you want to keep the texel density consonant here is a quick image showing my M4 body and mag, highlighted in yellow are the most useful tools when UVing. If I have time later I'll explain upon what I mean in the statement above. http://i.imgur.com/fxfB3UP.jpg
  8. posted the mod here http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9541/?
  9. this what your looking for :D worked the on my first shot, just gotta switch up the sounds and damage http://i.imgur.com/gpPFn0B.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/VHIN7EI.jpg
  10. hey guys, just saw this being bumped I told Wildsamich already but I figured I'd let everyone know I uploaded it to the bottom of my mods page on my website, I will be making an actual mod for the nexus later tonight so if you dont want to make a file path for it yourself just hang in there you can get to my site by clicking "personal work" below and heading over to my FO4 mods page
  11. I know its doable, Ive done it with my swordsplosion mod maybe I'll dabble with it this weekend if I have time
  12. that's too funny, I just made a wearable deathclaw head and yao guai head Wearable Yao Guai Head Wearable Deathclaw Head
  13. yeah, you can get meshes in using the 3ds max plugin to export a FO4 nif then use nifskope to do what you need to do to get it working and bring it into the game. I've gotten both armor and weapons in but if you want anything special you'll need to script it yourself or wait for the CK
  14. yeah, I install all of my mods into a folder labeled "xxdeathknight72xxMODS" for convenience on both ends as for the art work, I sometimes add a little something just incase there is any discrepancy
  15. Does anyone know how to convert an NiTriShape to a BSTriShape or copy the tri data between the two at least?
  16. ooohhhhhhh I see even still, that was a b&@*$ to figure out going in blind lmao
  17. SOLVED WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT I'll put together a quick tutorial about it all but that was it After looking over everything COUNTLESS f***ing times I finally found a pattern and yet there is NO f***ing METHOD TO THAT MADNESS BETH I'm not sure about all weapons and it doesnt really matter for those with actual ammo BUT for grenades it seems that it calls on its projectile in the FNAM field I've known this for a few days but couldnt figure out how it was calling. Its obviously hex but Ive tried converting everything into dec,ascii and . . . everything else just to see where its grabbing its information but to no avail. IT WAS RIGHT INFRONT OF MY DAMN FACE THE WHOLE TIME ONLY, get this f***ing BACKWARDS!?!?!?!?!?! So the ending sequence of numbers in the FNAM hex sequence is the backwards FORM ID number So if you make a new grenade based off of the frag and a new projectile youre looking for these numbers WEAP FNAM : 33 33 33 3F CD CC CC 3D 9A 99 99 3E 9A 99 19 3E CA 54 15 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3E 01 4E 57 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 PROJ FORM ID: 01000804 the original frag projectile FORM ID is 000E574E . . . yeah . . . that s*** right there man so you take your FORM ID from your own projectile, this example is 01000804, split it into "hex" 01 00 08 04 then reverse the chunks 04 08 00 01 now place that into the WEAP FNAM hex sequence 33 33 33 3F CD CC CC 3D 9A 99 99 3E 9A 99 19 3E CA 54 15 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3E 01 04 08 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 now your grenade will be reading your personal projectile and act as it should HOLY HELL THAT TOOK FOREVER TO FIGURE OUT f*#@ing backwards form id number broken into chunks to look like hex then placed into an actual sting of hex Sneaky sneaky Bethesda I do like a challenge though so THANKS BETHESDA :D
  18. ITS f***ing BACKWARDS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been pulling my damn hair out over this and its right infront of me this entire god damn time . . . I think I have to run out real quick but once I get home I'm gonna be all over this conspiracy of the backwards hex projectile code I hope to god I'm not just grasping at straws and looking for any sort of pattern . . . We'll see :/
  19. I know I use FO4Edit to place my containers into the world and I have seen just about everything in there from props and setdressing to decals so Try the world tab in FO4Edit and see if you can find anything in there.
  20. Big or small, if a mod is awesome and I enjoy it I'll endorse it regardless of its size and the effort it took to make. I totally understand where you're coming from, I wish my mods could shine a bit brighter but it's not your place to tell people what to do . . . that's just bad mod sportsmanship so to say
  21. Has anyone figured out how to copy any type of grenade into a new record and have it read its own projectile. There is no ammo used so each grenade weapon type must read its projectile directly but i cant figure it out. I assume its down at the bottom hex code in the FNAM, I'll test later tonight. I would like to figure this out soon so my mirelurk eggs dont have to take over the frag grenades and my queen wont take over the beacon grenades.
  22. only one I've seen is from Invalidfate and he is pretty tight lipped about it : P
  23. I made it for ya have fun yo Swan's Axe
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