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Everything posted by wilson212

  1. Hey guys, I did a fresh install this morning, added only F4SE... Game still crashes after 3 or 4 seconds when running through the f4se_loader.exe. The game runs fine of course through the Fallout4.exe
  2. Hello everyone, I am feeling quite frustrated at the moment because after a 3-week break from playing Fallout 4, my game has decided it does not want to run under F4SE anymore. I installed the latest version of F4SE in mid September for the 1.10.26 update, and everything was working fine. Today however, I went to launch my game and after 5 or so seconds, my game crashes with minimal information in the logs. I have tried disabling all of my mods and running a "vanilla" version, and it still does not work. I should mention however that I can run the game without F4SE just fine, mods or no mods. I am also using the ENB for fallout 4, but it loads just fine when running the game normally (no f4se). I also ran a validation on local files and everything returned OK. Can anyone help me get my game running with f4se please? Crash information: f4se.log f4se_loader.log: f4se_steam_loader.log:
  3. Hey everyone! I've been working on a mod that improves the magic in Skyrim a bit. I'm a pure mage at heart was a little let down by the magic in Skyrim a bit, while the visuals are nice, it was just alot more efficient to chop things down with a sword, bow, or even daggers. I've been working on this mod off and on now for the last 2 years, but as of late, ive made considerable progress, and am close to having a release http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png SO lets talk about some of the changes i have made to the magic system.... In my opinion, destruction needs to cost less magicka... plain and simple, at lower levels, you cant spare any magicka for other schools with out going OOM, and that doesn't change much as you level. My vision for this system is destruction spells being extremely cheap and a non-issue to cast... Essentially, your magicka should be used for the extremely powerful destruction spells, or spells from other schools that assist you in battle. The way i plan to combat this, is to make the magicka cost of your destruction spells much lower, and remove the cost scaling that was based on destruction level. Destruction Destruction in my opinion, was a little underwhelming to say the least, as well as slightly boring to play. Of all the changes i have made thus far, destruction has received the biggest, and most changes. Destruction spell damage for all spells now scales, based on how many points you have invested into Magicka (Actual damage scale is based on different Magicka break points), smoothing your damage output, as well as keeping you viable at higher levels.Novice, Apprentice, and Adept level spells now scale up to 100% additional BASE damage, allowing them to be viable spells at all levels. Adept spells have their base damage halved, to prevent them from being too powerful, and doing slightly less single target damage over the Apprentice level bolts.Rune Master perk has been replaced with a new perk called "Chaotic Energy", which is un-lockable at 50 destruction (See "Chaotic Energy" Section below). Runes can now passively be placed up to 50 feet (up from 20)The impact perk causes now stagger to occur 25% of the time in apprentice spells, 50% of the time in adept spellsReduced Rune cost significantly, as they were too expensive, and not worth casting in combat. The base damage of runes have been greatly reduced, but scale in damage appropriately now. Additionally, runes now provide a second "Crowd Control" effect (Frost rune freezes, Fire Rune staggers, Shock Rune disarms).The Augmented Element perks now add only 15% damage per rank (Down from 25) to prevent damage scaling too high.Cloak spells are now togglable, and last until cancelled. They also now provide 20% resistance to their respective elementReduced the base magicka cost of Master level spells, as well as reducing cast time to 2 seconds (Down from 3)Disintegrate, Deep Freeze, and Intense flames perks will be getting overhauled to something much better, but i haven't quite come up with what i want them to do just yet. As it stands right now, my head is in a place that the effects will be a powerful secondary effect for expert level spells that are cast while empowered by Chaotic Energy. Chaotic Energy Chaotic energy is a new resource, that can be unlocked with a perk at 50 or higher destruction, that builds up as you cast Adept and Apprentice level destruction spells. There is a new resource bar on the screen that can be fully customized, moved, or even disabled if you wish, that displays the current level of chaotic energy. SO what does this new resource do? Well it provides your character a few benefits based on how much energy you have. Your apprentice and adept level spells add 20 energy per cast (capping at 120), while your expert and master level spells consume energy. At 20, 60, and 100 chaotic energy respectively, destruction spell damage is increased, and magicka cost is reduced of your Apprentice, Adept and Master spells by 10% (30% at 100 energy). Cast time is reduced on Master level spells by .5 seconds at these break points as well. Casting a master level spell will consume up to 100 Chaotic energy.Once you have at least 60 energy, your Expert level missile spells (Incinerate, IcySpear, Thunderbolt) become empowered, increasing their damage, and reducing cost by 50%, but consumes 60 chaotic energy (Half of the max amount). Added a new lesser power spell that equips in the voice slot, that when used, upgrades the spells in your hands to the Expert level equivalent (example: Firebolt gets upgraded to Incinerate). Recasting this ability restores the spells you had in your hands the you had previously. This power is to help streamline the process of Generating and Consuming Chaotic power without breaking combat immersion by having to constantly stop the game to equip your burn spells, and then again to swap back Alteration The alteration school was a little bland in my opinion, and was also missing some classic TES spells. So i have taken the liberty to also show this school some love. Flesh armor spells are now togglable, last until cancelled, and properly dispel any previous flesh spells on the actor.Candle Light spell is now togglableAdded new Unlock locks spell, which scales based on your alteration level.Added new "Feather" spell, which increases your carry weight for 5 minutes.Added a new Master level spell called "Alter Time", that can be cast just once a day. This spell allows you to slow time to a crawl for 10 seconds. Conjuration For the most part, i feel like Conjuration school was pretty well done compared to the other schools Duration of all summons increased automatically based on skillFixed "Storm Thrall" spell so that it actually summons a Storm Thrall instead of Storm Atronach. It is now a ritual spell as well.Doubled the duration for necromancy spells. Not only do they provide insane levels of skill ups, but i felt the duration wasn't very longBound weapon damage is scaled based on your invested magicka (See Destruction description) Please note that this mod is still a work in progress. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions, so throw them at me http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
  4. Im trying to make a mod that adds a meter to the game hud, displaying a percentage of something much like the health bar, or the Wetness bar in frostfall for example... I cant find ANY decent tutorials on how to do this at all. I have bits and pieces on how to do such a thing, for example i know i need to create a quest, attach a script extending the SKI_WidgetBase script and all of that... but what about this meter.swf thing i need? cant find that or any information about it anywhere. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
  5. Im creating a mod that is going to add a small meter on the game HUD... the only issue is, i can't extend the required SKI_MeterWidget script because it doesn't exist! Ive downloaded the SDK from here (https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki) and it doesnt contain the script either... so where am i supposed to get this damn thing at? Please help EDIT: Ive been trying to use this tutorial: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/Mardoxx_Sandbox
  6. What i have come up with so far (and have began coding) is this: You build up your stacks of Incanter's Flow with your Adept and lower spells Expert and Master spells cannot be cast unless you have at least 1 stack of Incanter's flow As long as you have at least 1 stack, you can cast an Expert (missile) OR a master level spell, to consume the Stacks, providing a huge buff to the playerIf used on an expert level spell, Damage is increased for your expert spells by 20% per stack, and Magicka cost reduced by 20% per stack as well for 5 seconds (burn phase)If used on a Master level storm spell, Damage is increased (and cost reduced) by 20% per stack, and MAYBE reduce cast time by .5 seconds per stack (still thinking about this one) Thats what i have so far. Your Adept and lower level spells will scale and will be a staple in your gameplay until the end of days, but they can be used to setup big bursts of damage using the Expert and Master level spells. All opinions and suggestions are welcome :D
  7. I'm currently working on a magic mod that allows your Destruction Spells to scale based on the amount of points you put into Magicka, as well as a few other factors. I have run into a small issue though, and that is... What do i do with the Expert level spells that mimic their Apprentice counter parts? I've replaced the "Impact" perk with a new perk called "Incanter's Flow" which increases your spell damage (and reduces cost) by 10% for each destruction spell cast, stacking up to 3 times. I've considered using some kind of combo system, which would allow you to "spend" these incanter stacks on the Expert level spells, which would do considerably more damage then the apprentice spells... but i'm not sure if that's really balanced or not. Plus, having to tie spells into needing a perk to even be worth casting?? What are your opinions? I'm open to any and all suggestions :smile: . I just want magic to scale better then it does in vanilla, and I really believe I've developed a formula to do so, but the question remains... what should i do with the expert level spells?
  8. Im currently in the process of making a mod for destruction. Essentially, you select a perk, and what this perk does is, when a destruction spell is cast, it increase the damage of the next destruction spell you cast by X%. My question is, i cant get this script to recieve an "OnSpellCast" event when attatched to the perk itself... So where can i attach this script too? Do i have to attach my script to every spell? Here is my script so far. Scriptname ARC_IncantersFlowScript extends ReferenceAlias Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) Debug.Notification("A spell was cast") endEvent When ever i cast a spell, i never receive the notification that a spell was cast.
  9. As the title states, how do i get the players base health (Before any damage, enchantments, and fortify health spells) in Papyrus? From my understanding, using Actor.GetActorValue("health") returns the current health of the player yes including any damage and fortify spells? Essentially my mod is trying to determine how many points were spent in leveling the players health.
  10. Well, I dont want any explosions to happen :laugh: ... But this is fantastically detailed. I will play around with the details you described and see if i can get this working. Thanks a bunch Xander! EDIT: After a quick look in the CK, i notice that when placing a rune, its not actually creating any explosions at all (Nothing selected under "Explosion" in the magic effect window). Do I still need to create an explosion so i can summon the Xmarker? Also, what kind of magic effect Arch type should this be? Spawn scripted ref ?
  11. Hey everyone, I'm working on a new spell called "Rune of teleportation". What i would like to see happen is that you place a rune on the floor, and when you cast a certain spell, it teleports the player to that rune's location. Is this possible? and If so, how would i go about doing? It would be simple if i used a static object, but in this case we are using something entirely different. Any and all help will be much appreciated!
  12. The Dragon Hide spells resists 80% of all physical damage... Looking in the CK, this spell uses "DamageResist" Peak Value Modifier, so my guess would be just physical damage
  13. Well, i had forgot to mention in my OP that the Rune Master perk will double the damage of runes, essentially making the damage equal to vanilla runes, but at 1/3 the cost, and the added CC effect :smile: . But, as a low level mage, having access to that much damage is alittle OP for an apprentice skill. That is indeed true, aggro'ing more hostiles is not good! I could definitely look into removing the Fear effect... But then i would have to give flames some other effect :smile:
  14. Hey folks! I've been wanting to balance out the magic in Skyrim for a VERY long time. I think magic in skyrim is too weak at times, and too strong at other times. So i finally started working on my mod, and her is my ideas and what ive dont so far: Runes: Runes, plainly put, are too powerful, especially as an apprentice spell, and on top of that, they cost WAY to much magicka to even be considered whilst in combat. My solution, is to reduce the cost of the runes, as well as the damage they produce. On top of that, i decided to add secondary effects to the runes. Frost runes, now freeze opponents in place for 6 seconds, or until damaged, much like the Ice Form voice power. Fire runes stagger everyone within 30 feet of the explosion, and shock runes paralyze everyone within 30 feet of the explosion for 1 second. Cloaks: Cloaks are one of the most useless spells in the game imo. As a mage, especially at higher levels, don't want opponents within melee range of you. My solution? I decided that while active, these cloaks should provide some resistance to its magic school. Additionally, as an added incentive to use the cloak, Spells that you cast from that school do slightly more damage, and cost less magicka to cast. I also felt that cloak damage does slightly too much... so i reduced the damage from 8 to 5 points per second, but i allow cloaks to receive bonus damage from perks. Impact Perk: Lol, this perk is way overpowered. Stunlocking is kind of ridiculous. My solution is to give impact a chance to proc, instead of a guaranteed chance. Intense Flames, Deep Freeze, and Disintegrate Perks: These perks are crap. They only affect targets below 15% health.. THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD at that point! Useless, Useless, Useless. My Solution? Intense flames, and Deep Freeze perks no longer activate automatically when the target is below 15%. Instead, These perks now offer a chance for its effect to activate, no matter the health value of the target, and the Disintegrate perk now has a 10% chance to disintegrate targets that have less than 75% health. Flesh armor spells: The only issue i have with flesh armor spells, is the fact that they don't last very long. I have fixed that in this mod, allowing them to last for 5 minutes at a time. But, I've also made flesh spells cost a sustained magikca cost. For example, Oakflesh will last 5 minutes when cast, but reduces the amount of magicka you have available to cast spells by 15. Wards: Wards are too expensive and slow imo. They take a lot of magicka to sustain, and since they have to charge before they absorb any damage, it makes it hard to stop a spell from doing damage or staggering you. My Solution? I decided to cut the charge time of wards by 50%, making it much more possible to stop a spell (this also affects AI mages!). On top of that, i reduced the amount of magicka needed to sustain the shield. Final Notes: Below, I'm going to list all the changes I've made so far. I would really enjoy to listen you your feedback and ideas :cool:
  15. How exactly do you get the position of the invisible actor? Specifically im asking, once you summon something... How do you get its location exactly?
  16. Im currently making a modification for mages, that enhances the destruction mages damage output to better match the damage of other melee class types. Please cast your vote, or leave a comment stating your ideas :thumbsup: , on which you think it would be best on how to do it. Im not trying to make mages overpowered, just trying to make them scale alittle better for higher levels
  17. So far i have found a few things such as: adding a third level to the fire/frost/lightning specialization perks, which goes to 75% damage increase over the default 50%. Changed the dual casting damage / cost from 220% / 280% to 250% / 275% Increased the magicka regen in combat from 33% to 50%. But these are mostly just increasing the damage from the destruction tree. Most settings are just tweeks to the Creation Kit -> Gameplay -> settings screen. Things i would like to do but dont know how yet: Increase destruction damage of expert / master level spells based on player level (Would be nice but not really a big deal to have) Increase Rune base damage based on Destruction skill level All help is appreciated as well as suggestions (as this might be released on tesnexus)
  18. Hey everyone, Today i decided i was going to create a new mod for skyrim, that fixes the damage scaling issue with Magic. Basically i want to make the mod improve destruction damage based on player level and how many skill points the player has spent in destruction etc etc. From what i understand from all the tutorials ive read / seen, is that I will need to create a papyrus script to do this? Can anyone point me in the right direction to create such a script? I am very familiar with coding and oop, i have experience with JS, php, C# and python, so im not new to coding :thumbsup: . Any and all help is very much appreciated!
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